Source code for timApp.document.post_process

"""Common functions for use with routes."""
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from typing import DefaultDict

import pytz

from timApp.auth.get_user_rights_for_item import get_user_rights_for_item
from timApp.document.areainfo import AreaStart, AreaEnd
from timApp.document.docentry import DocEntry
from timApp.document.docparagraph import DocParagraph
from timApp.document.docsettings import DocSettings
from timApp.document.document import Document, dereference_pars
from timApp.document.editing.globalparid import GlobalParId
from timApp.document.hide_names import force_hide_names
from timApp.document.macroinfo import get_user_specific_macros
from timApp.document.par_basic_data import ParBasicData
from timApp.document.prepared_par import PreparedPar
from timApp.document.usercontext import UserContext
from timApp.document.viewcontext import ViewContext
from timApp.markdown.autocounters import TimSandboxedEnvironment
from timApp.markdown.markdownconverter import expand_macros
from timApp.note.notes import get_notes, UserNoteAndUser
from timApp.plugin.plugin import Plugin
from timApp.plugin.pluginControl import pluginify
from timApp.readmark.readings import (
from timApp.readmark.readmarkcollection import ReadMarkCollection
from timApp.readmark.readparagraph import ReadParagraph
from timApp.user.user import User, has_no_higher_right
from timApp.util.flask.responsehelper import flash_if_visible
from timApp.util.timtiming import taketime
from timApp.util.utils import getdatetime, get_boolean

[docs]@dataclass class PostProcessResult: texts: list[PreparedPar] js_paths: list[str] css_paths: list[str] should_mark_all_read: bool plugins: list[Plugin] has_plugin_errors: bool
# TODO: post_process_pars is called twice in one save??? Or even 4 times, 2 after editor is closed??
[docs]def post_process_pars( doc: Document, pars: list[DocParagraph], user_ctx: UserContext, view_ctx: ViewContext, sanitize: bool = True, do_lazy: bool = False, load_plugin_states: bool = True, filter_return: GlobalParId | None = None, ) -> PostProcessResult: taketime("start pluginify") pars_deref = dereference_pars(pars, context_doc=doc, view_ctx=view_ctx) if filter_return: pars_deref = [ p for p in pars_deref if p.get_doc_id() == filter_return.doc_id and p.get_id() == filter_return.par_id ] presult = pluginify( doc, pars_deref, user_ctx, view_ctx, sanitize=sanitize, do_lazy=do_lazy, load_states=load_plugin_states, ) final_pars = taketime("end pluginify") should_mark_all_read = False settings = doc.get_settings() macroinfo = settings.get_macroinfo(view_ctx, user_ctx) user_macros = get_user_specific_macros(user_ctx) macros = macroinfo.get_macros() delimiter = macroinfo.get_macro_delimiter() doc_nomacros = settings.nomacros() # Process user-specific macros. env = macroinfo.jinja_env for ( p ) in ( final_pars ): # update only user specific, because others are done in a cache pahes if ( not p.is_plugin() and not p.is_setting() ): # TODO: Think if plugins still needs to expand macros? # p.insert_rnds(0) no_macros = DocParagraph.is_no_macros(p.get_attrs(), doc_nomacros) if not no_macros: ppar = p.prepare(view_ctx) ppar.output = expand_macros( ppar.output, user_macros, settings, env=env, ignore_errors=True, ) # taketime("macros done") if view_ctx.preview: # Skip readings and notes return PostProcessResult( texts=process_areas(settings, final_pars, macros, delimiter, env, view_ctx), js_paths=presult.js_paths, css_paths=presult.css_paths, should_mark_all_read=should_mark_all_read, plugins=presult.all_plugins, has_plugin_errors=presult.has_errors, ) if settings.show_authors(): hide_authors = view_ctx.hide_names_requested authors = doc.get_changelog(-1).get_authorinfo(pars) if hide_authors: for ainfo in authors.values(): for a in ainfo.authors: if isinstance(a, User): a.hide_name = True for p in final_pars: ppar = p.prepare(view_ctx) ppar.authorinfo = authors.get( # There can be several references of the same paragraph in the document, which is why we need a dict of lists pars_dict: DefaultDict[tuple[str, int], list[PreparedPar]] = defaultdict(list) docinfo = doc.get_docinfo() curr_user = user_ctx.logged_user if not curr_user.has_edit_access(docinfo): for p in final_pars: if p.is_question(): d = p.prepare(view_ctx) d.output = " " d.html_class = "hidden" if p.is_setting(): d = p.prepare(view_ctx) d.output = " " else: ids = doc.get_par_ids() first_par = doc.get_paragraph(ids[0]) if ids else None last_par = doc.get_paragraph(ids[-1]) if ids else None show_settings_yaml = ( last_par.is_setting() and first_par.is_setting() if last_par and last_par else True ) if not show_settings_yaml: for p in final_pars: if p.is_setting(): d = p.prepare(view_ctx) d.output = " " for p in final_pars: d = p.prepare(view_ctx) if p.original and not p.original.is_translation(): target = key =, target.doc_id pars_dict[key].append(d) key =, pars_dict[key].append(d) for p in final_pars: d = p.prepare(view_ctx) d.status = ReadMarkCollection() d.notes = [] # taketime("pars done") group = curr_user.get_personal_group().id if curr_user.logged_in and not settings.hide_readmarks(): # taketime("readings begin") # TODO: UserContext should support multiple users like in group login. usergroup_ids = [user_ctx.logged_user.get_personal_group().id] # If we're in exam mode and we're visiting the page for the first time, mark everything read if should_auto_read( doc, usergroup_ids, user_ctx.logged_user, view_ctx.for_cache ): should_mark_all_read = True readings = [] else: readings = get_common_readings( usergroup_ids, doc, get_read_expiry_condition(settings.read_expiry()) ) taketime("readings end") for r in readings: # type: ReadParagraph key = (r.par_id, r.doc_id) pars = pars_dict.get(key) if pars: for p in pars: if r.par_hash == or ( and r.par_hash == ): p.status.add(r) else: p.status.add(r, modified=True) taketime("read mixed") notes = get_notes(group, doc) # db.session.close() # taketime("notes picked") should_hide_names = view_ctx.hide_names_requested or force_hide_names( curr_user, docinfo ) comment_docs = { docinfo} teacher_access_cache = {} for n, u in notes: key = (n.par_id, n.doc_id) pars = pars_dict.get(key) if pars: if n.doc_id not in comment_docs: comment_docs[n.doc_id] = DocEntry.find_by_id(n.doc_id) has_teacher = teacher_access_cache.get(n.doc_id) if has_teacher is None: has_teacher = bool(curr_user.has_teacher_access(comment_docs[n.doc_id])) teacher_access_cache[n.doc_id] = has_teacher editable = n.usergroup_id == group or has_teacher private = n.access == "justme" for p in pars: if p.notes is None: p.notes = [] if should_hide_names and != u.hide_name = True p.notes.append( UserNoteAndUser(user=u, note=n, editable=editable, private=private) ) # taketime("notes mixed") return PostProcessResult( texts=process_areas(settings, final_pars, macros, delimiter, env, view_ctx), js_paths=presult.js_paths, css_paths=presult.css_paths, should_mark_all_read=should_mark_all_read, plugins=presult.all_plugins, has_plugin_errors=presult.has_errors, )
[docs]@dataclass class Area: name: str attrs: dict visible: bool | None = None
# TODO: It would be better to return a tree-like structure of the document instead of a flat list.
[docs]def process_areas( settings: DocSettings, pars: list[DocParagraph], macros, delimiter, env: TimSandboxedEnvironment, view_ctx: ViewContext, use_md: bool = False, cache: bool = True, ) -> list[PreparedPar]: # If we're only dealing with a single paragraph (happens e.g. when posting a comment), # we don't want to include area start/end markers in the final output # because the HTML would be broken. is_single = len(pars) == 1 now = pytz.utc.localize( min_time = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.min) max_time = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.max) # Currently open areas. Should be empty after the loop unless there are missing area_ends. current_areas: list[Area] = [] # All non-reference areas that we've seen. Only insert here, never remove. encountered_areas: dict[str, Area] = {} new_pars: list[PreparedPar] = [] fix = "Fix this to get rid of this warning." for p in pars: html_par = p.prepare(view_ctx, use_md, cache) cur_area = None area_start = p.get_attr("area") area_end = p.get_attr("area_end") if area_start is not None: cur_area = Area(area_start, p.get_attrs()) current_areas.append(cur_area) if not p.ref_chain: if area_start in encountered_areas: flash_if_visible( f"Area {area_start} appears more than once in this document. {fix}", view_ctx, ) encountered_areas[area_start] = cur_area if area_end is not None: if area_start is not None: flash_if_visible( f"The paragraph {p.get_id()} has both area and area_end. {fix}", view_ctx, ) if current_areas: # Insert a closing paragraph for the current area. # We do this regardless of whether the area_end name matches because it's reasonable and we # cannot guess what the user is trying to do. if not is_single: html_par.areainfo = AreaEnd(area_end) new_pars.append(html_par) try: latest_area = current_areas.pop() except IndexError: flash_if_visible( f'area_end found for "{area_end}" without corresponding start. {fix}', view_ctx, ) else: if != area_end: flash_if_visible( f'area_end found for "{area_end}" without corresponding start. {fix}', view_ctx, ) if area_start is not None or area_end is not None: if area_start is not None: # Insert an opening paragraph for new areas if not is_single: collapse = cur_area.attrs.get("collapse") html_par.areainfo = AreaStart( area_start, collapse not in ("false", "") if collapse is not None else None, ) new_pars.append(html_par) vis = cur_area.visible if vis is None: vis = cur_area.attrs.get("visible") if vis is None: vis = True elif isinstance(vis, str): if vis.find(delimiter) >= 0: vis = expand_macros( vis, macros, settings, env=env, ignore_errors=True ) vis = get_boolean(vis, True) cur_area.visible = vis if vis: st = cur_area.attrs.get("starttime") et = cur_area.attrs.get("endtime") if st or et: starttime = getdatetime(st, default_val=min_time) endtime = getdatetime(et, default_val=max_time) if not starttime <= now < endtime: alttext = cur_area.attrs.get("alttext") if alttext is None: alttext = "This area can only be viewed from <STARTTIME> to <ENDTIME>" alttext = alttext.replace( "<STARTTIME>", str(starttime) ).replace("<ENDTIME>", str(endtime)) new_pars.append( DocParagraph.create( doc=Document(html_par.doc_id),, md=alttext, ).prepare(view_ctx, use_md, cache) ) else: # Hide output of the area paragraph if it's there (e.g. collapse title) html_par.areainfo.is_collapsed = None html_par.output = "" else: # Just a normal paragraph access = True vis = p.get_attr( "visible" ) # check if there is visible attribute in par itself if vis is None: pass else: if str(vis).find(delimiter) >= 0: vis = expand_macros( vis, macros, settings, env=env, ignore_errors=True ) vis = get_boolean(vis, True) if not vis: # TODO: if in preview, put this always True access = False # TODO: this should be added as some kind of small par that is visible in edit-mode # Timed paragraph if access: # par itself is visible, is it in some area that is not visible for a in current_areas: assert a.visible is not None if not a.visible: access = False break if access: # is there time limitation in area where par is included st = a.attrs.get("starttime") et = a.attrs.get("endtime") if st or et: starttime = getdatetime(st, default_val=min_time) endtime = getdatetime(et, default_val=max_time) access &= starttime <= now < endtime if access: new_pars.append(html_par) # Complete unbalanced areas. if current_areas and not is_single: flash_if_visible( f"{len(current_areas)} areas are missing area_end: {current_areas}", view_ctx, ) for _ in current_areas: new_pars.append( PreparedPar( data=ParBasicData(attrs={}, doc_id=-1, hash="", id="", md=""), output="", from_preamble=None, target=None, areainfo=AreaEnd(name=""), html_class="", ) ) return new_pars
[docs]def should_auto_read( doc: Document, usergroup_ids: list[int], user: User, for_cache: bool = False ) -> bool: return user.get_prefs().auto_mark_all_read or ( has_no_higher_right( doc.get_settings().exam_mode(), get_user_rights_for_item(doc.docinfo, user, allow_duration=for_cache), ) and not has_anything_read(usergroup_ids, doc) )