timApp.answer package
timApp.answer package#
timApp.answer.answer module#
- class timApp.answer.answer.Answer(**kwargs)[source]#
An answer to a task.
- annotations#
- answered_on#
Answer timestamp.
- content#
Answer content.
- property content_as_json: dict#
- property has_many_collaborators: bool#
- id#
Answer identifier.
- last_points_modifier#
The UserGroup who modified the points last. Null if the points have been given by the task automatically.
- origin_doc_id#
The document in which the answer was saved
- property parsed_task_id: timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId#
- plugin_type: timApp.plugin.plugintype.PluginType | None#
- plugin_type_id#
Plugin type the answer was saved on
- points#
- saver#
- task_id#
Task id to which this answer was posted. In the form “doc_id.name”, for example “2.task1”.
- property task_name: str#
- uploads#
- users#
- users_all#
- valid#
Whether this answer is valid.
timApp.answer.answer_models module#
- class timApp.answer.answer_models.AnswerTag(**kwargs)[source]#
Tags for an Answer.
TODO: Answer should be a Block and the tags would then come from the tag table.
- answer_id#
- id#
- tag#
timApp.answer.answers module#
- class timApp.answer.answers.AgeOptions(value)[source]#
An enumeration.
- ALL = 'all'#
- MAX = 'max'#
- MIN = 'min'#
- class timApp.answer.answers.AllAnswersOptions(period: timApp.util.answerutil.PeriodOptions = <PeriodOptions.WHENEVER: 'whenever'>, period_from: datetime.datetime | None = None, period_to: datetime.datetime | None = None, group: str | None = None, age: timApp.answer.answers.AgeOptions = <AgeOptions.MAX: 'max'>, valid: timApp.answer.answers.ValidityOptions = <ValidityOptions.VALID: '1'>, name: timApp.answer.answers.NameOptions = <NameOptions.BOTH: 'both'>, sort: timApp.answer.answers.SortOptions = <SortOptions.TASK: 'task'>, format: timApp.answer.answers.FormatOptions = <FormatOptions.TEXT: 'text'>, consent: timApp.user.user.Consent | None = None, print: timApp.answer.answers.AnswerPrintOptions = <AnswerPrintOptions.ALL: 'all'>, salt: str | None = None, salt_len: int = 32)[source]#
- age: timApp.answer.answers.AgeOptions = 'max'#
- consent: timApp.user.user.Consent | None = None#
- format: timApp.answer.answers.FormatOptions = 'text'#
- group: str | None = None#
- name: timApp.answer.answers.NameOptions = 'both'#
- print: timApp.answer.answers.AnswerPrintOptions = 'all'#
- salt: str | None = None#
- salt_len: int = 32#
- sort: timApp.answer.answers.SortOptions = 'task'#
- valid: timApp.answer.answers.ValidityOptions = '1'#
- class timApp.answer.answers.AnswerPrintOptions(value)[source]#
An enumeration.
- ALL = 'all'#
- ANSWERS = 'answers'#
- ANSWERS_NO_LINE = 'answersnoline'#
- HEADER = 'header'#
- KORPPI = 'korppi'#
- class timApp.answer.answers.ExistingAnswersInfo(latest_answer: timApp.answer.answer.Answer | None, count: int)[source]#
- count: int#
- latest_answer: timApp.answer.answer.Answer | None#
- class timApp.answer.answers.FormatOptions(value)[source]#
An enumeration.
- JSON = 'json'#
- TEXT = 'text'#
- class timApp.answer.answers.NameOptions(value)[source]#
An enumeration.
- ANON = 'anonymous'#
- BOTH = 'both'#
- PSEUDO = 'pseudonym'#
- USERNAME = 'username'#
- class timApp.answer.answers.ResultGroup[source]#
- link: bool#
- linktext: str#
- task_sum: float | None#
- text: str#
- total_sum: float | None#
- velp_sum: float | None#
- class timApp.answer.answers.SortOptions(value)[source]#
An enumeration.
- TASK = 'task'#
- USERNAME = 'username'#
- class timApp.answer.answers.SumFields[source]#
- task_sum: float | None#
- total_sum: float | None#
- velp_sum: float | None#
- class timApp.answer.answers.UserPointGroup[source]#
- task_sum: float | None#
- tasks: list[timApp.answer.answers.UserTaskEntry]#
- total_sum: float | None#
- velp_sum: float | None#
- velped_task_count: int#
- class timApp.answer.answers.UserPointInfo[source]#
- groups: DefaultDict[str, timApp.answer.answers.UserPointGroup]#
- task_sum: float | None#
- total_sum: float | None#
- velp_sum: float | None#
- class timApp.answer.answers.UserPoints[source]#
- groups: dict[str, timApp.answer.answers.ResultGroup]#
- task_count: int#
- task_points: float | None#
- total_points: float | None#
- user: timApp.user.user.User#
- velp_points: float | None#
- velped_task_count: int#
- class timApp.answer.answers.UserTaskEntry[source]#
- task_count: int#
- task_id: str#
- task_points: float | None#
- total_points: float | None#
- user: timApp.user.user.User#
- velp_points: float | None#
- velped_task_count: int#
- class timApp.answer.answers.ValidityOptions(value)[source]#
An enumeration.
- ALL = 'all'#
- INVALID = '0'#
- VALID = '1'#
- timApp.answer.answers.add_missing_users_from_group(result: list, usergroup: timApp.user.usergroup.UserGroup) list [source]#
- timApp.answer.answers.flatten_points_result(rule: timApp.answer.pointsumrule.PointSumRule, rule_groups: dict[str, timApp.answer.pointsumrule.Group], result: DefaultDict[int, timApp.answer.answers.UserPointInfo], task_counts: dict[int, int], user_map: dict[int, timApp.user.user.User]) list[timApp.answer.answers.UserPoints] [source]#
- timApp.answer.answers.get_all_answer_initial_query(period_from: datetime.datetime, period_to: datetime.datetime, task_ids: list[timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId], valid: timApp.answer.answers.ValidityOptions) sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query [source]#
- timApp.answer.answers.get_all_answers(task_ids: list[timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId], options: timApp.answer.answers.AllAnswersOptions) list[str] | list[dict] [source]#
Gets all answers to the specified tasks.
- Parameters
task_ids – The ids of the tasks to get answers for.
options – The options for getting and printing the answers.
- timApp.answer.answers.get_existing_answers_info(users: list[timApp.user.user.User], task_id: timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId) timApp.answer.answers.ExistingAnswersInfo [source]#
- timApp.answer.answers.get_latest_answers_query(task_id: timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId, users: list[timApp.user.user.User]) sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query [source]#
- timApp.answer.answers.get_latest_valid_answers_query(task_id: timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId, users: list[timApp.user.user.User]) sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query [source]#
- timApp.answer.answers.get_points_by_rule(rule: timApp.answer.pointsumrule.PointSumRule | None, task_ids: list[timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId], user_ids: Optional[list[int]] = None, answer_filter: Optional[Any] = None, force_user: Optional[timApp.user.user.User] = None) list[timApp.answer.answers.UserPoints] | list[timApp.answer.answers.UserTaskEntry] [source]#
Computes the point sum from given tasks according to the given point rule.
- Parameters
force_user – Whether to force at least one result user if the result would be empty otherwise.
answer_filter – Optional additional filter for answers.
rule – The points rule.
task_ids – The list of task ids to consider.
user_ids – The list of users for which to compute the sum.
- Returns
The computed result.
- timApp.answer.answers.get_users_for_tasks(task_ids: list[timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId], user_ids: Optional[list[int]] = None, group_by_user: bool = True, group_by_doc: bool = False, answer_filter: Optional[Any] = None) list[timApp.answer.answers.UserTaskEntry] [source]#
- timApp.answer.answers.is_redundant_answer(content: str, existing_answers: timApp.answer.answers.ExistingAnswersInfo, ptype: timApp.plugin.plugintype.PluginTypeBase | None, valid: bool) bool [source]#
- timApp.answer.answers.round_if_not_none(num: Optional[timApp.answer.answers.T], digits: int = 2) Optional[timApp.answer.answers.T] [source]#
- timApp.answer.answers.save_answer(users: list[timApp.user.user.User], task_id: timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId, content: Any, points: float | None, tags: Optional[list[str]] = None, valid: bool = True, points_given_by: Optional[int] = None, force_save: bool = False, saver: Optional[timApp.user.user.User] = None, plugintype: Optional[timApp.plugin.plugintype.PluginTypeLazy] = None, max_content_len: Optional[int] = None, origin: Optional[timApp.document.viewcontext.OriginInfo] = None) timApp.answer.answer.Answer | None [source]#
Saves an answer to the database.
- Parameters
max_content_len – Maximum length for answer content.
plugintype – The plugin type.
saver – Who saved the answer.
points_given_by – The usergroup id who gave the points, or None if they were given by a plugin.
tags – Tags for the answer.
valid – Whether the answer is considered valid (e.g. sent before deadline, etc.)
users – The users to which the answer belongs.
task_id – The id of the task.
content – The content of the answer.
points – Points for the task.
force_save – Whether to force to save the answer even if the latest existing answer has the same content.
origin – If known, the document from which the answer was sent.
- timApp.answer.answers.sum_and_round(generator: Generator[timApp.answer.answers.T, None, None], digits: int = 2) Optional[timApp.answer.answers.T] [source]#
- timApp.answer.answers.valid_answers_query(task_ids: list[timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId]) sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query [source]#
- timApp.answer.answers.valid_taskid_filter(task_ids: list[timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId]) sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query [source]#
timApp.answer.backup module#
- timApp.answer.backup.save_answer_backup(answer: timApp.answer.exportedanswer.ExportedAnswer, secret: str) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
- timApp.answer.backup.send_answer_backup_if_enabled(a: timApp.answer.answer.Answer) None [source]#
- timApp.answer.backup.sync_user_group_memberships_if_enabled(user: timApp.user.user.User) None [source]#
timApp.answer.exportedanswer module#
- class timApp.answer.exportedanswer.ExportedAnswer(content: str, email: str, points: int | float | None, task: str, time: datetime.datetime, valid: bool, doc: str, host: str | None = None)[source]#
- content: str#
- doc: str#
- email: str#
- host: str | None = None#
- points: int | float | None#
- task: str#
- time: datetime.datetime#
- valid: bool#
timApp.answer.feedbackanswer module#
- timApp.answer.feedbackanswer.compile_csv(qq: typing.Iterable[tuple[timApp.answer.answer.Answer, timApp.user.user.User]], printname: bool, hide_names: bool, exp_answers: str, s_user: [<class 'str'>], dec: str)[source]#
Compile data into more csv friendly form.
- Parameters
qq – List of Tuples containing Answers and Users.
printname – Parameter whether to show full name.
hide_names – Parameter whether to show users anonymously.
exp_answers – Parameter for filtering users.
s_user – Visible users with first one always being the selected user.
dec – Format for the decimal separator.
- Returns
Returns test results as list.
- timApp.answer.feedbackanswer.get_all_feedback_answers(task_ids: list[timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId], hide_names: bool, printname: bool, valid: str, exp_answers: str, users: list[str], period_from: datetime.datetime, period_to: datetime.datetime, dec: str)[source]#
Get feedback answer results.
- Parameters
task_ids – List of task ids.
hide_names – Parameter for whether to show users anonymously.
printname – Parameter for whether to show full name.
valid – Parameter for validity filter; “0”, “1”, “all”.
exp_answers – Parameter for filtering users.
users – List of visible users with selected user always first.
period_from – The minimum answering time for answers.
period_to – The maximum answering time for answers.
dec – Format for the decimal separator.
- Returns
Compiled list of test results.
timApp.answer.pointsumrule module#
- class timApp.answer.pointsumrule.CountModel(best: int | None = None, worst: int | None = None)[source]#
- best: int | None = None#
- worst: int | None = None#
- class timApp.answer.pointsumrule.PointCountMethod(value)[source]#
Point count method for scoreboard.
- latest = 1#
- max = 2#
- class timApp.answer.pointsumrule.PointSumRule(data: dict)[source]#
- get_groups(task_ids: Optional[list[timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId]] = None) dict[str, timApp.answer.pointsumrule.Group] [source]#
- class timApp.answer.pointsumrule.PointSumRuleModel(count: timApp.answer.pointsumrule.CountModel = CountModel(best=9999, worst=None), scoreboard: timApp.answer.pointsumrule.ScoreboardOptions = ScoreboardOptions(groups=[]), include_groupless: bool = False, point_count_method: timApp.answer.pointsumrule.PointCountMethod = <PointCountMethod.latest: 1>)[source]#
- count: timApp.answer.pointsumrule.CountModel = CountModel(best=9999, worst=None)#
- include_groupless: bool = False#
- point_count_method: timApp.answer.pointsumrule.PointCountMethod = 1#
- scoreboard: timApp.answer.pointsumrule.ScoreboardOptions = ScoreboardOptions(groups=[])#
timApp.answer.routes module#
Answer-related routes.
- class timApp.answer.routes.AnswerRouteResult(result: dict[str, Any], plugin: timApp.plugin.plugin.Plugin)[source]#
- plugin: timApp.plugin.plugin.Plugin#
- result: dict[str, Any]#
- class timApp.answer.routes.FieldInfo(data: dict[str, Union[str, float, NoneType]], aliases: dict[str, str], fieldnames: list[str], graphdata: timApp.answer.routes.GraphData)[source]#
- aliases: dict[str, str]#
- data: dict[str, Union[str, float, NoneType]]#
- fieldnames: list[str]#
- graphdata: timApp.answer.routes.GraphData#
- class timApp.answer.routes.FieldSaveRequest[source]#
- allowMissing: bool | None#
- createMissingUsers: bool | None#
- groups: timApp.answer.routes.JsrunnerGroups | None#
- ignoreMissing: bool | None#
- missingUsers: Optional[Any]#
- savedata: list[timApp.answer.routes.FieldSaveUserEntry] | None#
- class timApp.answer.routes.FieldSaveResult(users_created: list[timApp.user.user.User] = <factory>, users_missing: list[timApp.user.user.UserInfo] = <factory>, fields_changed: int = 0, fields_unchanged: int = 0, fields_ignored: int = 0)[source]#
- fields_changed: int = 0#
- fields_ignored: int = 0#
- fields_unchanged: int = 0#
- users_created: list[timApp.user.user.User]#
- users_missing: list[timApp.user.user.UserInfo]#
- class timApp.answer.routes.FieldSaveUserEntry[source]#
- fields: dict[str, str]#
- user: int#
- class timApp.answer.routes.GraphData[source]#
- data: list[str | float | None]#
- labels: list[str]#
- class timApp.answer.routes.JsRunnerAnswerModel(input: timApp.answer.routes.JsRunnerInputModel, ref_from: timApp.answer.routes.RefFrom | None = None, abData: dict[str, typing.Any] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>)[source]#
- abData: dict[str, Any] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- ref_from: timApp.answer.routes.RefFrom | None = None#
- class timApp.answer.routes.JsRunnerInputModel(nosave: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, userNames: list[str] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, paramComps: dict[str, str] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, includeUsers: timApp.util.get_fields.MembershipFilter | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>)[source]#
- includeUsers: timApp.util.get_fields.MembershipFilter | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- nosave: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- paramComps: dict[str, str] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- userNames: list[str] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- class timApp.answer.routes.JsRunnerMarkupModel(accessDuration: int | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, accessEndText: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, anonymous: bool | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, answerLimit: int | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, automd: bool | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, buttonNewTask: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, cache: bool | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, deadline: Union[tim_common.markupmodels.PluginDateTime, datetime.datetime, NoneType, marshmallow.utils._Missing] = <marshmallow.missing>, fields: list[str] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, floatHeader: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, floatSize: tuple[int, int] | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, header: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, headerText: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, hideBrowser: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing | None = <marshmallow.missing>, initNewAnswer: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, lazy: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, maxHeight: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, minHeight: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, pointsRule: tim_common.markupmodels.PointsRule | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, pointsText: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, postprogram: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, postoutput: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, showPoints: bool | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, starttime: Union[tim_common.markupmodels.PluginDateTime, datetime.datetime, NoneType, marshmallow.utils._Missing] = <marshmallow.missing>, showInView: bool = False, stem: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, triesText: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, useCurrentUser: bool | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, texafterprint: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, texbeforeprint: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, texprint: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, hidden_keys: list[str] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, button: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, buttonText: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, allowUnsavedLeave: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing | None = <marshmallow.missing>, disableUnchanged: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing | None = <marshmallow.missing>, footer: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, forceBrowser: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing | None = <marshmallow.missing>, globalField: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing | None = <marshmallow.missing>, readonly: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing | None = <marshmallow.missing>, lang: str | None | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, resetText: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing | None = <marshmallow.missing>, connectionErrorMessage: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, undo: tim_common.markupmodels.UndoInfo | marshmallow.utils._Missing | None = <marshmallow.missing>, autoadd: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, autoUpdateTables: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing = True, creditField: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, defaultPoints: float | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, failGrade: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, fieldhelper: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, gradeField: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, peerReviewField: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, gradingScale: dict[typing.Any, typing.Any] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, group: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, groups: list[str] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, includeUsers: timApp.util.get_fields.MembershipFilter | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <MembershipFilter.Current: 'current'>, selectIncludeUsers: bool = False, paramFields: list[str] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, preprogram: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, program: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, overrideGrade: bool = False, canOverwritePoints: bool = False, confirmText: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, timeout: int | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, updateFields: list[str] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, nextRunner: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, timeZoneDiff: int | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>, peerReview: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>)[source]#
- autoUpdateTables: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing = True#
- autoadd: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- canOverwritePoints: bool = False#
- confirmText: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- creditField: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- defaultPoints: float | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- failGrade: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- fieldhelper: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- fields: list[str] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- gradeField: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- gradingScale: dict[Any, Any] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- group: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- groups: list[str] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- includeUsers: timApp.util.get_fields.MembershipFilter | marshmallow.utils._Missing = 'current'#
- nextRunner: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- overrideGrade: bool = False#
- paramFields: list[str] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- peerReview: bool | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- peerReviewField: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- postprogram: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- preprogram: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- program: str | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- selectIncludeUsers: bool = False#
- showInView: bool = False#
- timeZoneDiff: int | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- timeout: int | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- updateFields: list[str] | marshmallow.utils._Missing = <marshmallow.missing>#
- class timApp.answer.routes.JsrunnerGroups[source]#
- add: dict[str, list[int]]#
- remove: dict[str, list[int]]#
- set: dict[str, list[int]]#
- class timApp.answer.routes.RefFrom(docId: int, par: str)[source]#
- docId: int#
- par: str#
- class timApp.answer.routes.UserFieldEntry[source]#
- fields: dict[str, str]#
- user: int#
- class timApp.answer.routes.UserGroupMembersState(before: set[int], after: set[int])[source]#
- after: set[int]#
- before: set[int]#
- timApp.answer.routes.call_plugin_answer_and_parse(answer_call_data: dict, plugintype: str) dict [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.check_answerupload_file_accesses(filelist: list[str], curr_user: timApp.user.user.User) list[timApp.answer.answer_models.AnswerUpload] [source]#
Checks user’s access to uploads by checking access to the answers associated with them
- timApp.answer.routes.create_missing_users(users: list[timApp.plugin.importdata.importData.MissingUser]) tuple[list[timApp.answer.routes.UserFieldEntry], list[timApp.user.user.User]] [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.delete_answer(answer_id: int) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
Deletes an answer.
This does not completely delete the answer but only removes user associations from it, so it is no longer visible in TIM.
- timApp.answer.routes.delete_answer_collab(answer_id: int, user_id: int) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
Deletes an answer collaborator.
- timApp.answer.routes.find_tim_vars(plugin: timApp.plugin.plugin.Plugin) dict [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.get_all_answers_as_list(task_ids: list[timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId], options: timApp.answer.answers.AllAnswersOptions) list[str] [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.get_all_answers_list_plain(task_ids: list[timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId], options: timApp.answer.answers.AllAnswersOptions) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.get_all_answers_plain(task_id: str, options: timApp.answer.answers.AllAnswersOptions) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.get_answers_for_tasks(tasks: list[str], user_id: int) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
Route for getting latest valid answers for given user and list of tasks
- Returns
{“answers”: {taskID: Answer}, “userId”: user_id}
- timApp.answer.routes.get_document_answers(doc_path: str, options: timApp.answer.answers.AllAnswersOptions) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.get_global_answers(parsed_task_ids: dict[str, timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId]) list[timApp.answer.answer.Answer] [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.get_globals_for_tasks(task_ids: list[timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId], answer_map: dict[str, dict]) None [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.get_iframehtml(plugintype: str, task_id_ext: str, user_id: int) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.get_iframehtml_answer(plugintype: str, task_id_ext: str, user_id: int, answer_id: Optional[int] = None) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.get_iframehtml_answer_impl(plugintype: str, task_id_ext: str, user_id: int, answer_id: Optional[int] = None) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
Gets the HTML to be used in iframe.
- Parameters
plugintype – plugin type
task_id_ext – task id
user_id – the user whose information to get
answer_id – answer id from answer browser
- Returns
HTML to be used in iframe
- timApp.answer.routes.get_jsframe_data(task_id: str, user_id: str) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
TODO: check proper rights
- timApp.answer.routes.get_plug_vals(doc: timApp.document.docinfo.DocInfo, tid: timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId, user_ctx: timApp.document.usercontext.UserContext, view_ctx: timApp.document.viewcontext.ViewContext) timApp.answer.routes.FieldInfo | None [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.get_postanswer_plugin_etc(d: timApp.document.docinfo.DocInfo, tid: timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId, answer_browser_data: dict, curr_user: timApp.user.user.User, ctx_user: timApp.user.user.User | None, urlmacros: tuple[tuple[str, str], ...], users: list[timApp.user.user.User] | None, other_session_users: list[timApp.user.user.User], origin: timApp.document.viewcontext.OriginInfo | None, force_answer: bool) tuple[timApp.auth.accesshelper.TaskAccessVerification, timApp.answer.answers.ExistingAnswersInfo, list[timApp.user.user.User], bool, bool, bool] [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.get_state(user_id: int, answer_id: int | None = None, par_id: str | None = None, doc_id: int | None = None, review: bool = False, task_id: str | None = None, answernr: int | None = None, ask_new: bool | None = False) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.get_useranswers_for_task(user: timApp.user.user.User, task_ids: list[timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId], answer_map: dict[str, dict]) list[timApp.answer.answer.Answer] [source]#
Performs a query for latest valid answers by given user for given task Similar to
but without counting- Parameters
user – user
task_ids – tasks to be queried
answer_map – a dict where to add each taskID: Answer
- Returns
{taskID: Answer}
- timApp.answer.routes.handle_jsrunner_groups(groupdata: timApp.answer.routes.JsrunnerGroups | None, curr_user: timApp.user.user.User) None [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.handle_points_ref(answerdata: dict[str, Any], curr_user: timApp.user.user.User, d: timApp.document.docinfo.DocInfo, ptype: timApp.plugin.plugintype.PluginTypeBase, tid: timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskId) dict [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.hide_points(a: timApp.answer.answer.Answer | dict) dict [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.hide_points_modifier(a: timApp.answer.answer.Answer | dict) dict [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.import_answers(exported_answers: list[timApp.answer.exportedanswer.ExportedAnswer], allow_missing_users: bool = False, match_email_case: bool = True, doc_map: dict[str, str] = Field(name='doc_map',type=dict[str, str],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,default_factory=<class 'dict'>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),kw_only=False,_field_type=_FIELD)) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.maybe_hide_name(d: timApp.document.docinfo.DocInfo, u: timApp.user.user.User, model_u: timApp.user.user.User | None) None [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.multisendemail(doc_id: int, rcpt: str, subject: str, msg: str, bccme: bool = False, replyall: bool = False) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.post_answer(plugintype: str, task_id_ext: str, input: typing.Union[dict[str, typing.Any], list[typing.Any], int, float, str], abData: dict[str, typing.Any] = Field(name='abData',type=dict[str, typing.Any],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,default_factory=<class 'dict'>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),kw_only=False,_field_type=_FIELD), options: dict[str, typing.Any] = Field(name='options',type=dict[str, typing.Any],default=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,default_factory=<class 'dict'>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),kw_only=False,_field_type=_FIELD)) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
Saves the answer submitted by user for a plugin in the database.
- Parameters
plugintype – The type of the plugin, e.g. csPlugin. TODO: No longer needed because it is checked from the document block’s plugin attribute.
task_id_ext – The extended task id of the form “22.palidrome.par_id”.
input – Answer data to save
options – Options to apply for answer saving
abData – Data applied from answer browser
- timApp.answer.routes.post_answer_impl(task_id_ext: str, answerdata: Union[dict[str, Any], list[Any], int, float, str], answer_browser_data: dict, answer_options: dict, curr_user: timApp.user.user.User, urlmacros: tuple[tuple[str, str], ...], other_session_users: list[timApp.user.user.User], origin: timApp.document.viewcontext.OriginInfo | None) timApp.answer.routes.AnswerRouteResult [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.preprocess_jsrunner_answer(answerdata: dict[str, Any], curr_user: timApp.user.user.User, d: timApp.document.docinfo.DocInfo, plugin: timApp.plugin.plugin.Plugin) None [source]#
Executed before the actual jsrunner answer route is called. This is required to fetch the requested data from the database.
- timApp.answer.routes.rename_answers(old_name: str, new_name: str, doc_path: str) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.save_fields(jsonresp: timApp.answer.routes.FieldSaveRequest, curr_user: timApp.user.user.User, current_doc: Optional[timApp.document.docinfo.DocInfo] = None, allow_non_teacher: bool = False, add_users_to_group: Optional[str] = None, overwrite_previous_points: bool = False, pr_data: Optional[str] = None) timApp.answer.routes.FieldSaveResult [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.save_points(answer_id: int, user_id: int, points: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None) flask.wrappers.Response [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.should_hide_name(d: timApp.document.docinfo.DocInfo, user: timApp.user.user.User, model_u: timApp.user.user.User | None) bool [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.verify_answer_access(answer_id: int, user_id: int, view_ctx: timApp.document.viewcontext.ViewContext, require_teacher_if_not_own: bool = False, required_task_access_level: timApp.plugin.taskid.TaskIdAccess = TaskIdAccess.ReadOnly, allow_grace_period: bool = False) tuple[timApp.answer.answer.Answer, int] [source]#
- timApp.answer.routes.verify_user_create_right(curr_user: timApp.user.user.User) None [source]#