Source code for timApp.admin.translationservice_cli

Enables adding TranslationServices to TIM's database from the command line.

__authors__ = [
    "Noora Jokela",
    "Riku Lehkonen",
    "Vili Moisala",
    "Juho Tarkkanen",
    "Sami Viitanen",
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "5.5.2022"

import click
from flask.cli import AppGroup

from timApp.document.translation.translator import TranslationService
from timApp.tim_app import app
from timApp.timdb.sqa import db

tr_service_cli = AppGroup("trservice")

def add_all_new() -> None:
    Try adding all the translation services defined in configuration into
    database from command line.

    This can be used to add new TranslationService implementations into
    database without initializing the database.

    :return: None.

[docs]def add_all_tr_services_to_session(log: bool = False) -> None: """ Add all supported translation services to be commited to database. Note: session.commit must be called afterwards to save the changes! Supported translation services must be implemented and are also listed in the configuration variable MACHINE_TRANSLATORS in This separate function allows adding all the translation services also at the db-initialization on first TIM-startup. :return: None. """ existing_services = { x[0] for x in TranslationService.query.with_entities( TranslationService.service_name ).all() } for translator, init_data in app.config["MACHINE_TRANSLATORS"]: service_name = translator.__mapper_args__["polymorphic_identity"] if service_name in existing_services: if log: click.echo( f"Skipping adding translation service '{service_name}': Already in database." ) else: # Call the TranslationService's constructor with the specified # values if any. # TODO Implement some better method of constructing # TranslationServices without dynamic typing like thought here. service = translator() if init_data is None else translator(init_data) if log: click.echo(f"Adding new translation service '{service_name}'") db.session.add(service)