Source code for timApp.auth.session.routes

Routes for managing user sessions.

from _csv import QUOTE_ALL
from dataclasses import field
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any

from flask import Response

from timApp.auth.accesshelper import verify_logged_in, verify_admin
from timApp.auth.session.model import UserSession
from timApp.auth.session.util import (
from timApp.tim_app import csrf
from timApp.timdb.sqa import db
from timApp.user.user import User
from timApp.util.flask.requesthelper import RouteException
from timApp.util.flask.responsehelper import json_response, csv_response, ok_response
from timApp.util.flask.typedblueprint import TypedBlueprint
from timApp.util.secret import check_secret
from timApp.util.utils import get_current_time

user_sessions = TypedBlueprint("user_sessions", __name__, url_prefix="/user/sessions")

[docs]@user_sessions.get("/current") def get_current_session() -> Response: """ Get the information about the current session. :return: A JSON response with the session ID and validity. """ verify_logged_in() return json_response( {"sessionId": current_session_id(), "valid": has_valid_session()} )
[docs]class SessionStateFilterOptions(Enum): """ Options for filtering the sessions by state. """ ALL = "all" """Allow any session state.""" EXPIRED = "expired" """Only allow expired sessions.""" ACTIVE = "active" """Only allow active sessions."""
[docs]class ExportFormatOptions(Enum): """ Options for session export format. """ CSV = "csv" """Export sessions as CSV.""" JSON = "json" """Export sessions as JSON."""
[docs]@user_sessions.get("/all") def get_all_sessions( state: SessionStateFilterOptions = field( default=SessionStateFilterOptions.ALL, metadata={"by_value": True}, ), user: str | None = None, export_format: ExportFormatOptions = field( default=ExportFormatOptions.CSV, metadata={ "by_value": True, "data_key": "format", }, ), ) -> Response: """ Get all sessions information. .. note:: This endpoint is only accessible to administrators. :param state: Session state to filter by. :param user: Username to filter by. :param export_format: Export format to use. :return: User sessions information in the specified format. """ verify_admin() q = UserSession.query match state: case SessionStateFilterOptions.ACTIVE: q = q.filter(UserSession.expired == False) case SessionStateFilterOptions.EXPIRED: q = q.filter(UserSession.expired == True) case _: pass if user: q = q.join(User).filter( == user) match export_format: case ExportFormatOptions.JSON: return json_response(q.all()) case ExportFormatOptions.CSV: data: list[list[Any]] = [ ["user", "session_id", "origin", "logged_in_at", "expired_at"] ] for s in q.all(): # type: UserSession data.append( [, s.session_id, s.origin, s.logged_in_at, s.expired_at, ] ) return csv_response( data, quoting=QUOTE_ALL, pad_spaces=True, ) raise RouteException("Invalid export format")
[docs]@user_sessions.get("/<user>/verify") def validate_session(user: str, session_id: str | None = None) -> Response: """ Validate a session. A validated session will be unexpired while all other sessions will be expired. .. note:: This endpoint is only accessible to administrators. :param user: Username to validate. :param session_id: Session ID to validate. If not specified, the latest session will be validated. :return: OK response. """ verify_admin() verify_session_for(user, session_id) db.session.commit() return ok_response()
[docs]@user_sessions.get("/<user>/invalidate") def invalidate_session(user: str, session_id: str | None = None) -> Response: """ Invalidate a session. .. note:: This endpoint is only accessible to administrators. :param user: Username to invalidate. :param session_id: Session ID to invalidate. If not specified, all sessions will be invalidated. :return: OK response. """ verify_admin() invalidate_sessions_for(user, session_id) db.session.commit() return ok_response()
[docs]"/verify") @csrf.exempt def validate_remote_session( username: str, session_id: str | None = None, secret: str | None = None ) -> Response: """ Validate a session. A validated session will be unexpired while all other sessions will be expired. :param username: Username to validate. :param session_id: Session ID to validate. If not specified, the latest session will be validated. :param secret: Right distribution secret (:ref:`timApp.defaulconfig.DIST_RIGHTS_RECEIVE_SECRET`). If not specified, the caller must be an administrator. :return: OK response if session was validated. """ if not secret: verify_admin() else: check_secret(secret, "DIST_RIGHTS_RECEIVE_SECRET") verify_session_for(username, session_id) db.session.commit() return ok_response()
[docs]@user_sessions.get("/verifyAll") def validate_all() -> Response: """ Validate all latest sessions. """ verify_admin() all_usersnames: list[tuple[str]] = ( db.session.query( .join(UserSession) .distinct(UserSession.user_id) .all() ) for (user,) in all_usersnames: verify_session_for(user) db.session.commit() return ok_response()
[docs]@user_sessions.get("/invalidateAll") def invalidate_all() -> Response: """ Invalidate all sessions. """ verify_admin() UserSession.query.filter(~UserSession.expired).update( {"expired_at": get_current_time()} ) db.session.commit() return ok_response()
[docs]"/invalidate") @csrf.exempt def invalidate_remote_session( username: str, session_id: str | None = None, secret: str | None = None ) -> Response: """ Invalidate a session. A validated session will be unexpired while all other sessions will be expired. :param username: Username to invalidate. :param session_id: Session ID to invalidate. If not specified, all sessions will be invalidated. :param secret: Right distribution secret (:ref:`timApp.defaulconfig.DIST_RIGHTS_RECEIVE_SECRET`). If not specified, the caller must be an administrator. :return: OK response if session was invalidated. """ if not secret: verify_admin() else: check_secret(secret, "DIST_RIGHTS_RECEIVE_SECRET") invalidate_sessions_for(username, session_id) db.session.commit() return ok_response()