Source code for timApp.item.distribute_rights

import itertools
import multiprocessing
from collections import defaultdict
from concurrent.futures import Future
from dataclasses import dataclass, replace, field, fields, Field
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal, Union, DefaultDict, Callable, TypeVar, Any, get_args
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import filelock
from flask import Response, flash, request
from isodate import Duration
from marshmallow import Schema
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename

from timApp.auth.accesshelper import AccessDenied, verify_admin
from timApp.auth.accesstype import AccessType
from timApp.auth.auth_models import get_duration_now, do_confirm
from timApp.auth.sessioninfo import get_current_user_object
from timApp.document.docentry import DocEntry
from timApp.folder.folder import Folder
from timApp.item.item import Item
from timApp.tim_app import app, csrf
from timApp.timdb.sqa import db
from timApp.user.user import User
from timApp.user.usergroup import UserGroup
from timApp.user.userutils import grant_access
from timApp.util.flask.requesthelper import RouteException
from timApp.util.flask.responsehelper import (
from timApp.util.flask.typedblueprint import TypedBlueprint
from timApp.util.logger import log_warning
from timApp.util.secret import check_secret, get_secret_or_abort
from timApp.util.utils import (
from tim_common.marshmallow_dataclass import field_for_schema, class_schema
from tim_common.utils import DurationSchema
from tim_common.vendor.requests_futures import FuturesSession

dist_bp = TypedBlueprint("dist_rights", __name__, url_prefix="/distRights")

[docs]@dataclass(slots=True) class ConfirmOp: type: Literal["confirm"] email: str timestamp: datetime
[docs]@dataclass(slots=True) class ConfirmGroupOp: type: Literal["confirmgroup"] group: str timestamp: datetime
[docs]@dataclass(slots=True) class QuitOp: type: Literal["quit"] email: str timestamp: datetime
[docs]@dataclass(slots=True) class UnlockOp: type: Literal["unlock"] email: str timestamp: datetime
[docs]@dataclass(slots=True) class ChangeTimeOp: type: Literal["changetime"] email: str secs: int timestamp: datetime
[docs]@dataclass(slots=True) class ChangeTimeGroupOp: type: Literal["changetimegroup"] group: str secs: int timestamp: datetime
[docs]@dataclass(slots=True) class UndoConfirmOp: type: Literal["undoconfirm"] email: str timestamp: datetime
[docs]@dataclass(slots=True) class UndoQuitOp: type: Literal["undoquit"] email: str timestamp: datetime
[docs]@dataclass(slots=True) class ChangeStartTimeGroupOp: type: Literal["changestarttimegroup"] group: str starttime: datetime timestamp: datetime
RightOp = Union[ ConfirmOp, UnlockOp, ChangeTimeOp, QuitOp, UndoConfirmOp, UndoQuitOp, ChangeTimeGroupOp, ChangeStartTimeGroupOp, ConfirmGroupOp, ] GroupOp = Union[ ChangeTimeGroupOp, ChangeStartTimeGroupOp, ConfirmGroupOp, ] GroupOps = ( ChangeTimeGroupOp, ChangeStartTimeGroupOp, ConfirmGroupOp, ) def _get_op_name(op_type: RightOp) -> str: type_field: Field = next((f for f in fields(op_type) if == "type")) return get_args(type_field.type)[0] right_op_types: dict[str, Schema] = { _get_op_name(op_type): class_schema(op_type)() for op_type in get_args(RightOp) } # It's faster to deserialize using class schemas instead of generating a field schema for RightOp def _deserialize_right(line: dict[str, Any]) -> RightOp: return right_op_types[line["type"]].load(line) RightOpSchema = field_for_schema(RightOp) # type: ignore[arg-type] RightSchema = class_schema(Right, base_schema=DurationSchema)() Email = str
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class RightLogEntry: op: RightOp right: Right
T = TypeVar("T", bound=RightOp)
[docs]@dataclass class RightLog: initial_right: Right group_cache: dict[str, list[Email]] = field(default_factory=dict) op_history: DefaultDict[Email, list[RightLogEntry]] = field( default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(list) )
[docs] def add_op(self, r: RightOp) -> None: if isinstance(r, ChangeTimeGroupOp): emails = self.get_group_emails(r) self.process_group_rights(emails, change_time, r) return if isinstance(r, ChangeStartTimeGroupOp): emails = self.get_group_emails(r) self.process_group_rights(emails, change_starttime, r) return if isinstance(r, ConfirmGroupOp): emails = self.get_group_emails(r) self.process_group_rights(emails, confirm_group, r) return email = curr_right = self.get_right(email) curr_hist = self.op_history[email] if isinstance(r, ConfirmOp): do_confirm(curr_right, r.timestamp) elif isinstance(r, UnlockOp): if curr_right.duration: curr_right.accessible_from = r.timestamp curr_right.accessible_to = ( curr_right.accessible_from + get_duration_now(curr_right, r.timestamp) ) else: # TODO: This shouldn't happen in practice because non-duration rights cannot be unlocked. # Perhaps log a warning etc. pass elif isinstance(r, ChangeTimeOp): change_time(curr_right, r) elif isinstance(r, QuitOp): curr_right.accessible_to = r.timestamp elif isinstance(r, UndoConfirmOp): # We _don't_ want to assign "accessible_from = None" here. # Otherwise, if the right is reconfirmed, the start time will be wrong (it gets current timestamp). # If a Right with require_confirm = True is distributed, accessible_from will be saved as None in the # receiving end, meaning that the right is not active. # curr_right.accessible_from = None curr_right.require_confirm = True elif isinstance(r, UndoQuitOp): if isinstance(curr_hist[-1].op, QuitOp): try: last_active = curr_hist[ -2 ].right # -1 is the QuitOp, so one before that except IndexError: last_active = self.initial_right curr_right.accessible_to = last_active.accessible_to else: raise Exception("unknown op") curr_hist.append(RightLogEntry(r, curr_right))
[docs] def process_group_rights( self, emails: list[Email], fn: Callable[[Right, T], None], r: T, ) -> None: op_history = self.op_history for e in emails: l_op = self.latest_op(e) if l_op and isinstance(l_op.op, QuitOp): continue rig = self.get_right(e) fn(rig, r) op_history[e].append(RightLogEntry(r, rig))
[docs] def get_group_emails(self, r: GroupOp) -> list[Email]: emails = self.group_cache.get( if not emails: emails = [ e for e, in ( UserGroup.query.join(User, UserGroup.users) .filter( == .with_entities( ) ] if not emails: if not UserGroup.get_by_name( raise Exception(f"Usergroup {} not found") self.group_cache[] = [e for e in emails] return emails
[docs] def get_right(self, email: Email) -> Right: latest = self.latest_op(email) # Make a copy of the right so we keep it immutable. return replace(latest.right if latest else self.initial_right)
[docs] def latest_op(self, email: Email) -> RightLogEntry | None: try: return self.op_history[email][-1] except IndexError: return None
[docs]def change_time(right: Right, op: ChangeTimeOp | ChangeTimeGroupOp) -> None: if right.accessible_to: right.accessible_to += timedelta(seconds=op.secs) if right.duration and not right.accessible_from: right.duration += timedelta(seconds=op.secs)
[docs]def change_starttime(right: Right, op: ChangeStartTimeGroupOp) -> None: if right.accessible_from: # non-duration right (or an unlocked duration) old_acc_from = right.accessible_from right.accessible_from = op.starttime # Keep the difference (accessible_to - accessible_from) constant. # It's not necessarily always desired, but makes sense in exams with non-duration rights. if right.accessible_to: dur = right.accessible_to - old_acc_from right.accessible_to = right.accessible_from + dur elif right.duration_from: dur_to = right.duration_to # Keep the difference (duration_to - duration_from) constant. unlock_period = dur_to - right.duration_from if dur_to else None right.duration_from = op.starttime right.duration_to = ( right.duration_from + unlock_period if unlock_period else None )
[docs]def confirm_group(right: Right, op: ConfirmGroupOp) -> None: do_confirm(right, op.timestamp)
[docs]def get_current_rights(target: str) -> tuple[RightLog, Path]: fp = Path(app.config["FILES_PATH"]) initial_rights, lines = read_rights(fp / f"{target}.rights.initial", 1) rights_log_path = fp / f"{target}.rights.log" try: logged_rights, _ = read_rights(rights_log_path, 0) except FileNotFoundError: logged_rights = [] initial_right: Right = RightSchema.load(lines[0]) rights = RightLog(initial_right) for r in itertools.chain(initial_rights, logged_rights): rights.add_op(r) return rights, rights_log_path
[docs]def read_rights(path: Path, index: int) -> tuple[list[RightOp], list[dict]]: lines = read_json_lines(path) return [_deserialize_right(line) for line in lines[index:]], lines
[docs]def do_register_right(op: RightOp, target: str) -> tuple[RightLog | None, str | None]: rights, right_log_path = get_current_rights(target) if not isinstance(op, GroupOps): latest_op = rights.latest_op( if ( latest_op and isinstance(latest_op.op, QuitOp) and not isinstance(op, UndoQuitOp) ): return None, f"{target}: Cannot register a non-UndoQuitOp after QuitOp" if isinstance(op, UndoQuitOp) and ( not latest_op or not isinstance(latest_op.op, QuitOp) ): return None, f"{target}: There is no QuitOp to undo" rights.add_op(op) with"a") as f: f.write(to_json_str(op) + "\n") return rights, None
[docs]def do_dist_rights(op: RightOp, rights: RightLog, target: str) -> list[str]: emails = rights.group_cache[] if isinstance(op, GroupOps) else [] session = FuturesSession(max_workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) futures = [] host_config = app.config["DIST_RIGHTS_HOSTS"][target] dist_rights_send_secret = get_secret_or_abort("DIST_RIGHTS_SEND_SECRET") hosts = host_config["hosts"] rights_to_send = [{"email": e, "right": rights.get_right(e)} for e in emails] for m in hosts: r = session.put( f"{m}/distRights/receive", data=to_json_str( { "rights": rights_to_send, "secret": dist_rights_send_secret, "item_path": host_config["item"], } ), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, timeout=10, ) futures.append(r) return collect_errors_from_hosts(futures, hosts)
[docs]def register_right_impl( op: RightOp, target: str | list[str], backup: bool = True, distribute: bool = True, ) -> list[str]: targets = [target] if isinstance(target, str) else target errors = [] for tgt in targets: target_s = secure_filename(tgt) if not target_s: raise RouteException(f"invalid target: {tgt}") with filelock.FileLock(f"/tmp/log_right_{target_s}"): rights, err = do_register_right(op, target_s) if err: errors.append(err) if distribute and rights: with filelock.FileLock(f"/tmp/dist_right_{target_s}"): errors.extend(do_dist_rights(op, rights, target_s)) if backup: backup_errors = register_op_to_hosts(op, target, is_receiving_backup=True) if backup_errors: log_warning(f"Right backup failed for some hosts: {backup_errors}") return errors
[docs]"/register") @csrf.exempt def register_right( op: RightOp, target: str | list[str], secret: str, is_receiving_backup: bool = False, ) -> Response: check_secret(secret, "DIST_RIGHTS_REGISTER_SECRET") is_active_distributor = app.config["DIST_RIGHTS_IS_DISTRIBUTOR"] errors = register_right_impl( op, target, backup=False, distribute=not is_receiving_backup and is_active_distributor, ) return json_response({"host_errors": errors})
[docs]@dataclass class RightEntry: email: Email right: Right
[docs]@dist_bp.put("/receive") @csrf.exempt def receive_right( rights: list[RightEntry], item_path: str, secret: str, ) -> Response: check_secret(secret, "DIST_RIGHTS_RECEIVE_SECRET") uges = ( UserGroup.query.join(User, == .filter( for re in rights)) .with_entities(UserGroup, .all() ) group_map = {} for ug, email in uges: group_map[email] = ug item: Item | None = Folder.find_by_path(item_path) if not item: item = DocEntry.find_by_path(item_path) if not item: raise RouteException(f"Item not found: {item_path}") for r in rights: ug = group_map[] right = r.right grant_access( ug, item, AccessType.view, # In TIM, a right is considered active whenever accessible_from is set, so if the right still requires # confirmation, we must set accessible_from to be null. accessible_from=right.accessible_from if not right.require_confirm else None, accessible_to=right.accessible_to, duration=right.duration, duration_from=right.duration_from, duration_to=right.duration_to, require_confirm=right.require_confirm, ) db.session.commit() return ok_response()
[docs]@dist_bp.get("/changeStartTime") def change_starttime_route( group: str, target: str, # comma-separated; TODO: List[str] doesn't work for GET requests minutes: int, redir: str, ) -> Response: targets = target.split(",") u = get_current_user_object() conf_name = "DIST_RIGHTS_START_TIME_GROUP" start_time_group = app.config[conf_name] if not start_time_group: raise RouteException(f"{conf_name} not configured.") ug = UserGroup.get_by_name(start_time_group) if u not in ug.users and not u.is_admin: raise AccessDenied("You are not in the group that can change the start time.") curr_time = get_current_time() op = ChangeStartTimeGroupOp( type="changestarttimegroup", timestamp=curr_time, group=group, starttime=curr_time + timedelta(minutes=minutes), ) errors = register_right_impl(op, targets) if errors: flash(str(errors)) parsed = urlparse(redir) if parsed.scheme or parsed.netloc: raise RouteException("redir must be relative") return safe_redirect(request.host_url + redir)
[docs]def register_op_to_hosts( op: RightOp, target: str | list[str], is_receiving_backup: bool ) -> list[str]: curr_host = app.config["TIM_HOST"] register_hosts = [ h for h in app.config["DIST_RIGHTS_REGISTER_HOSTS"] if h != curr_host ] session = FuturesSession(max_workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) futures: list[Future] = [] for h in register_hosts: f = f"{h}/distRights/register", to_json_str( { "op": op, "target": target, "secret": app.config["DIST_RIGHTS_REGISTER_SEND_SECRET"], "is_receiving_backup": is_receiving_backup, } ), headers={"Content-type": "application/json"}, timeout=10, ) futures.append(f) return collect_errors_from_hosts(futures, register_hosts)
[docs]@dist_bp.get("/current") def get_current_rights_route( groups: str, # comma-separated; TODO: List[str] doesn't work for GET requests target: str, ) -> Response: verify_admin() try: rights, _ = get_current_rights(target) except FileNotFoundError: raise RouteException(f"Unknown target: {target}") groups_list = groups.split(",") emails = ( User.query.join(UserGroup, User.groups) .filter( .with_entities( .order_by( .all() ) return json_response([{"email": e, "right": rights.get_right(e)} for e, in emails])