Source code for timApp.document.docentry

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from sqlalchemy.orm import foreign

from timApp.document.docinfo import DocInfo
from timApp.document.document import Document
from timApp.document.translation.translation import Translation
from timApp.folder.createopts import FolderCreationOptions
from timApp.item.block import BlockType
from timApp.item.block import insert_block
from timApp.timdb.exceptions import ItemAlreadyExistsException
from timApp.timdb.sqa import db
from timApp.user.usergroup import UserGroup
from timApp.util.utils import split_location

    from timApp.user.user import User

[docs]class DocEntry(db.Model, DocInfo): """Represents a TIM document in the directory hierarchy. A document can have several aliases, which is why the primary key is "name" column and not "id". Most of the time you should use DocInfo class instead of this. """ __tablename__ = "docentry" name = db.Column(db.Text, primary_key=True) """Full path of the document. TODO: Improve the name. """ id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=False) """Document identifier.""" public = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=True) """Whether the document is visible in directory listing.""" _block = db.relationship("Block", back_populates="docentries", lazy="joined") trs: list[Translation] = db.relationship( "Translation", primaryjoin=id == foreign(Translation.src_docid), back_populates="docentry", # When a DocEntry object is deleted, we don't want to touch the translation objects at all. # Otherwise SQLAlchemy would try to null the src_docid column of the corresponding Translation object. # TODO: This feels slightly hacky. This relationship attribute might be better in Block class, although that # doesn't sound ideal either. passive_deletes="all", ) __table_args__ = (db.Index("docentry_id_idx", "id"),) @property def tr(self) -> Translation | None: return next((tr for tr in self.trs if tr.doc_id ==, None) @property def path(self) -> str: return @property def path_without_lang(self) -> str: return @property def lang_id(self) -> str | None: return if else None @lang_id.setter def lang_id(self, value: str) -> None: tr = if tr: tr.lang_id = value else: self.trs.append( Translation(, lang_id=value, ) @property def translations(self) -> list[Translation]: trs = self.trs if not self.trs.append(Translation(,, lang_id="")) return trs
[docs] @staticmethod def get_all() -> list[DocEntry]: return DocEntry.query.all()
[docs] @staticmethod def find_all_by_id(doc_id: int) -> list[DocEntry]: return DocEntry.query.filter_by(id=doc_id).all()
[docs] @staticmethod def find_by_id(doc_id: int, docentry_load_opts: Any = None) -> DocInfo | None: """Finds a DocInfo by id. TODO: This method doesn't really belong in DocEntry class. """ q = DocEntry.query.filter_by(id=doc_id) if docentry_load_opts: q = q.options(*docentry_load_opts) d = q.first() if d: return d return Translation.query.get(doc_id)
[docs] @staticmethod def find_by_path( path: str, fallback_to_id: bool = False, try_translation: bool = True, docentry_load_opts: Any = None, ) -> DocInfo | None: """Finds a DocInfo by path, falling back to id if specified. TODO: This method doesn't really belong in DocEntry class. """ if docentry_load_opts is None: docentry_load_opts = [] d = DocEntry.query.options(*docentry_load_opts).get(path) if d: return d # try translation if try_translation: base_doc_path, lang = split_location(path) entry = DocEntry.find_by_path( base_doc_path, try_translation=False, docentry_load_opts=docentry_load_opts, ) if entry is not None: tr = Translation.query.filter_by(, lang_id=lang ).first() if tr is not None: tr.docentry = entry return tr if fallback_to_id: try: return DocEntry.find_by_id( int(path), docentry_load_opts=docentry_load_opts ) except ValueError: return None return d
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dummy(title: str) -> DocEntry: return DocEntry(id=-1, name=title)
[docs] @staticmethod def create( path: str, owner_group: UserGroup | None = None, title: str | None = None, from_file: str | None = None, initial_par: str | None = None, settings: dict | None = None, folder_opts: FolderCreationOptions = FolderCreationOptions(), ) -> DocEntry: """Creates a new document with the specified properties. :param from_file: If provided, loads the document content from a file. :param initial_par: The initial paragraph for the document. :param settings: The settings for the document. :param title: The document title. :param path: The path of the document to be created (can be None). If None, no DocEntry is actually added to the database; only Block and Document objects are created. :param owner_group: The owner group. :param folder_opts: Options for creating intermediate folders. :returns: The newly created document object. """ location, _ = split_location(path) from timApp.folder.folder import Folder Folder.create(location, owner_groups=owner_group, creation_opts=folder_opts) document = create_document_and_block(owner_group, title or path) docentry = DocEntry(id=document.doc_id, name=path, public=True) docentry._doc = document if path is not None: if Folder.find_by_path(path): db.session.rollback() raise ItemAlreadyExistsException( f"A folder already exists at path {path}" ) db.session.add(docentry) if from_file is not None: with open(from_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: document.add_text( elif initial_par is not None: document.add_text(initial_par) if settings is not None: document.set_settings(settings) return docentry
[docs]def create_document_and_block( owner_group: UserGroup | None, desc: str | None = None ) -> Document: block = insert_block( BlockType.Document, desc, [owner_group] if owner_group else None ) # Must flush because we need to know the document id in order to create the document in the filesystem. db.session.flush() document_id = document = Document( document_id, if owner_group else UserGroup.get_admin_group().id, ) document.create() return document
[docs]def get_documents( include_nonpublic: bool = False, filter_folder: str | None = None, search_recursively: bool = True, filter_user: User | None = None, custom_filter: Any = None, query_options: Any = None, ) -> list[DocEntry]: """Gets all the documents in the database matching the given criteria. :param filter_user: If specified, returns only the documents that the user has view access to. :param search_recursively: Whether to search recursively. :param filter_folder: Optionally restricts the search to a specific folder. :param include_nonpublic: Whether to include non-public document names or not. :param custom_filter: Any custom filter to use. :param query_options: Any additional options for the query. :returns: A list of DocEntry objects. """ q = DocEntry.query if not include_nonpublic: q = q.filter_by(public=True) if filter_folder is not None: filter_folder = filter_folder.strip("/") + "/" if filter_folder == "/": filter_folder = "" q = q.filter( + "%")) if not search_recursively: q = q.filter( + "%/%")) if custom_filter is not None: q = q.filter(custom_filter) if query_options is not None: q = q.options(query_options) result = q.all() if not filter_user: return result return [r for r in result if filter_user.has_view_access(r)]
[docs]def get_documents_in_folder( folder_pathname: str, include_nonpublic: bool = False ) -> list[DocEntry]: """Gets all the documents in a folder. :param folder_pathname: path to be searched for documents without ending '/' :param include_nonpublic: Whether to include non-public document names or not. :returns: A list of DocEntry objects. """ return get_documents( include_nonpublic=include_nonpublic, filter_folder=folder_pathname, search_recursively=False, )