Source code for timApp.admin.util

import sre_constants
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from typing import Generator, Optional, Callable, Union, TypeVar, Any, Iterable

import attr
import click
from flask import current_app

from timApp.document.docentry import DocEntry
from timApp.document.docinfo import DocInfo
from timApp.document.docparagraph import DocParagraph
from timApp.folder.folder import Folder
from timApp.tim_app import app
from timApp.timdb.exceptions import TimDbException
from timApp.timdb.sqa import db
from timApp.user.usergroup import UserGroup

[docs]@attr.s class BasicArguments: progress: bool = attr.ib(kw_only=True) doc: str = attr.ib(kw_only=True) folder: str = attr.ib(kw_only=True) urlpath: str | None = attr.ib(kw_only=True, default=None)
[docs]@attr.s class DryrunnableOnly: dryrun: bool = attr.ib(kw_only=True, default=False)
[docs]@attr.s class DryrunnableArguments(BasicArguments, DryrunnableOnly): pass
[docs]def enum_docs(folder: Folder | None = None) -> Generator[DocInfo, None, None]: visited_docs: set[int] = set() admin_id = UserGroup.get_admin_group().id if not folder: folder = Folder.get_root() for d in folder.get_all_documents(include_subdirs=True): for t in d.translations: t.document.modifier_group_id = admin_id if in visited_docs: continue visited_docs.add( yield t
[docs]def iterate_pars_skip_exceptions(d: DocInfo) -> Generator[DocParagraph, None, None]: i = d.document.__iter__() while True: try: yield next(i) except StopIteration: return except TimDbException as e: print(e)
[docs]def enum_pars( item: Folder | DocInfo | None = None, ) -> Generator[tuple[DocInfo, DocParagraph], None, None]: if isinstance(item, Folder) or item is None: collection: Iterable[DocInfo] = enum_docs(item) else: item.document.modifier_group_id = UserGroup.get_admin_group().id collection = [item] for d in collection: for p in iterate_pars_skip_exceptions(d): yield d, p
T = TypeVar("T", bound=BasicArguments)
[docs]def process_items(func: Callable[[DocInfo, T], int], parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: opts: Any = parser.parse_args() with app.app_context(): # type: ignore[no-untyped-call] doc_to_fix = ( DocEntry.find_by_path(opts.doc, fallback_to_id=True) if opts.doc is not None else None ) folder_to_fix = ( Folder.find_by_path(opts.folder, fallback_to_id=True) if opts.folder is not None else None ) if opts.doc is not None and not doc_to_fix: print("Document not found.") sys.exit(1) if opts.folder is not None and not folder_to_fix: print("Folder not found.") sys.exit(1) total_pars = 0 total_docs = 0 if doc_to_fix: docs: Iterable[DocInfo] = [doc_to_fix] elif folder_to_fix: if opts.progress: print(f"Processing paragraphs in folder {folder_to_fix.path}") docs = enum_docs(folder=folder_to_fix) else: assert False try: if getattr(opts, "dryrun", True): print( "Dry run mode enabled - the following only shows what WOULD be done." ) for d in docs: if opts.progress: print(f"Processing document {d.path}") pars = func(d, opts) total_pars += pars if pars > 0: total_docs += 1 except sre_constants.error as e: print(f"Invalid regular expression: {e}") if hasattr(opts, "dryrun"): print( f'Total paragraphs that {"would be" if opts.dryrun else "were"} ' f"affected: {total_pars} in {total_docs} documents" ) else: print(f"Total paragraphs found: {total_pars} in {total_docs} documents") if not getattr(opts, "dryrun", True): db.session.commit()
[docs]def create_argparser(description: str, readonly: bool = False) -> ArgumentParser: parser = ArgumentParser(description=description) group_item = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group_item.add_argument("--doc", help="doc id or path to process") group_item.add_argument("--folder", help="folder path or id to process") if not readonly: group_dryrun = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group_dryrun.add_argument( "--dry-run", dest="dryrun", action="store_true", help="show what would be fixed", ) group_dryrun.add_argument( "--no-dry-run", dest="dryrun", action="store_false", help="do the fixes" ) group_dryrun.set_defaults(dryrun=True) parser.add_argument( "--progress", dest="progress", action="store_true", help="show progress" ) parser.add_argument( "--url-path", dest="urlpath", help="start path of URLs, e.g. view/manage/velp" ) parser.set_defaults(urlpath="view") parser.set_defaults(progress=False) return parser
[docs]def get_url_for_match(args: BasicArguments, d: DocInfo, p: DocParagraph) -> str: host = current_app.config["TIM_HOST"] return f"{host}/{args.urlpath}/{d.path}#{p.get_id()}"
[docs]def commit_if_not_dry(dry_run: bool) -> None: if not dry_run: db.session.commit() else: click.echo("Dry run enabled, nothing changed.")