DocParagraph ============ A :class:`~timApp.documentmodel.docparagraph.DocParagraph` has the following basic properties: * markdown content (md) * identifier (id) * attributes (attrs) * hash (t) Markdown content ---------------- Markdown content is currently Pandoc flavour with some customizations. For Pandoc documentation, see for more information. Customizations .............. TODO Identifier ---------- The identifier is a random alphanumeric string of length 12. The last character is a checksum of the first 11 ones to prevent accidental modification of the identifier. Attributes ---------- A paragraph can have any user-defined attributes. Certain attributes have a reserved meaning. An attribute can be either a key-value pair (`x=y`) or a class name (`.name`). The attribute `taskId=something` has a shorthand syntax `#something`. It can be regarded as a user-defined identifier, so the name `taskId` does not perfectly describe all of its use cases. The special attributes are the following: * `rd`: The paragraph is a reference to another paragraph or section, usually in a different document. The HTML content for the paragraph is retrieved from the referenced paragraph (unless this is a non-empty translated paragraph; see the `tr` attribute). When specified, this attribute must be accompanied with `ra` or `rp` attribute, but not both. Value = id of the referenced document. * `ra`: The paragraph is a reference to a named section. Value = the name of the area in the referenced document. * `rp`: The paragraph is a reference to a paragraph. Value = the id of the paragraph. in the referenced document. * `rt`: The hash of the referenced paragraph. This is valid only when rd and rp are defined. * `rl`: If defined, either `force` or `no`. If `force`, a link to the source paragraph is rendered in the document view. * `r`: If defined, either `c` or `tr`. The value `tr` denotes this is a translated paragraph, and the `rp` and `rd` attributes identify the source paragraph. * `settings` : The paragraph contains the settings of a document. Currently this must be the first paragraph of the document. The value of this attribute is not used. * `plugin` : The paragraph contains a plugin. Value = the type of the plugin. * `.nonumber` : Any headings contained in the paragraph should not be autonumbered. * `question` : The paragraph is a question. The markdown content is a YAML block containing the question data. Value = ??? Hash ---- The hash of the paragraph is based on the markdown content and the attribute values.