Source code for timApp.readmark.readings

from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import DefaultDict

from sqlalchemy.orm import Query

from timApp.document.docparagraph import DocParagraph
from timApp.document.document import Document
from timApp.readmark.readparagraph import ReadParagraph
from timApp.readmark.readparagraphtype import ReadParagraphType
from timApp.timdb.sqa import db
from timApp.util.utils import get_current_time

[docs]def get_read_expiry_condition(delta: timedelta): return (ReadParagraph.type == ReadParagraphType.click_red) | ( ReadParagraph.timestamp > get_current_time() - delta )
[docs]def get_readings( usergroup_id: int, doc: Document, filter_condition=None ) -> list[ReadParagraph]: return get_readings_filtered_query(usergroup_id, doc, filter_condition).all()
[docs]def has_anything_read(usergroup_ids: list[int], doc: Document) -> bool: # Custom query for speed ids = doc.get_referenced_document_ids() ids.add(doc.doc_id) query = db.session.query( ReadParagraph.doc_id.in_(ids) & (ReadParagraph.usergroup_id.in_(usergroup_ids)) & (ReadParagraph.type == ReadParagraphType.click_red) ) # Normal query is generally faster than an "exists" subquery even if it causes extra data to be loaded return query.first() is not None
[docs]def get_readings_filtered_query( usergroup_id: int, doc: Document, filter_condition=None ) -> Query: q = get_readings_query(usergroup_id, doc) if filter_condition is not None: q = q.filter(filter_condition) return q
[docs]def get_clicked_readings_query(doc: Document) -> Query: return ReadParagraph.query.filter( (ReadParagraph.doc_id == doc.doc_id) & (ReadParagraph.type == ReadParagraphType.click_red) )
[docs]def get_readings_query(usergroup_id: int, doc: Document) -> Query: """Gets the reading info for a document for a user. :param doc: The document for which to get the readings. :param usergroup_id: The id of the user group whose readings will be fetched. """ ids = doc.get_referenced_document_ids() ids.add(doc.doc_id) return ReadParagraph.query.filter( ReadParagraph.doc_id.in_(ids) & (ReadParagraph.usergroup_id == usergroup_id) ).order_by(ReadParagraph.timestamp)
[docs]def mark_read( usergroup_id: int, doc: Document, par: DocParagraph, read_type=ReadParagraphType.click_red, ): rp = ReadParagraph( usergroup_id=usergroup_id, doc_id=doc.doc_id, par_id=par.get_id(), par_hash=par.get_hash(), type=read_type, ) db.session.add(rp)
[docs]def mark_all_read(usergroup_id: int, doc: Document): existing = { (r.par_id, r.doc_id): r for r in get_readings_query(usergroup_id, doc).filter( ReadParagraph.type == ReadParagraphType.click_red ) } for par in doc: e = existing.get((par.get_id(), doc.doc_id)) if e and e.par_hash == par.get_hash(): continue mark_read(usergroup_id, doc, par)
[docs]def remove_all_read_marks(doc: Document): # Documents can reference paragraphs from other documents, which is why # usually you'd use get_referenced_document_ids to get all document IDs # Since we're deleting read marks here, it's better to be safe and only remove marks only # for paragraphs defined directly in the document get_clicked_readings_query(doc).delete(synchronize_session=False)
[docs]def get_read_usergroups_count(doc: Document): return get_clicked_readings_query(doc).distinct(ReadParagraph.usergroup_id).count()
[docs]def copy_readings(src_par: DocParagraph, dest_par: DocParagraph): if ( src_par.doc.doc_id == dest_par.doc.doc_id and src_par.get_id() == dest_par.get_id() ): return src_par_query = ReadParagraph.query.filter_by( doc_id=src_par.doc.doc_id, par_id=src_par.get_id() ) ReadParagraph.query.filter( (ReadParagraph.doc_id == dest_par.doc.doc_id) & (ReadParagraph.par_id == dest_par.get_id()) & ReadParagraph.usergroup_id.in_( src_par_query.with_entities(ReadParagraph.usergroup_id) ) ).delete(synchronize_session="fetch") for p in src_par_query.all(): # type: ReadParagraph db.session.add( ReadParagraph( usergroup_id=p.usergroup_id, doc_id=dest_par.doc.doc_id, par_id=dest_par.get_id(), timestamp=p.timestamp, par_hash=p.par_hash, type=p.type, ) )
[docs]def get_common_readings(usergroup_ids: list[int], doc: Document, filter_condition=None): users: list[DefaultDict[str, DefaultDict[ReadParagraphType, ReadParagraph]]] = [] for u in usergroup_ids: reading_map = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(lambda: ReadParagraph(par_hash=None)) ) rs = get_readings(u, doc, filter_condition) for r in rs: reading_map[r.doc_id, r.par_id][r.type] = r users.append(reading_map) common_par_ids = users[0].keys() for r in users[1:]: common_par_ids &= r.keys() # If the hashes are not the same for every user, it means someone has not read the latest one. We remove # such paragraphs. # TODO: How to handle different types of readings for a group? final_pars = [ k for k in common_par_ids if all( ( read_pars[k][ReadParagraphType.click_red].par_hash == users[0][k][ReadParagraphType.click_red].par_hash ) for read_pars in users ) ] for key in final_pars: for k, v in users[0][key].items(): yield v