Source code for timApp.note.notes

from typing import NamedTuple

from sqlalchemy.orm import lazyload

from timApp.document.docparagraph import DocParagraph
from timApp.document.document import Document
from timApp.markdown.markdownconverter import md_to_html
from timApp.note.usernote import UserNote
from timApp.user.user import User
from timApp.user.usergroup import UserGroup

[docs]def tagstostr(tags: list[str]) -> str: tagstr = "" if "difficult" in tags: tagstr += "d" if "unclear" in tags: tagstr += "u" return tagstr
[docs]def strtotags(tagstr: str) -> list[str]: tags = [] if "d" in tagstr: tags.append("difficult") if "u" in tagstr: tags.append("unclear") return tags
[docs]class UserNoteAndUser(NamedTuple): user: User note: UserNote editable: bool private: bool
[docs]def process_notes(result: list[tuple[UserNote, User]]) -> list[tuple[UserNote, User]]: for note, u in result: if note.html is None: note.html = md_to_html(note.content) return result
[docs]def get_notes( usergroup_id: int, doc: Document, include_public=True ) -> list[tuple[UserNote, User]]: """Gets all notes for a document a particular user has access to. :param usergroup_id: The usergroup id. :param doc: The document for which to get the notes. """ ids = doc.get_referenced_document_ids() ids.add(doc.doc_id) f = == usergroup_id if include_public: f = f | (UserNote.access == "everyone") q = ( UserNote.query.filter(UserNote.doc_id.in_(ids)) .join(UserGroup) .join(User, == .options(lazyload("*")) .filter(f) .order_by( .with_entities(UserNote, User) ) return process_notes(q.all())
[docs]def move_notes(src_par: DocParagraph, dest_par: DocParagraph): """Moves all notes from one paragraph to another. :param src_par: Source paragraph :param dest_par: Destination paragraph """ if str(src_par.doc.doc_id) == str(dest_par.doc.doc_id) and str( src_par.get_id() ) == str(dest_par.get_id()): return for u in UserNote.query.filter_by( doc_id=src_par.doc.doc_id, par_id=src_par.get_id() ): u.doc_id = dest_par.doc.doc_id u.par_id = dest_par.get_id()