Source code for timApp.tests.server.test_dist_rights

from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import timezone, timedelta, datetime
from pathlib import Path

from isodate import Duration

from timApp.item.distribute_rights import (
from timApp.tests.server.timroutetest import TimRouteTest
from timApp.tim_app import app
from timApp.timdb.sqa import db
from timApp.user.usergroup import UserGroup
from timApp.util.flask.requesthelper import RouteException
from timApp.util.flask.responsehelper import to_json_str
from timApp.util.utils import get_current_time

[docs]def register_right_or_raise(op: RightOp, target_name: str) -> RightLog: res, err = do_register_right(op, target_name) if err: raise RouteException(err) return res
[docs]@dataclass class DistRightsProcessor: dt: datetime target_name: str
[docs] def confirm(self, i: int, incr: timedelta): self.dt = self.dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( ConfirmOp(type="confirm", email=f"test{i}", timestamp=self.dt), self.target_name, )
[docs] def confirmgroup(self, group: str, incr: timedelta): self.dt = self.dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( ConfirmGroupOp(type="confirmgroup", group=group, timestamp=self.dt), self.target_name, )
[docs] def changetime(self, i: int, incr: timedelta, secs: int): self.dt = self.dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( ChangeTimeOp( type="changetime", email=f"test{i}", timestamp=self.dt, secs=secs, ), self.target_name, )
[docs] def changetimegroup(self, group: str, incr: timedelta, secs: int): self.dt = self.dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( ChangeTimeGroupOp( type="changetimegroup", group=group, timestamp=self.dt, secs=secs ), self.target_name, )
[docs] def changestarttimegroup(self, group: str, incr: timedelta, newtime: datetime): self.dt = self.dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( ChangeStartTimeGroupOp( type="changestarttimegroup", group=group, timestamp=self.dt, starttime=newtime, ), self.target_name, )
[docs] def unlock(self, i: int, incr: timedelta): self.dt = self.dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( UnlockOp(type="unlock", email=f"test{i}", timestamp=self.dt), self.target_name, )
[docs] def quit(self, i: int, incr: timedelta): self.dt = self.dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( QuitOp(type="quit", email=f"test{i}", timestamp=self.dt), self.target_name, )
[docs] def undoquit(self, i: int, incr: timedelta): self.dt = self.dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( UndoQuitOp( type="undoquit", email=f"test{i}", timestamp=self.dt ), self.target_name, )
[docs] def undoconfirm(self, i: int, incr: timedelta): self.dt = self.dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( UndoConfirmOp( type="undoconfirm", email=f"test{i}", timestamp=self.dt ), self.target_name, )
h = 3600 m = 60
[docs]class DistRightsTest(TimRouteTest):
[docs] def check(self, base_date, rights, i, rq, d_f, d_t, d_secs, acc_f, acc_t): self.assertEqual( Right( require_confirm=rq, duration_from=base_date + timedelta(seconds=d_f) if d_f is not None else None, duration_to=base_date + timedelta(seconds=d_t) if d_t is not None else None, duration=Duration(seconds=d_secs) if d_secs is not None else None, accessible_from=base_date + timedelta(seconds=acc_f) if acc_f is not None else None, accessible_to=base_date + timedelta(seconds=acc_t) if acc_t is not None else None, ), rights.get_right(f"test{i}"), )
[docs] def init_processor(self, target_name: str): tz = timezone(timedelta(0), "+0000") processor = DistRightsProcessor( dt=datetime( year=2021, month=5, day=25, hour=10, minute=0, second=0, tzinfo=tz, ), target_name=target_name, ) base_date = datetime(2021, 5, 25, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=tz) def check(*args): return self.check(base_date, *args) return processor, base_date, check
[docs] def write_initial( self, processor: DistRightsProcessor, initial_right: Right, ops: list[RightOp] ): fp = Path(app.config["FILES_PATH"]) / f"{processor.target_name}.rights.initial" with"w") as f: f.write(to_json_str(initial_right) + "\n") for op in ops: f.write(to_json_str(op) + "\n")
[docs] def test_group_manipulation(self): processor, base_date, check = self.init_processor("test_group_manipulation") self.login_test1() UserGroup.create("tg_manip1") db.session.commit() self.write_initial( processor, Right( require_confirm=True, duration_from=None, duration_to=None, duration=None, accessible_from=processor.dt, accessible_to=processor.dt + timedelta(hours=1), ), [ ChangeStartTimeGroupOp( type="changestarttimegroup", group="tg_manip1", starttime=processor.dt + timedelta(hours=1), timestamp=processor.dt, ), ], ) twosecs = timedelta(seconds=2) # Basic case: the user is not in a group, he should get default rights on confirm r, _ = get_current_rights(processor.target_name) check(r, 1, True, None, None, None, 0, 1 * h) r = processor.confirm(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, 1 * h) # Basic remove case: undo confirm r = processor.undoconfirm(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, True, None, None, None, 0, 1 * h) # Group add case: The user is added to the group and then confirmed # Intentionally don't flush after adding user to group, simulate UserSelect behaviour ug = UserGroup.get_by_name("tg_manip1") self.test_user_1.add_to_group(ug, None) r = processor.confirm(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 1 * h, 2 * h) db.session.commit() # Group remove case: The user is removed from the group and then unconfirmed ug = UserGroup.get_by_name("tg_manip1") membership = ug.current_memberships.get(, None) if membership: membership.set_expired() db.session.commit() r = processor.undoconfirm(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, True, None, None, None, 0, 1 * h)
[docs] def test_distribute_rights(self): processor, base_date, check = self.init_processor("test") self.login_test1() ug = UserGroup.create("tg1") self.test_user_1.add_to_group(ug, None) self.test_user_2.add_to_group(ug, None) empty = UserGroup.create("some_empty_group1") db.session.commit() self.write_initial( processor, Right( require_confirm=True, duration_from=processor.dt, duration_to=processor.dt + timedelta(minutes=10), duration=Duration(hours=4), accessible_from=None, accessible_to=None, ), [ ChangeTimeOp( type="changetime", email="", secs=5 * 60, timestamp=processor.dt + timedelta(seconds=10), ) ], ) twosecs = timedelta(seconds=2) r, _ = get_current_rights(processor.target_name) check(r, 1, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, None, None) check(r, 2, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h, None, None) r = processor.confirmgroup("tg1", twosecs) check(r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, None, None) check(r, 2, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h, None, None) check(r, 3, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h, None, None) r = processor.undoconfirm(1, twosecs) r = processor.undoconfirm(2, twosecs) check(r, 1, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, None, None) check(r, 2, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h, None, None) r = processor.confirm(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, None, None) check(r, 2, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h, None, None) r = processor.undoconfirm(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, None, None) check(r, 2, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h, None, None) r = processor.confirm(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, None, None) check(r, 2, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h, None, None) r = processor.changetime(2, twosecs, 20) check(r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, None, None) check(r, 2, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 20, None, None) check(r, 3, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h, None, None) r = processor.confirm(3, twosecs) check(r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, None, None) check(r, 2, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 20, None, None) check(r, 3, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h, None, None) halfhour = timedelta(minutes=30) r = processor.changestarttimegroup("tg1", twosecs, base_date + halfhour) halfhoursecs = halfhour.total_seconds() check( r, 1, False, halfhoursecs, halfhoursecs + 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, None, None ) check(r, 2, True, halfhoursecs, halfhoursecs + 10 * m, 4 * h + 20, None, None) check(r, 3, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h, None, None) r = processor.changestarttimegroup("tg1", twosecs, base_date) check(r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, None, None) check(r, 2, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 20, None, None) check(r, 3, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h, None, None) r = processor.unlock(1, twosecs) unlock_time = 2 * 11 check( r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, unlock_time, 4 * h + 5 * m + unlock_time, ) r = processor.changetime(1, twosecs, 20) check( r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, unlock_time, 4 * h + 5 * m + unlock_time + 20, ) r = processor.changetimegroup("tg1", twosecs, 15) check( r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, unlock_time, 4 * h + 5 * m + unlock_time + 20 + 15, ) check(r, 2, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 20 + 15, None, None) r = processor.changetimegroup("tg1", twosecs, 5) check( r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, unlock_time, 4 * h + 5 * m + unlock_time + 20 + 15 + 5, ) check(r, 2, True, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 20 + 15 + 5, None, None) check(r, 3, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h, None, None) with self.assertRaises(RouteException): r = processor.undoquit(1, twosecs) r = processor.quit(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, unlock_time, 2 * 16) with self.assertRaises(RouteException): processor.quit(1, twosecs) with self.assertRaises(RouteException): processor.changetime(1, twosecs, 20) with self.assertRaises(RouteException): processor.unlock(1, twosecs) r = processor.undoquit(1, twosecs) check( r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, unlock_time, 4 * h + 5 * m + unlock_time + 20 + 15 + 5, ) r = processor.changetime(1, twosecs, 5) check( r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, unlock_time, 4 * h + 5 * m + unlock_time + 20 + 15 + 5 + 5, ) with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError): get_current_rights("does_not_exist") self.json_post( "/distRights/register", { "op": { "email": "", "type": "confirm", "timestamp": get_current_time(), }, "target": "test", "secret": "xxx", }, expect_status=400, expect_content="DIST_RIGHTS_REGISTER_SECRET not configured.", ) d = self.create_doc() with self.temp_config( { "DIST_RIGHTS_REGISTER_SECRET": "xxx", "DIST_RIGHTS_SEND_SECRET": "yyy", "DIST_RIGHTS_RECEIVE_SECRET": "yyy", "DIST_RIGHTS_HOSTS": { "test": { "hosts": [ f'http://{app.config["INTERNAL_PLUGIN_DOMAIN"]}:5001' ], "item": d.path, } }, } ): with self.internal_container_ctx(): self.json_post( "/distRights/register", { "op": { "email": "", "type": "changetime", "timestamp": get_current_time(), "secs": 4, }, "target": "test", "secret": "xxx", }, expect_content={"host_errors": []}, ) r, _ = get_current_rights(processor.target_name) check( r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, unlock_time, 4 * h + 5 * m + unlock_time + 20 + 15 + 5 + 5 + 4, ) r = processor.changestarttimegroup("testuser1", twosecs, base_date + halfhour) check( r, 1, False, 0, 10 * m, 4 * h + 5 * m, halfhoursecs, halfhoursecs + 4 * h + 5 * m + 20 + 15 + 5 + 5 + 4, ) # An operation on an empty group should not raise an exception. processor.confirmgroup("some_empty_group1", twosecs) # An operation on a non-existent group should raise an exception. with self.assertRaises(Exception): processor.confirmgroup("this_does_not_exist", twosecs) self.make_admin(self.test_user_3) self.login_test3() resp = self.get( "/distRights/current", query_string={"target": processor.target_name, "groups": "tg1,testuser3"}, ) self.assertEqual( [ { "email": "", "right": { "accessible_from": "2021-05-25T10:30:00+00:00", "accessible_to": "2021-05-25T14:35:49+00:00", "duration": "PT4H5M", "duration_from": "2021-05-25T10:00:00+00:00", "duration_to": "2021-05-25T10:10:00+00:00", "require_confirm": False, }, }, { "email": "", "right": { "accessible_from": None, "accessible_to": None, "duration": "PT4H40S", "duration_from": "2021-05-25T10:00:00+00:00", "duration_to": "2021-05-25T10:10:00+00:00", "require_confirm": True, }, }, { "email": "", "right": { "accessible_from": None, "accessible_to": None, "duration": "PT4H", "duration_from": "2021-05-25T10:00:00+00:00", "duration_to": "2021-05-25T10:10:00+00:00", "require_confirm": False, }, }, ], resp, ) self.get( "/distRights/current", query_string={"target": "not_exist", "groups": "tg1,testuser3"}, expect_status=400, expect_content="Unknown target: not_exist", ) self.get( "/distRights/changeStartTime", query_string={"target": "test", "group": "tg1", "minutes": 0, "redir": "/"}, expect_status=400, expect_content="DIST_RIGHTS_START_TIME_GROUP not configured.", ) with self.temp_config( { "DIST_RIGHTS_START_TIME_GROUP": "testuser1", "DIST_RIGHTS_SEND_SECRET": "yyy", "DIST_RIGHTS_RECEIVE_SECRET": "yyy", "DIST_RIGHTS_HOSTS": { "test": { "hosts": [ f'http://{app.config["INTERNAL_PLUGIN_DOMAIN"]}:5001' ], "item": d.path, } }, } ): self.get( "/distRights/changeStartTime", query_string={ "target": "test", "group": "tg1", "minutes": 0, "redir": "view/somedoc", }, expect_status=302, expect_content="view/somedoc", )
[docs] def test_distribute_rights_non_duration(self): tz = timezone(timedelta(0), "+0000") dt = datetime( year=2021, month=5, day=25, hour=10, minute=0, second=0, tzinfo=tz ) target_name = "test2" def confirm(i: int, incr: timedelta): nonlocal dt dt = dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( ConfirmOp(type="confirm", email=f"test{i}", timestamp=dt), target_name, ) def changetime(i: int, incr: timedelta, secs: int): nonlocal dt dt = dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( ChangeTimeOp( type="changetime", email=f"test{i}", timestamp=dt, secs=secs, ), target_name, ) def changetimegroup(group: str, incr: timedelta, secs: int): nonlocal dt dt = dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( ChangeTimeGroupOp( type="changetimegroup", group=group, timestamp=dt, secs=secs ), target_name, ) def changestarttimegroup(group: str, incr: timedelta, newtime: datetime): nonlocal dt dt = dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( ChangeStartTimeGroupOp( type="changestarttimegroup", group=group, timestamp=dt, starttime=newtime, ), target_name, ) def unlock(i: int, incr: timedelta): nonlocal dt dt = dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( UnlockOp(type="unlock", email=f"test{i}", timestamp=dt), target_name, ) def quit(i: int, incr: timedelta): nonlocal dt dt = dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( QuitOp(type="quit", email=f"test{i}", timestamp=dt), target_name, ) def undoquit(i: int, incr: timedelta): nonlocal dt dt = dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( UndoQuitOp(type="undoquit", email=f"test{i}", timestamp=dt), target_name, ) def undoconfirm(i: int, incr: timedelta): nonlocal dt dt = dt + incr return register_right_or_raise( UndoConfirmOp( type="undoconfirm", email=f"test{i}", timestamp=dt ), target_name, ) base_date = datetime(2021, 5, 25, 10, 0, tzinfo=tz) self.login_test1() gname = "tg2" ug = UserGroup.create(gname) self.test_user_1.add_to_group(ug, None) self.test_user_2.add_to_group(ug, None) db.session.commit() fp = Path(app.config["FILES_PATH"]) / f"{target_name}.rights.initial" with"w") as f: f.write( to_json_str( Right( require_confirm=True, duration_from=None, duration_to=None, duration=None, accessible_from=base_date, accessible_to=base_date + timedelta(hours=4), ) ) + "\n" ) f.write( to_json_str( ChangeTimeOp( type="changetime", email="", secs=5 * 60, timestamp=dt + timedelta(seconds=10), ) ) ) twosecs = timedelta(seconds=2) r, _ = get_current_rights(target_name) fourhours = timedelta(hours=4).total_seconds() def check(*args): return self.check(base_date, *args) check(r, 1, True, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60) check(r, 2, True, None, None, None, 0, fourhours) r = confirm(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60) check(r, 2, True, None, None, None, 0, fourhours) r = undoconfirm(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, True, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60) check(r, 2, True, None, None, None, 0, fourhours) r = confirm(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60) check(r, 2, True, None, None, None, 0, fourhours) r = changetime(2, twosecs, 20) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60) check(r, 2, True, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 20) check(r, 3, True, None, None, None, 0, fourhours) r = confirm(3, twosecs) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60) check(r, 2, True, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 20) check(r, 3, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours) halfhour = timedelta(minutes=30) r = changestarttimegroup(gname, twosecs, base_date + halfhour) halfhoursecs = halfhour.total_seconds() check( r, 1, False, None, None, None, halfhoursecs, fourhours + 5 * 60 + halfhoursecs, ) check(r, 2, True, None, None, None, halfhoursecs, fourhours + 20 + halfhoursecs) check(r, 3, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours) r = changestarttimegroup(gname, twosecs, base_date) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60) check(r, 2, True, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 20) check(r, 3, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours) # Does nothing; shouldn't happen anyway because the right is not a duration right. r = unlock(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60) r = changetime(1, twosecs, 20) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60 + 20) r = changetimegroup(gname, twosecs, 15) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60 + 20 + 15) check(r, 2, True, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 20 + 15) r = changetimegroup(gname, twosecs, 5) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60 + 20 + 15 + 5) check(r, 2, True, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 20 + 15 + 5) check(r, 3, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours) with self.assertRaises(RouteException): r = undoquit(1, twosecs) r = quit(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, 2 * 13) with self.assertRaises(RouteException): quit(1, twosecs) with self.assertRaises(RouteException): changetime(1, twosecs, 20) with self.assertRaises(RouteException): unlock(1, twosecs) r = undoquit(1, twosecs) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60 + 20 + 15 + 5) r = changetime(1, twosecs, 5) check(r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60 + 20 + 15 + 5 + 5) with self.assertRaises(FileNotFoundError): get_current_rights("does_not_exist") self.json_post( "/distRights/register", { "op": { "email": "", "type": "confirm", "timestamp": get_current_time(), }, "target": "test", "secret": "xxx", }, expect_status=400, expect_content="DIST_RIGHTS_REGISTER_SECRET not configured.", ) d = self.create_doc() with self.temp_config( { "DIST_RIGHTS_REGISTER_SECRET": "xxx", "DIST_RIGHTS_SEND_SECRET": "yyy", "DIST_RIGHTS_RECEIVE_SECRET": "yyy", "DIST_RIGHTS_HOSTS": { "test": { "hosts": [ f'http://{app.config["INTERNAL_PLUGIN_DOMAIN"]}:5001' ], "item": d.path, } }, } ): with self.internal_container_ctx(): self.json_post( "/distRights/register", { "op": { "email": "", "type": "changetime", "timestamp": get_current_time(), "secs": 4, }, "target": target_name, "secret": "xxx", }, expect_content={"host_errors": []}, ) r, _ = get_current_rights(target_name) check( r, 1, False, None, None, None, 0, fourhours + 5 * 60 + 20 + 15 + 5 + 5 + 4 ) r = changestarttimegroup("testuser1", twosecs, base_date + halfhour) check( r, 1, False, None, None, None, halfhoursecs, halfhoursecs + fourhours + 5 * 60 + 20 + 15 + 5 + 5 + 4, ) self.get( "/distRights/changeStartTime", query_string={"target": "test", "group": gname, "minutes": 0, "redir": "/"}, expect_status=400, expect_content="DIST_RIGHTS_START_TIME_GROUP not configured.", ) with self.temp_config( { "DIST_RIGHTS_START_TIME_GROUP": "testuser1", "DIST_RIGHTS_SEND_SECRET": "yyy", "DIST_RIGHTS_RECEIVE_SECRET": "yyy", "DIST_RIGHTS_HOSTS": { target_name: { "hosts": [ f'http://{app.config["INTERNAL_PLUGIN_DOMAIN"]}:5001' ], "item": d.path, } }, } ): self.get( "/distRights/changeStartTime", query_string={ "target": target_name, "group": gname, "minutes": 0, "redir": "view/somedoc", }, expect_status=302, expect_content="view/somedoc", )
[docs] def test_receive_rights(self): target_name = "test3" dt = fp = Path(app.config["FILES_PATH"]) / f"{target_name}.rights.initial" with"w") as f: f.write( to_json_str( Right( require_confirm=False, duration_from=None, duration_to=None, duration=None, accessible_from=dt, accessible_to=dt + timedelta(minutes=10), ) ) + "\n" ) self.login_test2() d = self.create_doc() self.login_test1() self.get(f"/view/{}", expect_status=403) with self.temp_config( { "DIST_RIGHTS_REGISTER_SECRET": "xxx", "DIST_RIGHTS_SEND_SECRET": "yyy", "DIST_RIGHTS_RECEIVE_SECRET": "yyy", "DIST_RIGHTS_IS_DISTRIBUTOR": True, "DIST_RIGHTS_HOSTS": { target_name: { "hosts": [ f'http://{app.config["INTERNAL_PLUGIN_DOMAIN"]}:5001' ], "item": d.path, } }, } ): with self.internal_container_ctx(): self.json_post( "/distRights/register", { "op": { "email":, "type": "confirm", "timestamp": get_current_time(), }, "target": target_name, "secret": "xxx", }, expect_content={"host_errors": []}, ) self.get(f"/view/{}", expect_status=200)