import json
from copy import deepcopy
from flask import Blueprint
from flask import request
from timApp.gamification import gamificationdata
from timApp.gamification.gamificationdata import GamificationException
from timApp.util.flask.requesthelper import RouteException
from timApp.util.flask.responsehelper import json_response
generateMap = Blueprint("generateMap", __name__, url_prefix="")
def generate_map():
# Configuring the data is here to make the map load lazier.
coursedata = gamificationdata.gamify(request.get_json())
except GamificationException as e:
raise RouteException(str(e))
# Get lectures from json
lecturejson = coursedata["lectures"]
# Get demos from json
demojson = coursedata["demos"]
# Get map
mapname = select_map(len(lecturejson), len(demojson))
# Read map
with open(mapname) as f:
g_map = json.loads(
# Dict for properties added to every layer.
properties = {
"studentpoints": 0, # Points student got from this demo/lecture
"maxpoints": 0, # Maximum points attainable from this demo/lecture
"site": "", # Link to this demo/lecture
"title": "", # Title of this demo/lecture
# Width of the map, needed for calculating tiles.
mapwidth = g_map["width"]
g_map["layers"] = add_properties(g_map["layers"], properties)
# The number of demos and lectures in the map.
demosinmap = 0
lecturesinmap = 0
# Replace all of the tables with dicts and get number of lectures and demos in map.
for layer in g_map["layers"]:
layer = replace_table_with_dict(layer)
if layer["name"][0:1] == "l":
lecturesinmap += 1
if layer["name"][0:1] == "d":
demosinmap += 1
# Indexes for lectures and demos so correct information can be sent to layers in a loop.
# Starts at -abs(len - number of demos/lectures) so that excess layers can be removed.
lectureindex = -abs(len(lecturejson) - lecturesinmap)
demoindex = -abs(len(demojson) - demosinmap)
# Index for iterating over the layers.
layerindex = 0
# Table of layers to be removed due to them not being needed.
dellayers = []
# Add layers for buildings.
for layer in g_map["layers"]:
if layer["name"][0:1] == "l":
# Attach properties and create buildings if there are still lectures to be added.
if len(lecturejson) - 1 >= lectureindex >= 0:
points = 1
maxpoints = 1
title = lecturejson[len(lecturejson) - lectureindex - 1]["name"]
lectureproperties = {
"studentpoints": 0, # Points student got from this demo/lecture
"maxpoints": 0, # Maximum points attainable from this demo/lecture
"site": lecturejson[len(lecturejson) - lectureindex - 1][
], # Li$
"title": title, # Title of this demo/lecture
# Change the name of the layer so it doesnt get caught in the loop a$
layer["name"] = "L" + layer["name"][1:]
layer["properties"] = lectureproperties
g_map["layers"] = create_lecture_layers(
# Delete layer if no more lectures need to be added.
lectureindex += 1
if layer["name"][0:1] == "d":
# Attach properties and create buildings if there are still demos to be added.
if len(demojson) - 1 >= demoindex >= 0:
points = demojson[len(demojson) - demoindex - 1]["gotPoints"]
maxpoints = demojson[len(demojson) - demoindex - 1]["maxPoints"]
demoproperties = {
"studentpoints": points, # Points student got from this demo/lecture
"maxpoints": maxpoints, # Maximum points attainable from this demo/lecture
"site": demojson[len(demojson) - demoindex - 1][
], # Link to this demo/lecture
"title": demojson[len(demojson) - demoindex - 1][
], # Title of this demo/lecture
# Change the name of the layer so it doesnt get caught in the loop again.
layer["name"] = "D" + layer["name"][1:]
layer["properties"] = demoproperties
g_map["layers"] = create_demo_layers(
# If there is no need for the layer delete it.
demoindex += 1
layerindex += 1
# If a layer has no data remove it.
for layer in g_map["layers"]:
if len(layer["data"]) == 0:
# Remove unused layers.
for dellayer in dellayers:
# layers = create_lecture_layers(map['layers'],2,mapwidth)
return json_response(g_map)
# Creates zero to three layers on top of a demo layer
# layers are the layers which need to be appended with more layers
# layerid is the id for the layer above which the layers need to be appended
# layerdict is the dictionary for the layer above which the layers need to be added
[docs]def create_lecture_layers(layers, layerid, points, maxpoints, mapwidth, properties):
# Lets not divide by zero.
if maxpoints == 0:
maxpoints = 1
if float(points / maxpoints) > 0:
layers.insert(layerid + 1, deepcopy(layers[layerid]))
layers[layerid + 1]["name"] += "b1"
layers[layerid + 1]["data"] = make_build_blocks(layers[layerid + 1]["data"], 0)
layers[layerid + 1]["properties"] = properties
if float(points / maxpoints) > 0.5:
layers.insert(layerid + 2, deepcopy(layers[layerid]))
layers[layerid + 2]["name"] += "b2"
layers[layerid + 2]["data"] = make_build_blocks(layers[layerid + 2]["data"], 3)
layers[layerid + 2]["properties"] = properties
# Delete unused keys, create offset for roof.
deltable = []
if float(points / maxpoints) > 0:
for key in layers[layerid + 2]["data"].keys():
if float(points / maxpoints) > 0.5:
for key in deltable:
layers[layerid + 2]["data"][str(int(key) - mapwidth)] = layers[layerid + 2][
del layers[layerid + 2]["data"][key]
return layers
# Creates zero to three layers on top of a demo layer
# layers are the layers which need to be appended with more layers
# layerid is the id for the layer above which the layers need to be appended
# layerdict is the dictionary for the layer above which the layers need to be added
# percentage is the percentage of points gotten from the demo.
[docs]def create_demo_layers(layers, layerid, points, maxpoints, mapwidth, properties):
if maxpoints == 0 and points == 0:
maxpoints = 1
points = 1
if maxpoints <= 0:
maxpoints = 1
max_tiles = 12
totaltiles = max_tiles * points / maxpoints
if totaltiles > max_tiles:
totaltiles = max_tiles
totaltiles = round(totaltiles)
floors = totaltiles // 3 + 1
tiles = totaltiles % 3
# index used to track progress of loop
floorindex = 0
while floorindex < floors:
layers.insert(layerid + 1 + floorindex, deepcopy(layers[layerid]))
layers[layerid + 1 + floorindex]["name"] = (
layers[layerid]["name"] + "b" + str(1 + floorindex)
layers[layerid + 1 + floorindex]["data"] = make_build_blocks(
layers[layerid + 1 + floorindex]["data"], floorindex
layers[layerid + 1 + floorindex]["properties"] = properties
if floorindex != 0:
deltable = []
# Insert layers into the deletable table if they have no data in them
for key in layers[layerid + 1 + floorindex]["data"].keys():
for key in deltable:
layers[layerid + 1 + floorindex]["data"][
str(int(key) - mapwidth * floorindex)
] = layers[layerid + 1 + floorindex]["data"][key]
del layers[layerid + 1 + floorindex]["data"][key]
floorindex += 1
# Remove extra tiles if this is the last run of the loop.
deltiles = 3
if floorindex == floors:
while tiles < deltiles:
# Delete keys starting with the latest so that the frames look better.
for key in reversed(list(layers[layerid + floorindex]["data"].keys())):
del layers[layerid + floorindex]["data"][key]
deltiles -= 1
return layers
# Makes buildblocks for tiles, dict is the dict to be modified,
# floor defines the blocks to be added. 0 = ground floor, 1 = middle, 2 = middle, 3 = roof
[docs]def make_build_blocks(data, floor):
if floor == 0:
for key in data.keys():
data[key] = 23
if floor == 1 or floor == 2:
for key in data.keys():
data[key] = 20
if floor == 3:
for key in data.keys():
data[key] = 101
return data
# Select a map based on the number of lectures and demos.
[docs]def select_map(lectures, demos):
map_file = "static/map_files/d"
# If there are more than twice as many demos as there are lectures select map based on lectures
if 2 * demos < lectures:
if lectures % 2 == 0:
map_file += str(int(lectures / 2)) + ".json"
if lectures % 2 == 1:
map_file += str(int(int(lectures / 2) + 1)) + ".json"
# Otherwise select map based on demos.
map_file += str(demos if demos > 0 else 1) + ".json"
return map_file
# Add properties to every layer in the map. Properties dont contain anything of actual value at this point.
[docs]def add_properties(layers, properties):
for layer in layers:
layer["properties"] = properties
return layers
# replaces data table of layer with a dict containing tile and image id.
[docs]def replace_table_with_dict(layer):
toptiles = find_tiles(layer)
# Dictionary the data will be replaced with.
data = {}
for tile in toptiles:
# Dict is updated with line tile:image id
data.update({"" + str(tile): layer["data"][tile]})
# Replace data with dict
layer["data"] = data
return layer
# This method returns a list of tiles in the given data.
[docs]def find_tiles(layer):
data = layer["data"]
# Table of the tiles
ret = []
i = 0
for n in data:
if n != 0:
i += 1
return ret