TIM feedback-plugin.
from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict
from typing import Union, Any
from flask import render_template_string
from marshmallow import validates, ValidationError
from marshmallow.utils import missing
from tim_common.markupmodels import GenericMarkupModel
from tim_common.pluginserver_flask import (
from tim_common.utils import Missing
class FeedbackStateModel:
"""Model for the information that is stored in TIM database for each answer."""
user_answer: str
correct: bool
feedback: str
correct_answer: str
class FeedbackMarkupModel(GenericMarkupModel):
area: str | Missing = missing
choice: Any | Missing = missing
correctsInRow: int | Missing = missing
dragSource: str | Missing = missing
matchElement: Any | Missing = missing
nextTask: str | Missing = missing
points_array: list[float] | Missing = missing
practiceID: str | Missing = missing
questionItems: Any | Missing = missing
showAnswers: bool | Missing = missing
shuffle: bool | Missing = missing
[docs] @validates("points_array")
def validate_points_array(self, value: list[float]) -> None:
if len(value) != 2:
raise ValidationError("Must be of size 1 x 2.")
class FeedbackHtmlModel(
GenericHtmlModel[FeedbackInputModel, FeedbackMarkupModel, FeedbackStateModel]
[docs] def get_component_html_name(self) -> str:
return "feedback-runner"
[docs] def get_static_html(self) -> str:
return render_static_feedback(self)
class FeedbackAnswerModel(
GenericAnswerModel[FeedbackInputModel, FeedbackMarkupModel, FeedbackStateModel]
[docs]def render_static_feedback(m: FeedbackHtmlModel) -> str:
return render_template_string(
<div class="csRunDiv no-popup-menu">
<h4>{{ header }}</h4>
<p class="stem">{{ stem }}</p>
<div><label>{{ inputstem or '' }}</label>
<button class="timButton">
{{ buttonText or button or "Save" }}
<a>{{ resetText }}</a>
<p class="plgfooter">{{ footer }}</p>
[docs]def answer(args: FeedbackAnswerModel) -> PluginAnswerResp:
web: PluginAnswerWeb = {}
result: PluginAnswerResp = {"web": web}
correct_answer = args.input.correct_answer
feedback = args.input.feedback
correct = args.input.correct
user_answer = args.input.user_answer
points_array = args.markup.points_array
if isinstance(points_array, Missing):
points_array = [0, 1]
points = points_array[1 if correct else 0]
# Plugin can ask not to save the word.
nosave = args.input.nosave
if not nosave:
save = {
"correct_answer": correct_answer,
"correct": correct,
"feedback": feedback,
"user_answer": user_answer,
result["save"] = save
result["tim_info"] = {"points": points}
web["result"] = "saved"
return result
[docs]def reqs() -> PluginReqs:
templates = [
"""#- {area="dropdowntask1" .task}
## Instruction header {.instruction defaultplugin="dropdown"}
Here you can write general instructions for the test. Pictures can also be inserted. The
"Instruction header" can also be changed, but do not change the `.instructions` in the
The next is a practice question. It can be edited or deleted.
I {#practice words: ["will think", "won't think", "might think"]#} before answering.
## Item header {defaultplugin="dropdown"}
::: {.info}
Anything inside this `.info` section starting with `::: {.info}` and ending with `:::`
will not be a part of the actual question/answer. Here you can place extra instructions
or you may delete the section.
The question ID `#dropdown1` should be unique to the task. It refers to the feedback and
should be edited in both the question item and feedback plugins.
What {#dropdown1 shuffle: true#} on the stove?
## Item header {defaultplugin="dropdown"}
::: {.info}
This is the `.info` section.
Who {#dropdown2 shuffle: true#} the cake?
## Item header {defaultplugin="dropdown"}
::: {.info}
This is the `.info` section.
What {#dropdown3 shuffle: true#} on the roof?
## Item header {defaultplugin="dropdown"}
::: {.info}
This is the `.info` section.
Who {#dropdown4 shuffle: true#} the 3 mile swim in the race?
``` {#fb1 plugin="feedback"}
# Quick reference for feedback options:
# correctsInRow: number of correct answers in a row to advance to next task.
# nextTask: the address of next task in the TIM file system.
# shuffle: (true or false) whether question items are given in random order.
# questionItems: contains the question items and the feedback for them.
# - pluginNames: names of the target question item plugins.
# words: list of words to be set as choices to the plugin(s) in pluginNames.
# choices: defines the possible match choices and the feedback for each.
# - match: defines a choice to match to trigger the defined feedback.
# correct: true, indicates that the choice is the correct answer.
# levels: defines the feedback levels for the matching choice.
# Using & + word (example: &match1) after "levels:" you can create a reference.
# You can later refer to the defined reference levels with * + word (*match1).
correctsInRow: 2
nextTask: "[Click here](next_task_document_name) to move to the next task."
shuffle: true
- pluginNames: ["dropdown1"]
words: [["is cooking", "do cooking", "are cooking"]]
- match: ["is cooking"]
correct: true
levels: &rightmatch
- "**Correct!** You answered: *|correct|*"
- match: ["do cooking"]
levels: &match1
- "You can write the level 1 feedback for the match choice here."
- "You can write the level 2 feedback for the match choice here."
- "You can write the level 3 feedback for the match choice here."
- "You can write the level 4 feedback for the match choice here."
- match: ["are cooking"]
levels: &match2
- "Level 1: |answer| is a placeholder for the given answer."
- "Level 2: |part[0]| refers to the 1st part of the answer."
- "Level 3: |match[0]| is a placeholder for the current match choice."
- "Level 4: |correct| is a placeholder for the correct answer."
- match: [] # Empty brackets for default feedback.
levels: &defaultmatch
- "*Level 1 default feedback* in italics with *"
- "**Level 2 default feedback** in bold with **."
- "<u>Level 3 default feedback</u> now underlined."
- "[Level 4 default feedback]{.red} now in red color."
- pluginNames: ["dropdown2"]
words: [["is baking", "do baking", "are baking"]]
- match: ["is baking"]
correct: true
levels: *rightmatch
- match: ["do baking"]
levels: *match1
- match: ["are baking"]
levels: *match2
- match: []
levels: *defaultmatch
- pluginNames: ["dropdown3"]
words: [["is jumping", "do jumping", "are jumping"]]
- match: ["is jumping"]
correct: true
levels: *rightmatch
- match: ["do jumping"]
levels: *match1
- match: ["are jumping"]
levels: *match2
- match: []
levels: *defaultmatch
- pluginNames: ["dropdown4"]
words: [["is swimming", "do swimming", "are swimming"]]
- match: ["is swimming"]
correct: true
levels: *rightmatch
- match: ["do swimming"]
levels: *match1
- match: ["are swimming"]
levels: *match2
- match: []
levels: *defaultmatch
#- {area_end="dropdowntask1"}""",
"""#- {area="draganddroptask1" .task}
## Instruction header {.instruction defaultplugin="drag"}
Here you can write general instructions for the test. Pictures can also be inserted. The
"Instruction header" can also be changed, but do not change the `.instructions` in the
The next is a practice question. It can be edited or deleted.
Drag from here: {#practicedrag1 words: ["I", "before", "will think", "answering"]#}
To here: {#practicedrop2#}.
## Item header {defaultplugin="drag"}
::: {.info}
Anything inside this `.info` section starting with `::: {.info}` and ending with `:::`
will not be a part of the actual question/answer. Here you can place extra instructions
and the draggable words in "drag1".
{#drag1 shuffle: true, words: ["I", "when", "around", "come"]#}
The question ID `#drop1` should be unique to the task. It refers to the feedback
and should be edited in both the question item and feedback plugins.
You know where I'll be found {#drop1#}.
## Item header {defaultplugin="drag"}
::: {.info}
This is the `.info` section with draggable words.
{#drag2 shuffle: true, words: ["I", "if", "a mile", "run"]#}
I will be quite tired {#drop2#}.
## Item header {defaultplugin="drag"}
::: {.info}
This is the `.info` section with draggable words.
{#drag3 shuffle: true, words: ["I", "who", "at work", "see"]#}
I will tell you {#drop3#}.
## Item header {defaultplugin="drag"}
::: {.info}
This is the `.info` section with draggable words.
{#drag4 shuffle: true, words: ["I", "whether", "a computer", "had"]#}
He wanted to know {#drop4#}.
``` {#fb1 plugin="feedback"}
# Quick reference for feedback options:
# correctsInRow: number of correct answers in a row to advance to next task.
# nextTask: the address of next task in the TIM file system.
# shuffle: (true or false) whether question items are given in random order.
# questionItems: contains the question items and the feedback for them.
# - pluginNames: names of the target question item plugins.
# dragSource: drag1, used only for case with one repeating question.
# words: [] for drag and drop questions.
# choices: defines the possible match choices and the feedback for each.
# - match: defines a choice to match to trigger the defined feedback.
# correct: true, indicates that the choice is the correct answer.
# levels: defines the feedback levels for the matching choice.
# Using & + word (example: &match1) after "levels:" you can create a reference.
# You can later refer to the defined reference levels with * + word (*match1).
correctsInRow: 2
nextTask: "[Click here](next_task_document_name) to move to the next task."
shuffle: true
- pluginNames: ["drop1"]
words: []
- match: ["when I come around"]
correct: true
levels: &rightmatch
- "**Correct!** You answered: *|correct|*"
- match: ["when around I come"]
levels: &match1
- "You can write the level 1 feedback for the match choice here."
- "You can write the level 2 feedback for the match choice here."
- "You can write the level 3 feedback for the match choice here."
- "You can write the level 4 feedback for the match choice here."
- match: ["when come I around"]
levels: &match2
- "Level 1: |answer| is a placeholder for the given answer."
- "Level 2: |part[0]| refers to the 1st part of the answer."
- "Level 3: |match[0]| is a placeholder for the current match choice."
- "Level 4: |correct| is a placeholder for the correct answer."
- match: [] # Empty brackets for default feedback.
levels: &defaultmatch
- "*Level 1 default feedback* in italics with *"
- "**Level 2 default feedback** in bold with **."
- "<u>Level 3 default feedback</u> now underlined."
- "[Level 4 default feedback]{.red} now in red color."
- pluginNames: ["drop2"]
words: []
- match: ["if I run a mile"]
correct: true
levels: *rightmatch
- match: ["if a mile I run"]
levels: *match1
- match: ["if run I a mile"]
levels: *match2
- match: []
levels: *defaultmatch
- pluginNames: ["drop3"]
words: []
- match: ["who I see at work"]
correct: true
levels: *rightmatch
- match: ["who at work I see"]
levels: *match1
- match: ["who see I at work"]
levels: *match2
- match: []
levels: *defaultmatch
- pluginNames: ["drop4"]
words: []
- match: ["whether I had a computer"]
correct: true
levels: *rightmatch
- match: ["whether a computer I had"]
levels: *match1
- match: ["whether had I a computer"]
levels: *match2
- match: []
levels: *defaultmatch
#- {area_end="draganddroptask1"}""",
"""## Instruction header {.instruction defaultplugin="dropdown"}
Here you can write general instructions for the test. Pictures can also be inserted. The
"Instruction header" can also be changed, but do not change the `.instructions` in the
The next is a practice question. It can be edited or deleted.
I {#practice words: ["will think", "won't think", "might think"]#} before answering.
"""## Instruction header {.instruction defaultplugin="drag"}
Here you can write general instructions for the test. Pictures can also be inserted. The
"Instruction header" can also be changed, but do not change the `.instructions` in the
The next is a practice question. It can be edited or deleted.
Drag from here: {#practicedrag1 words: ["I", "before", "will think", "answering"]#}
To here: {#practicedrop2#}.
"""## Item header {defaultplugin="dropdown"}
::: {.info}
Anything inside this `.info` section starting with `::: {.info}` and ending with `:::`
will not be a part of the actual question/answer. Here you can place extra instructions
or you may delete the section.
The question ID `#dropdown1` should be unique to the task. It refers to the feedback and
should be edited in both the question item and feedback plugins.
What {#dropdown1 autosave: false, shuffle: true#} on the stove?
"""## Item header {defaultplugin="drag"}
::: {.info}
Anything inside this `.info` section starting with `::: {.info}` and ending with `:::`
will not be a part of the actual question/answer. Here you can place extra instructions
and the draggable words in "drag1".
{#drag1 shuffle: true , words: ["I", "when", "around", "come"]#}
The question ID `#drop1` should be unique to the task. It refers to the feedback and
should be edited in both the question item and feedback plugins.
You know where I'll be found {#drop1#}.
"""``` {#fb1 plugin="feedback"}
# Quick reference for feedback options:
# correctsInRow: number of correct answers in a row to advance to next task.
# nextTask: the address of next task in the TIM file system.
# shuffle: (true or false) whether question items are given in random order.
# questionItems: contains the question items and the feedback for them.
# - pluginNames: names of the target question item plugins.
# words: list of words to be set as choices to the plugin(s) in pluginNames.
# choices: defines the possible match choices and the feedback for each.
# - match: defines a choice to match to trigger the defined feedback.
# correct: true, indicates that the choice is the correct answer.
# levels: defines the feedback levels for the matching choice.
# Using & + word (example: &match1) after "levels:" you can create a reference.
# You can later refer to the defined reference levels with * + word (*match1).
correctsInRow: 2
nextTask: "[Click here](next_task_document_name) to move to the next task."
shuffle: true
- pluginNames: ["dropdown1"]
words: [["is cooking", "do cooking", "are cooking"]]
- match: ["is cooking"]
correct: true
levels: &rightmatch
- "**Correct!** You answered: *|correct|*"
- match: ["do cooking"]
levels: &match1
- "You can write the level 1 feedback for the match choice here."
- "You can write the level 2 feedback for the match choice here."
- "You can write the level 3 feedback for the match choice here."
- "You can write the level 4 feedback for the match choice here."
- match: ["are cooking"]
levels: &match2
- "Level 1: |answer| is a placeholder for the given answer."
- "Level 2: |part[0]| refers to the 1st part of the answer."
- "Level 3: |match[0]| is a placeholder for the current match choice."
- "Level 4: |correct| is a placeholder for the correct answer."
- match: [] # Empty brackets for default feedback.
levels: &defaultmatch
- "*Level 1 default feedback* in italics with *"
- "**Level 2 default feedback** in bold with **."
- "<u>Level 3 default feedback</u> now underlined."
- "[Level 4 default feedback]{.red} now in red color."
- pluginNames: ["dropdown2"]
words: [["is baking", "do baking", "are baking"]]
- match: ["is baking"]
correct: true
levels: *rightmatch
- match: ["do baking"]
levels: *match1
- match: ["are baking"]
levels: *match2
- match: []
levels: *defaultmatch
- pluginNames: ["dropdown3"]
words: [["is jumping", "do jumping", "are jumping"]]
- match: ["is jumping"]
correct: true
levels: *rightmatch
- match: ["do jumping"]
levels: *match1
- match: ["are jumping"]
levels: *match2
- match: []
levels: *defaultmatch
- pluginNames: ["dropdown4"]
words: [["is swimming", "do swimming", "are swimming"]]
- match: ["is swimming"]
correct: true
levels: *rightmatch
- match: ["do swimming"]
levels: *match1
- match: ["are swimming"]
levels: *match2
- match: []
levels: *defaultmatch
"""``` {#fb1 plugin="feedback"}
# Quick reference for feedback options:
# correctsInRow: number of correct answers in a row to advance to next task.
# nextTask: the address of next task in the TIM file system.
# shuffle: (true or false) whether question items are given in random order.
# questionItems: contains the question items and the feedback for them.
# - pluginNames: names of the target question item plugins.
# dragSource: drag1, used only for case with one repeating question.
# words: [] for drag and drop questions.
# choices: defines the possible match choices and the feedback for each.
# - match: defines a choice to match to trigger the defined feedback.
# correct: true, indicates that the choice is the correct answer.
# levels: defines the feedback levels for the matching choice.
# Using & + word (example: &match1) after "levels:" you can create a reference.
# You can later refer to the defined reference levels with * + word (*match1).
correctsInRow: 2
nextTask: "[Click here](next_task_document_name) to move to the next task."
shuffle: true
- pluginNames: ["drop1"]
words: []
- match: ["when I come around"]
correct: true
levels: &rightmatch
- "**Correct!** You answered: *|correct|*"
- match: ["when around I come"]
levels: &match1
- "You can write the level 1 feedback for the match choice here."
- "You can write the level 2 feedback for the match choice here."
- "You can write the level 3 feedback for the match choice here."
- "You can write the level 4 feedback for the match choice here."
- match: ["when come I around"]
levels: &match2
- "Level 1: |answer| is a placeholder for the given answer."
- "Level 2: |part[0]| refers to the 1st part of the answer."
- "Level 3: |match[0]| is a placeholder for the current match choice."
- "Level 4: |correct| is a placeholder for the correct answer."
- match: [] # Empty brackets for default feedback.
levels: &defaultmatch
- "*Level 1 default feedback* in italics with *"
- "**Level 2 default feedback** in bold with **."
- "<u>Level 3 default feedback</u> now underlined."
- "[Level 4 default feedback]{.red} now in red color."
- pluginNames: ["drop2"]
words: []
- match: ["if I run a mile"]
correct: true
levels: *rightmatch
- match: ["if a mile I run"]
levels: *match1
- match: ["if run I a mile"]
levels: *match2
- match: []
levels: *defaultmatch
- pluginNames: ["drop3"]
words: []
- match: ["who I see at work"]
correct: true
levels: *rightmatch
- match: ["who at work I see"]
levels: *match1
- match: ["who see I at work"]
levels: *match2
- match: []
levels: *defaultmatch
- pluginNames: ["drop4"]
words: []
- match: ["whether I had a computer"]
correct: true
levels: *rightmatch
- match: ["whether a computer I had"]
levels: *match1
- match: ["whether had I a computer"]
levels: *match2
- match: []
levels: *defaultmatch
return {
"js": ["js/build/feedback.js"],
"multihtml": True,
"css": ["css/feedback.css"],
"editor_tabs": [
"text": "Fields",
"items": [
"text": "Feedback",
"items": [
"data": templates[0].strip(),
"text": "Task with dropdown questions",
"expl": "Add a whole task with instructions, dropdown items and feedback",
"data": templates[1].strip(),
"text": "Task with drag & drop questions",
"expl": "Add a whole task with instructions, drag & drop items and feedback",
"data": templates[2].strip(),
"text": "Instruction block for dropdown task",
"expl": "Add an instruction block with a dropdown question item",
"data": templates[3].strip(),
"text": "Instruction block for drag & drop task",
"expl": "Add an instruction block with a drag & drop question item",
"data": templates[4].strip(),
"text": "Question item block with dropdown ",
"expl": "Add a question item block with a dropdown question",
"data": templates[5].strip(),
"text": "Question item block with drag & drop",
"expl": "Add a question item block with a drag & drop question",
"data": templates[6].strip(),
"text": "Feedback block for dropdown",
"expl": "Add a feedback block for dropdown task",
"data": templates[7].strip(),
"text": "Feedback block for drag & drop ",
"expl": "Add a feedback block for drag & drop task",
app = register_plugin_app(
launch_if_main(__name__, app)