Source code for timApp.document.translation.deepl

Contains implementation of the TranslationService-interface for the DeepL
machine translator:

Both DeepL API Free and DeepL API Pro -versions.

__authors__ = [
    "Noora Jokela",
    "Riku Lehkonen",
    "Vili Moisala",
    "Juho Tarkkanen",
    "Sami Viitanen",
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "25.4.2022"

import langcodes
from requests import post, Response
from requests.exceptions import JSONDecodeError

from timApp.document.translation.language import Language
from timApp.document.translation.translationparser import TranslateApproval, NoTranslate
from timApp.document.translation.translator import (
from timApp.timdb.sqa import db
from timApp.user.usergroup import UserGroup
from timApp.util import logger
from timApp.util.flask.requesthelper import NotExist, RouteException
from timApp.util.flask.cache import cache
from tim_common.vendor.requests_futures import FuturesSession, Future

LANGUAGES_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 3600 * 24  # seconds

[docs]class DeeplTranslationService(RegisteredTranslationService): """Translation service using the DeepL API Free.""" def __init__(self, values: dict): """ Constructor for setting all the needed DeepL-specific fields. :param values: Contains values for the fields. """ self.ignore_tag = values["ignore_tag"] self.service_url = values["service_url"] # TODO Would be better as nullable=False, but that prevents creating # non-DeeplTranslationService -subclasses of TranslationService. service_url = db.Column(db.Text) """The url base for the API calls.""" # TODO Would be better as nullable=False, but that prevents creating # non-DeeplTranslationService -subclasses of TranslationService. ignore_tag = db.Column(db.Text) """The XML-tag name to use for ignoring pieces of text when XML-handling is used. Should be chosen to be some uncommon string not found in many texts. """ headers: dict[str, str] """Request-headers needed for authentication with the API-key.""" source_Language_code: str """The source language's code (helps handling regional variants that DeepL doesn't differentiate). """
[docs] def register(self, user_group: UserGroup) -> None: """ Set headers to use the user group's API-key ready for translation calls. :param user_group: The user group whose API key will be used. :raises NotExist: If no API key is found. :raises RouteException: If more than one key is found from user. """ # One user group should match one service per one key. api_key = TranslationServiceKey.query.filter( TranslationServiceKey.service_id ==, TranslationServiceKey.group_id ==, ).all() if len(api_key) == 0: raise NotExist( "Please add a DeepL API key that corresponds the chosen plan into your account" ) if len(api_key) > 1: # TODO Does revealing this info compromise security in any way? raise RouteException( "A user should not have more than one (1) API-key per service." ) self.headers = {"Authorization": f"DeepL-Auth-Key {api_key[0].api_key}"}
# TODO Change the dicts to DeepLTranslateParams and DeeplResponse or smth def _post(self, url_slug: str, data: dict | None = None) -> dict: """ Perform an authorized POST-request to the DeepL-API. :param url_slug: The last part of URL-path for the API function without the starting '/' slash. :param data: Data to be transmitted along the request. :return: The JSON-response returned by the API. """ resp = post(self.service_url + "/" + url_slug, data=data, headers=self.headers) return self._handle_post_response(resp) def _handle_post_response(self, resp: Response) -> dict: """ Handle converting successful response into JSON or raise an exception with a fitting message. :param resp: The DeepL API -response to handle. :return: The JSON-response returned by the API. :raises RouteException: If DeepL API returned an error. :raises Exception: If DeepL API returned an unknown or unexpected error. """ if resp.ok: try: return resp.json() except JSONDecodeError as e: raise Exception(f"DeepL API returned malformed JSON: {e}") else: status_code = resp.status_code # Handle the status codes given by DeepL API # Using Python 3.10's match-statement would be cool here... if status_code == 400: debug_exception = Exception( f"The request to the DeepL API was bad. Please check your parameters." ) elif status_code == 403: debug_exception = Exception( f"Authorization failed. Please check your DeepL API key for typos." ) elif status_code == 404: debug_exception = Exception( f"The requested translator could not be found. Please try again later." ) elif status_code == 413: debug_exception = Exception( f"The request size exceeds the API's limit. Please try again with a smaller document." ) elif status_code == 414: debug_exception = Exception( f"The request URL is too long. Please contact TIM support." ) elif status_code == 429: debug_exception = Exception( f"Too many requests were sent. Please wait and resend the request later." ) elif status_code == 456: debug_exception = Exception( f"You have exceeded your character quota. Please try again when your quota has reset." ) elif status_code == 503: debug_exception = Exception( f"Translator currently unavailable. Please try again later." ) elif status_code == 529: debug_exception = Exception( f"Too many requests were sent. Please wait and resend the request later." ) elif 500 <= status_code < 600: debug_exception = Exception( f"An internal error occurred on the DeepL server. Please try again." ) else: # TODO Do not show this to user. Confirm, that wuff is sent. debug_exception = Exception( f"'{resp.url}' responded with: {status_code}" ) raise RouteException( description="The request failed. Error message: " + str(debug_exception) ) def _translate( self, session: FuturesSession, text: list[str], source_lang: str | None, target_lang: str, *, split_sentences: str | None = None, preserve_formatting: str | None = None, tag_handling: str | None = None, non_splitting_tags: list[str] = [], splitting_tags: list[str] = [], ignore_tags: list[str] = [], ) -> Future: """ Supports most of the parameters of a DeepL API translate call. See for valid parameter values and more information. With tag handling for example to handle the tag "<x>" the parameter value should be "x". :param session: Object to use in constructing the single DeepL API translate-call. :param text: Text to translate that can contain XML. :param source_lang: Language of the text. :param target_lang: Language to translate the text into. :param split_sentences: Is text split before translation. :param preserve_formatting: Is formatting preserved during translation. :param tag_handling: Are tags intelligently handled. XML and HTML are currently supported. :param non_splitting_tags: Tags that never split sentences. :param splitting_tags: Tags that always split sentences. :param ignore_tags: Tags to ignore when translating. :return: A Future-object of the DeepL API translate-call. """ src_lang = source_lang if source_lang is not None and ( source_lang.lower() == "en-gb" or source_lang.lower() == "en-us" ): src_lang = "en" logger.log_debug(f"Amount of separate translatable texts: {str(len(text))}/50") data = { "text": text, "source_lang": src_lang, "target_lang": target_lang, "split_sentences": split_sentences, "preserve_formatting": preserve_formatting, "tag_handling": tag_handling, "non_splitting_tags": ",".join(non_splitting_tags), "splitting_tags": ",".join(splitting_tags), "ignore_tags": ",".join(ignore_tags), } return self.service_url + "/translate", data=data, headers=self.headers ) @cache.memoize(timeout=LANGUAGES_CACHE_TIMEOUT, args_to_ignore=["self"]) def _languages(self, *, is_source: bool) -> dict: """ Get languages supported by the API. :param is_source: Flag to query for supported source-languages. :return: Languages supported in translations by type (source or target). """ return self._post( "languages", data={"type": "source" if is_source else "target"} )
[docs] def preprocess(self, elem: TranslateApproval) -> None: """ Protect the text inside element from mangling in translation by adding XML-tags. :param elem: The element to add XML-protection-tags to. :return None. The tag is added to the input object. """ # TODO If the protection tag is found in the content text, somehow # encode such tag first. if type(elem) is NoTranslate: elem.text = f"<{self.ignore_tag}>{elem.text}</{self.ignore_tag}>"
[docs] def postprocess(self, text: str) -> str: """ Remove unnecessary protection tags from the text and change defined aliases back to Markdown syntax. :param text: The text returned from DeepL API after translation. :return: Text with the needed operations performed to more closely match the text before passing it to DeepL API. """ return ( replace_md_aliases(text) .replace(f"<{self.ignore_tag}>", "") .replace(f"</{self.ignore_tag}>", "") )
[docs] def translate( self, texts: list[TranslateBlock], source_lang: Language | None, target_lang: Language, tag_handling: str = "xml", ) -> list[str]: """ Use the DeepL API to translate text between languages. :param texts: Some set of texts to be translated. :param source_lang: Language of input text. None value makes DeepL guess it from the text. :param target_lang: Language for target language. :param tag_handling: See comment in superclass. :return: List of strings in target language with the non-translatable parts intact. """ source_lang_code = source_lang.lang_code if source_lang else None # Get the translatable text of objects and add XML-tag -protection to # them if so needed. if tag_handling == "xml": # TODO This multidimensionalism of lists is hard to read for block in texts: for elem in block: self.preprocess(elem) # TODO This multidimensionalism of lists is hard to read # Combine the strings of each block for maximum-effectiveness of the # translation-call. protected_texts = list( map(lambda xs: "".join(map(lambda x: x.text, xs)), texts) ) # Translate texts 50 at a time to match DeepL-spec: # "Up to 50 text parameters can be submitted in one request." # translate_calls = list() # Initialize the session for parallel translate-calls. session = FuturesSession() for i in range(0, len(protected_texts), 50): call = self._translate( session, protected_texts[i : i + 50], # Send uppercase, because it is used in DeepL documentation. source_lang_code.upper(), target_lang.lang_code.upper(), # "1" (for example) keeps original document's empty newlines. split_sentences="1", # NOTE preserve_formatting=1 might remove punctuation even # though DeepL should not make guesses of the content. preserve_formatting="0", tag_handling=tag_handling, ignore_tags=[self.ignore_tag], ) translate_calls.append(call) # Wait for the parallel calls to finish and get their results in # order. translation_resps = list() for call in translate_calls: resp = call.result() # TODO Handle exceptions raised in the error handling. resp_json = self._handle_post_response(resp) translation_resps += resp_json["translations"] # Insert the text-parts sent to the API into correct places in # original elements. translated_texts = list() for resp in translation_resps: clean_block = ( self.postprocess(resp["text"]) if tag_handling == "xml" else resp["text"] ) translated_texts.append(clean_block) return translated_texts
[docs] def usage(self) -> Usage: """ Fetch current API usage of the registered key from DeepL. :return: Usage returned from DeepL. """ resp_json = self._post("usage") return Usage( character_count=int(resp_json["character_count"]), character_limit=int(resp_json["character_limit"]), )
[docs] def get_languages(self, source_langs: bool) -> list[Language]: """ Fetches the source or target languages from DeepL. :param source_langs: Whether source languages must be fetched :return: The list of source of target languages from DeepL. """ def get_langs_from_db(deepl_lang: dict) -> Language | None: try: language = deepl_lang["language"] code = langcodes.get(language).to_tag() # This is needed because DeepL's source languages only include # English (EN) and not regional variants. if code.lower() == "en": code = self.source_Language_code return Language.query_by_code(code) except LookupError: return None self.source_Language_code = "en-GB" langs = self._languages(is_source=source_langs) return_langs = list(filter(None, map(get_langs_from_db, langs))) if source_langs: self.source_Language_code = "en-US" en: Language | None = Language( lang_code="", lang_name="", autonym="", ) for lang in langs: if lang.get("language").lower() == "en": en = get_langs_from_db(lang) if en is not None: return_langs = return_langs + [en] return return_langs
[docs] @cache.memoize(timeout=LANGUAGES_CACHE_TIMEOUT, args_to_ignore=["self"]) def languages(self) -> LanguagePairing: """ Asks the DeepL API for the list of supported languages and turns the returned language codes to Languages found in the database. :return: Dictionary of source langs to lists of target langs, that are supported by the API and also found in database. """ def get_lang(deepl_lang: dict) -> Language | None: try: language = deepl_lang["language"] code = langcodes.get(language).to_tag() # This is needed because DeepL's source languages only include # English (EN) and not regional variants. if code.lower() == "en": code = self.source_Language_code return Language.query_by_code(code) except LookupError: return None # Query API for supported source and target languages and transform # them into the return type. resp_json_src = self._languages(is_source=True) resp_json_target = self._languages(is_source=False) db_langs_src: list[Language] = list(filter(None, map(get_lang, resp_json_src))) db_langs_target: list[Language] = list( filter(None, map(get_lang, resp_json_target)) ) langs_map = {lang.lang_code: db_langs_target for lang in db_langs_src} return LanguagePairing(langs_map)
[docs] def supports(self, source_lang: Language, target_lang: Language) -> bool: """ Check that the source language can be translated into target language by the translation API. :param source_lang: Language to check the translation capability from. :param target_lang: Language to check the translation capability into. :return: True, if the pairing is supported. """ self.source_Language_code = source_lang.lang_code try: supported_languages: list[Language] = self.languages()[ self.source_Language_code ] except KeyError as e: raise RouteException( f"The language code {e} was not found in supported source languages." ) # The target language is found by the primary key. # TODO is this too much? Can't strings be just as good? # Maybe better would be to handle Languages by their database id's? return any(x.lang_code == target_lang.lang_code for x in supported_languages)
[docs] def supports_tag_handling(self, tag_type: str) -> bool: """ Check if DeeplTranslationService supports a tag-handling. :param tag_type: The tag-type to check handling for. :return: True if the tag-type is supported. """ return tag_type in ["xml", "html"]
# TODO Make the value an enum like with Verification? __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "DeepL Free"}
[docs]class DeeplProTranslationService(DeeplTranslationService): """Translation service using the DeepL API Pro.""" # TODO Make the value an enum like with Verification? __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "DeepL Pro"}