Source code for timApp.tests.server.test_replace

from timApp.admin.replace_in_documents import perform_replace, ReplaceArguments
from timApp.tests.server.timroutetest import TimRouteTest

[docs]class ReplaceTest(TimRouteTest):
[docs] def test_replace(self): self.login_test1() d = self.create_doc( initial_par=""" #Test1 #Test2 #test3 #- #asd4 #asd5 """ ) args = ReplaceArguments( dryrun=False, format="", onlyfirst=False, regex=True, term=r"[a-zA-Z]", to=r"xy", ) repls = [p.get_replacement() for p in perform_replace(d, args)] self.assertEqual( [ ("T", "xy"), ("e", "xy"), ("s", "xy"), ("t", "xy"), ("T", "xy"), ("e", "xy"), ("s", "xy"), ("t", "xy"), ("t", "xy"), ("e", "xy"), ("s", "xy"), ("t", "xy"), ("a", "xy"), ("s", "xy"), ("d", "xy"), ("a", "xy"), ("s", "xy"), ("d", "xy"), ], repls, ) self.assertEqual( """ ``` {atom="true"} #xyxyxyxy1 #xyxyxyxy2 #xyxyxyxy3 ``` ``` {atom="true"} #xyxyxy4 #xyxyxy5 ``` """.lstrip(), d.document.export_markdown(export_ids=False), )
[docs] def test_header_fix(self): self.login_test1() d = self.create_doc( initial_par=""" # Test1 #- #Test2 #- #test3 #- ##Test4 ###Test5 #!/bin/bash #include <iostream> #- ``` #pragma omp parallel ``` """ ) t = self.get(d.url, as_tree=True) self.assertEqual(1, len(t.cssselect("h1"))) args = ReplaceArguments( dryrun=False, format="", onlyfirst=False, regex=True, term=r"(^|\n)(#+)([A-ZÖÄÅ][a-zöäå][^\n]+)", to=r"\1\2 \3", ) repls = [p.get_replacement() for p in perform_replace(d, args)] self.assertEqual( [ ("#Test2", "# Test2"), ("##Test4", "## Test4"), ("\n###Test5", "\n### Test5"), ], repls, ) self.assertEqual( """ # Test1 # Test2 #test3 ``` {atom="true"} ## Test4 ### Test5 #!/bin/bash #include <iostream> ``` ``` #pragma omp parallel ``` """.lstrip(), d.document.export_markdown(export_ids=False), ) t = self.get(d.url, as_tree=True) self.assertEqual(2, len(t.cssselect("h1")))
[docs] def test_replace_no_regex(self): self.login_test1() d = self.create_doc(initial_par="[[[[[") args = ReplaceArguments( dryrun=False, format="", onlyfirst=False, regex=False, term=r"[[", to=r"x", ) repls = [p.get_replacement() for p in perform_replace(d, args)] self.assertEqual([("[[", "x"), ("[[", "x")], repls) self.assertEqual("xx[\n", d.document.export_markdown(export_ids=False))
[docs] def test_skip_invalid_yaml(self): self.login_test1() d = self.create_doc( settings={"macros": {"a": "foo", "b": "bar"}}, initial_par=""" ``` {plugin=csPlugin} b: bar asd ``` ``` {plugin=csPlugin} b: bar a: %%a%% ``` """, ) args = ReplaceArguments( dryrun=False, format="", onlyfirst=False, regex=False, term=r"b: bar", to=r"x", ) repls = [p for p in perform_replace(d, args)] self.assertEqual( "YAML would be invalid after replacement, so not doing anything", repls[0].error, ) self.assertEqual( "YAML is invalid before replacement, so not doing anything", repls[1].error ) self.assertEqual( "YAML would be invalid after replacement, so not doing anything", repls[2].error, ) self.assertEqual("bar", d.document.get_settings().get_dict()["macros"]["b"])