Source code for timApp.item.block

from __future__ import annotations

from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import attribute_mapped_collection

from timApp.auth.accesstype import AccessType
from timApp.auth.auth_models import BlockAccess
from timApp.item.blockassociation import BlockAssociation
from timApp.item.tag import Tag
from timApp.messaging.messagelist.messagelist_models import MessageListModel
from timApp.messaging.timMessage.internalmessage_models import (
from timApp.timdb.sqa import db
from timApp.user.usergroup import UserGroup
from timApp.user.usergroupdoc import UserGroupDoc
from timApp.util.utils import get_current_time

    from timApp.folder.folder import Folder

[docs]class Block(db.Model): """The "base class" for all database objects that are part of the permission system.""" __tablename__ = "block" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) """A unique identifier for the Block.""" latest_revision_id = db.Column(db.Integer) """Old field that is not used anymore.""" type_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) """Type of the Block, see BlockType enum for possible types.""" description = db.Column(db.Text) """Additional information about the Block. This is used for different purposes by different BlockTypes, so it isn't merely a "description". """ created = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False, """When this Block was created.""" modified = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), """When this Block was last modified.""" docentries = db.relationship("DocEntry", back_populates="_block") folder = db.relationship("Folder", back_populates="_block", uselist=False) translation = db.relationship( "Translation", back_populates="_block", uselist=False, foreign_keys="Translation.doc_id", ) answerupload = db.relationship( "AnswerUpload", back_populates="block", lazy="dynamic" ) accesses = db.relationship( "BlockAccess", back_populates="block", lazy="joined", cascade="all, delete-orphan", collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection("block_collection_key"), ) tags: list[Tag] = db.relationship("Tag", back_populates="block", lazy="select") children = db.relationship( "Block", secondary=BlockAssociation.__table__, primaryjoin=id == BlockAssociation.__table__.c.parent, secondaryjoin=id == BlockAssociation.__table__.c.child, lazy="select", ) parents = db.relationship( "Block", secondary=BlockAssociation.__table__, primaryjoin=id == BlockAssociation.__table__.c.child, secondaryjoin=id == BlockAssociation.__table__.c.parent, lazy="select", ) notifications = db.relationship( "Notification", back_populates="block", lazy="dynamic" ) relevance = db.relationship( "BlockRelevance", back_populates="_block", uselist=False ) # If this Block corresponds to a group's manage document, indicates the group being managed. managed_usergroup: UserGroup | None = db.relationship( "UserGroup", secondary=UserGroupDoc.__table__, lazy="select", uselist=False, ) # If this Block corresponds to a message list's manage document, indicates the message list # being managed. managed_messagelist: MessageListModel | None = db.relationship( "MessageListModel", back_populates="block", lazy="select" ) internalmessage: InternalMessage | None = db.relationship( "InternalMessage", back_populates="block" ) internalmessage_display: InternalMessageDisplay | None = db.relationship( "InternalMessageDisplay", back_populates="display_block" ) def __json__(self): return ["id", "type_id", "description", "created", "modified"] @property def owners(self) -> list[UserGroup]: return [o.usergroup for o in self.owner_accesses] @property def parent(self) -> Folder: if self.type_id == BlockType.Document.value: from timApp.document.docentry import DocEntry return DocEntry.find_by_id( elif self.type_id == BlockType.Folder.value: from timApp.folder.folder import Folder folder = Folder.get_by_id( return folder.parent
[docs] def is_unpublished(self): from timApp.auth.sessioninfo import get_current_user_object u = get_current_user_object() return ( u.has_ownership(self) is not None and all(not o.is_large() for o in self.owners) and len(self.accesses) <= 1 )
@property def owner_accesses(self): return [a for a in self.accesses.values() if a.type == AccessType.owner.value]
[docs] def set_owner(self, usergroup: UserGroup): """Changes the owner group for a block. :param usergroup: The new usergroup. """ self.accesses = { (, AccessType.owner.value): BlockAccess(, type=AccessType.owner.value, accessible_from=get_current_time(), ) }
[docs] def add_rights(self, groups, access_type: AccessType): for gr in groups: key = (, access_type.value) self.accesses[key] = BlockAccess(, type=access_type.value, accessible_from=get_current_time(), )
[docs]class BlockType(Enum): Document = 0 Comment = 1 Note = 2 Answer = 3 Image = 4 Reading = 5 Folder = 6 File = 7 Upload = 8 ScheduledFunction = 9 Task = 10
[docs] @staticmethod def from_str(type_name: str) -> BlockType: return BlockType[type_name.title()]
[docs]def insert_block( block_type: BlockType, description: str | None, owner_groups: list[UserGroup] | None = None, ) -> Block: """Inserts a block to database. :param description: The name (description) of the block. :param owner_groups: The owner groups of the block. :param block_type: The type of the block. :returns: The id of the block. """ b = Block(description=description, type_id=block_type.value) db.session.add(b) if owner_groups: for owner_group in owner_groups: db.session.flush() access = BlockAccess( block=b, usergroup=owner_group, type=AccessType.owner.value, accessible_from=get_current_time(), ) b.accesses[(, AccessType.owner.value)] = access # Also register to accesses_alt because it may be used by other methods in the same session owner_group.accesses_alt[(, AccessType.owner.value)] = access db.session.flush() return b
[docs]def copy_default_rights( item, item_type: BlockType, owners_to_skip: list[UserGroup] | None = None ): from timApp.user.userutils import grant_access from timApp.user.users import get_default_rights_holders default_rights: list[BlockAccess] = [] folder = item.parent while folder is not None: default_rights += get_default_rights_holders(folder, item_type) folder = folder.parent refreshed_groups = set() for d in default_rights: if ( owners_to_skip and d.usergroup in owners_to_skip and d.access_type == AccessType.owner ): continue # Because copy_default_rights is usually applied to a new item with new permissions, the usergroup.accesses_alt # might not be updated yet. Because of this, we need to force the update of the accesses_alt at least once. if not in refreshed_groups: db.session.expire(d.usergroup, ["accesses_alt"]) refreshed_groups.add( grant_access( d.usergroup, item, d.atype.to_enum(), accessible_from=d.accessible_from, accessible_to=d.accessible_to, duration_from=d.duration_from, duration_to=d.duration_to, duration=d.duration, )