Helper functions for managing user sessions.
from flask import has_request_context, session, current_app
from sqlalchemy import func
from timApp.auth.session.model import UserSession
from timApp.auth.sessioninfo import get_current_user_object
from timApp.item.item import Item
from timApp.tim_app import app
from timApp.timdb.sqa import db
from timApp.user.user import User, ItemOrBlock
from timApp.user.userutils import get_anon_user_id
from timApp.util.logger import log_info, log_warning
from timApp.util.secret import get_secret_or_abort
from timApp.util.utils import get_current_time
from tim_common.vendor.requests_futures import FuturesSession
def _save_sessions() -> bool:
return current_app.config["SESSIONS_ENABLE"]
def _max_concurrent_sessions() -> int | None:
def _get_active_session_count(user: User) -> int:
return (
.filter((UserSession.user == user) & ~UserSession.expired)
[docs]def current_session_id() -> str | None:
Get the current session ID of the current user.
.. note:: The function must be called from within a request context.
:return: Session ID or None if not logged in or the user is missing session info.
return session.get("session_id")
[docs]def is_allowed_document(path: str) -> bool:
Check if the given path is allowed to be accessed despite the session block.
:param path: Path to check.
:return: True if the path is allowed, False otherwise.
paths = current_app.config.get("SESSION_BLOCK_IGNORE_DOCUMENTS", [])
return path in paths
[docs]def expire_user_session(user: User, session_id: str | None) -> None:
Expire the given session for the given user.
Users with expired sessions cannot access documents without re-verifying their session.
:param user: User to expire the session for.
:param session_id: Session ID to expire.
if not _save_sessions() or not session_id:
sess = UserSession.query.filter_by(user=user, session_id=session_id).first()
if sess:
f"SESSION: {user.name} logged out (expired={sess.expired}, active={_get_active_session_count(user) - 1})"
f"SESSION: {user.name} was logged out but did not have session info"
[docs]def add_user_session(user: User, session_id: str, origin: str) -> None:
Add a new session for the given user.
:param user: User to add the session for.
:param session_id: Session ID to add.
:param origin: Origin of the session.
Origin may contain any information to identify the origin of the session (user agent, endpoint, etc).
if not _save_sessions():
expired_at_time = None
max_sessions = _max_concurrent_sessions()
if max_sessions and _get_active_session_count(user) >= max_sessions:
expired_at_time = get_current_time()
us = UserSession(
f"SESSION: {user.name} logged in (expired={us.expired}, active={len(user.active_sessions)})"
[docs]class SessionExpired(Exception):
Raised when current user's session is expired.
[docs]def has_valid_session(user: User | None = None) -> bool:
Check if the user has a valid session.
A user is considered to have a valid session if:
0. Session tracking is enabled (:ref:`timApp.defaultconfig.SESSIONS_ENABLE`).
1. User is an admin.
2. The user has a session that is not expired (doesn't have the logout date set).
:param user: User to check for session validity. If None, the current user is used.
:return: True if the user has a valid session, False otherwise.
from timApp.auth.sessioninfo import get_current_user_id
from timApp.auth.accesshelper import verify_admin
user = user if user else get_current_user_object()
if (
not has_request_context()
or not _save_sessions()
# Only check session for current user since the session ID is only valid for them
or get_current_user_id() == get_anon_user_id()
or get_current_user_id() != user.id
or verify_admin(require=False, user=user)
return True
session_id = current_session_id()
if not session_id:
return False
current_session = (
(UserSession.user == user)
& (UserSession.session_id == session_id)
& ~UserSession.expired
return current_session is not None
[docs]def verify_session_for(username: str, session_id: str | None = None) -> None:
Verify that the session is valid for the user and expire all other sessions.
:param username: Username of the user to verify the session for.
:param session_id: If specified, verify the specific session ID. If None, verify the latest added session.
user_subquery = db.session.query(User.id).filter(User.name == username).subquery()
q_base = UserSession.query.filter(UserSession.user_id.in_(user_subquery))
if session_id:
q_expire = q_base.filter(UserSession.session_id != session_id)
q_verify = q_base.filter(UserSession.session_id == session_id)
# Get the latest session
subquery = (
q_expire = q_base.filter(UserSession.session_id.notin_(subquery))
q_verify = q_base.filter(UserSession.session_id.in_(subquery))
# Only expire active sessions
q_expire = q_expire.filter(UserSession.expired == False)
q_expire.update({"expired_at": get_current_time()}, synchronize_session=False)
q_verify.update({"expired_at": None}, synchronize_session=False)
[docs]def invalidate_sessions_for(username: str, session_id: str | None = None) -> None:
Invalidate the session for the user.
:param username: Username of the user to invalidate the session for.
:param session_id: If specified, invalidate the specific session ID. If None, invalidate all sessions.
user_subquery = db.session.query(User.id).filter(User.name == username).subquery()
q_invalidate = UserSession.query.filter(UserSession.user_id.in_(user_subquery))
if session_id:
q_invalidate = q_invalidate.filter(UserSession.session_id == session_id)
q_invalidate.update({"expired_at": get_current_time()}, synchronize_session=False)
[docs]def distribute_session_verification(
action: str, username: str, session_id: str | None, targets: list[str]
) -> list[str]:
Distribute a session verification operation to the specified targets.
.. note:: The function requires right distribution to be enabled.
Session verfication is distributed and verified with :ref:`timApp.defaultconfig.DIST_RIGHTS_SEND_SECRET`
and :ref:`timApp.defaultconfig.DIST_RIGHTS_RECEIVE_SECRET` configuration options.
:param action: Action to perform. Usually either "verify" or "invalidate".
:param username: Username of the user to verify the session for.
:param session_id: If specified, verify the specific session ID.
:param targets: List of targets from :ref:`timApp.defaultconfig.DIST_RIGHTS_HOSTS`
to distribute the session verification to.
:return: List of errors that occurred during distribution.
if not targets:
return []
hosts = set()
dist_rights_send_secret = get_secret_or_abort("DIST_RIGHTS_SEND_SECRET")
for target in targets:
h = app.config["DIST_RIGHTS_HOSTS"].get(target, {}).get("hosts", [])
if not hosts:
return []
r_session = FuturesSession()
futures = []
for host in hosts:
r = r_session.post(
"username": username,
"session_id": session_id,
"secret": dist_rights_send_secret,
headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},
errors = []
for r, host in zip(futures, hosts):
res = r.result()
except Exception as e:
errors.append(f"{host}: {e}")
if res.status_code != 200:
errors.append(f"{host} ({res.status_code}): {res.text}")
return errors
[docs]def session_has_access(i: ItemOrBlock, user: User | None = None) -> bool:
Checks if the user's current session has access to the given item.
:param i: Item or block to check access for.
:param user: User to check access for.
:return: True if the user has access and valid session, False otherwise.
return has_valid_session(user) or (
isinstance(i, Item) and is_allowed_document(i.path)