Source code for timApp.auth.saml

import functools
import json
import os
from copy import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from functools import cached_property, total_ordering
from typing import Optional, Any
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import xmlsec
from flask import request, redirect, session, make_response, Blueprint, Request, url_for
from lxml import etree
from lxml.cssselect import CSSSelector
from onelogin.saml2.auth import OneLogin_Saml2_Auth
from onelogin.saml2.errors import OneLogin_Saml2_Error, OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError
from onelogin.saml2.idp_metadata_parser import OneLogin_Saml2_IdPMetadataParser
from onelogin.saml2.settings import OneLogin_Saml2_Settings
from onelogin.saml2.utils import OneLogin_Saml2_Utils, return_false_on_exception
from onelogin.saml2.xml_utils import OneLogin_Saml2_XML

from timApp.auth.accesshelper import AccessDenied
from timApp.auth.login import create_or_update_user, set_user_to_session
from timApp.auth.sessioninfo import logged_in
from timApp.tim_app import app, csrf
from timApp.timdb.sqa import db
from timApp.user.personaluniquecode import SchacPersonalUniqueCode
from timApp.user.user import UserInfo, UserOrigin
from timApp.user.usercontact import ContactOrigin
from timApp.user.usergroup import UserGroup
from timApp.util.flask.cache import cache
from timApp.util.flask.requesthelper import use_model, RouteException
from timApp.util.flask.responsehelper import json_response
from timApp.util.logger import log_warning

saml = Blueprint("saml", __name__, url_prefix="/saml")

[docs]class FingerPrintException(Exception): pass
[docs]def load_sp_settings( hostname=None, try_new_cert=False, sp_validation_only=False ) -> tuple[str, OneLogin_Saml2_Settings]: """ Loads OneLogin Saml2 settings for the given hostname. Behaves like OneLogin_Saml2_Settings constructor with custom_base_path set, but allows to dynamically change Assertion Consumer Service URL. If the ACS URL has $hostname variable, it's replaced with the given hostname argument. .. note: Templating is used because OneLogin does not support multiple ACSs at the moment, see :param hostname: Hostname for which to generate the ACS callback URL. If None, TIM_HOST is used. :param try_new_cert: If True, settings and certificate from /new folder is used. :param sp_validation_only: If True, the SP settings are only validated. :return: Tuple (str, OneLogin_Saml2_Settings) contains path to current Saml2 settings and generated SP settings object """ saml_path = app.config["SAML_PATH"] if try_new_cert: saml_path += "/new" filename = os.path.join(saml_path, "settings.json") try: with open(filename) as json_data: settings = json.loads( except FileNotFoundError: raise OneLogin_Saml2_Error( "Settings file not found: %s", OneLogin_Saml2_Error.SETTINGS_FILE_NOT_FOUND, filename, ) try: advanced_filename = os.path.join(saml_path, "advanced_settings.json") with open(advanced_filename) as json_data: settings.update(json.loads( except FileNotFoundError: pass acs_info = settings["sp"]["assertionConsumerService"] acs_info["url"] = acs_info["url"].replace( "$hostname", hostname or app.config["TIM_HOST"] ) ol_settings = OneLogin_Saml2_Settings( settings=settings, custom_base_path=saml_path, sp_validation_only=sp_validation_only, ) return saml_path, ol_settings
[docs]@return_false_on_exception def validate_node_sign( signature_node, elem, cert=None, fingerprint=None, fingerprintalg="sha1", validatecert=False, debug=False, ): """ Same as OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.validate_node_sign but with the following changes: * If the certificate fingerprint does not match, an exception is raised (to make debugging easier). """ if (cert is None or cert == "") and fingerprint: x509_certificate_nodes = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.query( signature_node, "//ds:Signature/ds:KeyInfo/ds:X509Data/ds:X509Certificate" ) if len(x509_certificate_nodes) > 0: x509_certificate_node = x509_certificate_nodes[0] x509_cert_value = OneLogin_Saml2_XML.element_text(x509_certificate_node) x509_cert_value_formatted = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.format_cert( x509_cert_value ) x509_fingerprint_value = OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.calculate_x509_fingerprint( x509_cert_value_formatted, fingerprintalg ) if fingerprint == x509_fingerprint_value: cert = x509_cert_value_formatted else: raise FingerPrintException( f"Expected certificate fingerprint {fingerprint} but got {x509_fingerprint_value}" ) if cert is None or cert == "": raise OneLogin_Saml2_Error( "Could not validate node signature: No certificate provided.", OneLogin_Saml2_Error.CERT_NOT_FOUND, ) if validatecert: manager = xmlsec.KeysManager() manager.load_cert_from_memory( cert, xmlsec.KeyFormat.CERT_PEM, xmlsec.KeyDataType.TRUSTED ) dsig_ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext(manager) else: dsig_ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext() dsig_ctx.key = xmlsec.Key.from_memory(cert, xmlsec.KeyFormat.CERT_PEM, None) dsig_ctx.set_enabled_key_data([xmlsec.KeyData.X509]) try: dsig_ctx.verify(signature_node) except Exception as err: raise OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError( "Signature validation failed. %s", OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError.INVALID_SIGNATURE, str(err), ) return True
OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.validate_node_sign = validate_node_sign
[docs]def do_validate_metadata(idp_metadata_xml: str, fingerprint: str) -> None: try: if not OneLogin_Saml2_Utils.validate_metadata_sign( idp_metadata_xml, validatecert=False, fingerprint=fingerprint, raise_exceptions=True, fingerprintalg="sha256", ): raise RouteException("Failed to validate Haka metadata") except OneLogin_Saml2_ValidationError as e: raise RouteException(f"Failed to validate Haka metadata: {e}")
[docs]def init_saml_auth(req, entity_id: str, try_new_cert: bool) -> OneLogin_Saml2_Auth: idp_metadata_xml = get_haka_metadata() idp_data = OneLogin_Saml2_IdPMetadataParser.parse( idp_metadata_xml, entity_id=entity_id ) if "idp" not in idp_data: raise RouteException(f"IdP not found from Haka metadata: {entity_id}") try: do_validate_metadata(idp_metadata_xml, app.config["HAKA_METADATA_FINGERPRINT"]) except FingerPrintException as e: log_warning(f"{e} - trying with new fingerprint") try: do_validate_metadata( idp_metadata_xml, app.config["HAKA_METADATA_FINGERPRINT_NEW"] ) except FingerPrintException as e: raise RouteException(f"Failed to validate Haka metadata: {e}") saml_path, osett = load_sp_settings( req["http_host"], try_new_cert, sp_validation_only=True ) sp = osett.get_sp_data() settings = OneLogin_Saml2_IdPMetadataParser.merge_settings({"sp": sp}, idp_data) auth = OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(req, settings, custom_base_path=saml_path) return auth
[docs]def get_haka_metadata() -> str: return get_haka_metadata_from_url(app.config["HAKA_METADATA_URL"])
[docs]@cache.memoize(timeout=3600 * 24) def get_haka_metadata_from_url(url: str) -> str: idp_metadata_xml = OneLogin_Saml2_IdPMetadataParser.get_metadata(url) return idp_metadata_xml
[docs]def prepare_flask_request(r: Request): url_data = urlparse(r.url) return { "https": "on", "http_host":, "server_port": url_data.port, "script_name": r.path, "get_data": r.args.copy(), "post_data": r.form.copy(), }
[docs]@dataclass class SSOData: return_to: str entityID: str debug: bool = False addUser: bool = False
[docs]def prepare_and_init(entity_id: str, try_new_cert: bool) -> OneLogin_Saml2_Auth: req = prepare_flask_request(request) auth = init_saml_auth(req, entity_id, try_new_cert) return auth
[docs]@total_ordering class RefedsIapLevel(Enum): """Valid Identity Assurance Proofing levels for REFEDS Assurance Framework ver 1.0 based on """ low = f"{REFEDS_PREFIX}/IAP/low" medium = f"{REFEDS_PREFIX}/IAP/medium" high = f"{REFEDS_PREFIX}/IAP/high"
[docs] @staticmethod @functools.cache def as_list(): return list(RefedsIapLevel)
def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, RefedsIapLevel): return NotImplemented return RefedsIapLevel.as_list().index(self) < RefedsIapLevel.as_list().index( other )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_string(s: str) -> Optional["RefedsIapLevel"]: try: return RefedsIapLevel(s) except ValueError: return None
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class IdentityAssuranceProofing: """Represents user's Identity Assurance Proofing (IAP) level. IAP describes how the user's identity is assured (e.g. email, government ID, etc.) Attributes: highest_refeds_level: Highest IAP level according to REFEDS Assurance Framework local_enterprise: If True, user's identity proofing is good enough to access Home Organisations' administrative systems. """ highest_refeds_level: RefedsIapLevel local_enterprise: bool
[docs]@dataclass class TimRequestedAttributes: saml_auth: OneLogin_Saml2_Auth friendly_name_map: dict = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self): self.friendly_name_map = {} settings: OneLogin_Saml2_Settings = self.saml_auth.get_settings() for ra in settings.get_sp_data()["attributeConsumingService"][ "requestedAttributes" ]: self.friendly_name_map[ra["friendlyName"]] = ra["name"]
[docs] def get_attribute_by_friendly_name(self, name: str) -> str | None: values = self.get_attributes_by_friendly_name(name) return values[0] if values else None
[docs] def get_attributes_by_friendly_name(self, name: str) -> list[str] | None: return self.saml_auth.get_attribute(self.friendly_name_map[name])
@property def cn(self): return self.get_attribute_by_friendly_name("cn") @property def mail(self): return self.get_attribute_by_friendly_name("mail") @property def sn(self): return self.get_attribute_by_friendly_name("sn") @property def display_name(self): return self.get_attribute_by_friendly_name("displayName") @property def edu_person_principal_name(self): return self.get_attribute_by_friendly_name("eduPersonPrincipalName") @property def edu_person_assurance(self) -> list[str]: return self.get_attributes_by_friendly_name("eduPersonAssurance") @property def given_name(self): return self.get_attribute_by_friendly_name("givenName") @property def preferred_language(self): return self.get_attribute_by_friendly_name("preferredLanguage") @property def eppn_parts(self): return self.edu_person_principal_name.split("@") @property def org(self): return self.eppn_parts[1] @property def unique_codes(self) -> list[str] | None: return self.get_attributes_by_friendly_name("schacPersonalUniqueCode") @property def derived_username(self): uname, org = self.eppn_parts if org == app.config["HOME_ORGANIZATION"]: return uname return f"{org}:{uname}" @cached_property def identity_assurance_proofing(self) -> IdentityAssuranceProofing: """Parses and returns the best Identity Assurance Proofing (IAP) level from eduPersonAssurance based on REFEDS Assurance Framework ver 1.0 spec. :return: Identity assurence proofing level """ iap_levels = [ RefedsIapLevel.from_string(level) for level in self.edu_person_assurance ] # Don't check default because IAP must always be provided best_level = max(level for level in iap_levels if level is not None) return IdentityAssuranceProofing( best_level, REFEDS_LOCAL_ENTRPRISE_ASSURANCE in self.edu_person_assurance )
[docs] def to_json(self): return { "cn":, "displayName": self.display_name, "eduPersonPrincipalName": self.edu_person_principal_name, "givenName": self.given_name, "mail": self.mail, "preferredLanguage": self.preferred_language, "sn":, "schacPersonalUniqueCode": self.unique_codes, }
[docs]@saml.get("/sso") @use_model(SSOData) def sso(m: SSOData): try: auth = prepare_and_init(m.entityID, try_new_cert=True) except OneLogin_Saml2_Error: auth = prepare_and_init(m.entityID, try_new_cert=False) session["entityID"] = m.entityID login_url = auth.login(return_to=m.return_to) session["requestID"] = auth.get_last_request_id() if not logged_in() and m.addUser: raise AccessDenied("You must be logged in before adding users to session.") session["adding_user"] = m.addUser if m.debug: session["debugSSO"] = True else: session.pop("debugSSO", None) return redirect(login_url)
[docs]@csrf.exempt"/acs") def acs(): entity_id = session.get("entityID") if not entity_id: raise RouteException("entityID not in session") try: auth = try_process_saml_response(entity_id, try_new_cert=True) except (SamlProcessingError, OneLogin_Saml2_Error) as e: # OneLogin_Saml2_Error happens if there is no new certificate in the file system. That means there is no # rollover going on, so nothing interesting is happening. # # If instead we get a SamlProcessingError, that means there is a new certificate, but the IdP encrypted # the SAML response with the old certificate, so we should account for that. if isinstance(e, SamlProcessingError): log_warning( f"Failed to process SAML response with the new certificate; trying with old." ) try: auth = try_process_saml_response(entity_id, try_new_cert=False) except SamlProcessingError as e: raise RouteException(str(e)) errors = auth.get_errors() if not auth.is_authenticated(): err = f"Authentication failed: {auth.get_last_error_reason()}" log_warning(err) raise RouteException( f'{err} (Please contact {app.config["HELP_EMAIL"]} if the problem persists.)' ) if errors: err = str(errors) log_warning(err) raise RouteException(err) session.pop("requestID", None) timattrs = TimRequestedAttributes(auth) org_group = UserGroup.get_organization_group( parsed_codes = [] ucs = timattrs.unique_codes if ucs: for c in ucs: parsed = SchacPersonalUniqueCode.parse(c) if not parsed: log_warning(f"Failed to parse unique code: {c}") else: parsed_codes.append(parsed) elif ucs is None: log_warning(f"{timattrs.derived_username} did not receive unique codes") else: log_warning(f"{timattrs.derived_username} received empty unique code list") # Don't update email here to prevent setting is as primary automatically user = create_or_update_user( UserInfo( username=timattrs.derived_username, full_name=f"{} {timattrs.given_name}", email=timattrs.mail, given_name=timattrs.given_name,, origin=UserOrigin.Haka, unique_codes=parsed_codes, ), group_to_add=org_group, update_email=False, # Don't update the email here since we don't want to force the Haka mail as primary ) user.set_emails([timattrs.mail], ContactOrigin.Haka, can_update_primary=True) haka = UserGroup.get_haka_group() if haka not in user.groups: user.groups.append(haka) db.session.commit() set_user_to_session(user) if session.get("debugSSO"): return json_response(auth.get_attributes()) rs = request.form.get("RelayState") if rs: return redirect(auth.redirect_to(rs)) return redirect(url_for("start_page"))
[docs]class SamlProcessingError(Exception): pass
[docs]def try_process_saml_response(entity_id: str, try_new_cert: bool): auth = prepare_and_init(entity_id, try_new_cert) request_id = session.get("requestID") if not request_id: err = "requestID missing from session" log_warning(err) raise RouteException(err) try: auth.process_response(request_id=request_id) except Exception as e: err = f"Error processing SAML response: {str(e)}" log_warning(err) raise SamlProcessingError(err) return auth
[docs]@saml.get("") def get_metadata(): _, settings = load_sp_settings(, sp_validation_only=True) metadata = settings.get_sp_metadata() errors = settings.validate_metadata(metadata) if len(errors) == 0: resp = make_response(metadata, 200) resp.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/xml" else: resp = make_response(", ".join(errors), 400) return resp
[docs]@saml.get("/feed") def get_idps(): idp_metadata_xml = get_haka_metadata() root = etree.fromstring(idp_metadata_xml) nsmap = copy(root.nsmap) rootns = nsmap.pop(None) nsmap["xhtml"] = rootns select_idps = CSSSelector( "xhtml|IDPSSODescriptor", namespaces=nsmap, ) select_displaynames = CSSSelector( "mdui|DisplayName", namespaces=nsmap, ) feed = [] for idp in select_idps(root): names = [] for n in select_displaynames(idp): names.append( { "value": n.text, "lang": n.attrib["{}lang"], } ) scopes = [] nsmap = idp.nsmap nsmap.pop(None) for n in CSSSelector( "shibmd|Scope", namespaces=nsmap, )(idp): scopes.append(n.text) feed.append( { "entityID": idp.getparent().attrib["entityID"], "displayNames": names, "scopes": scopes, } ) return json_response(feed)