Source code for timApp.tests.server.test_slide

from timApp.tests.server.timroutetest import TimRouteTest

[docs]class SlideTest(TimRouteTest):
[docs] def test_slide_html(self): self.login_test1() d = self.create_doc( initial_par=""" # First First text #- # Second Second text #- # Third Third text * §§first list item§§ * §§second list item§§ Separate fragment §> Outside fragment #- New paragraph #- {slide_break="sub"} New subslide #- {slide_break="sub"} --- #- Forced subslide #- --- #- New slide """ ) self.check_slide_content(d) d.document.set_settings({"test": "test"}) self.check_slide_content(d)
[docs] def check_slide_content(self, d): t = self.get(f"/show_slide/{}", as_tree=True) slidesection = t.cssselect(".reveal") self.assertEqual(1, len(slidesection)) pars = [p for p in d.document.get_paragraphs() if not p.is_setting()] # TODO get rid of the empty <p></p> tags expected_html = f""" <div class="reveal" style="visibility: hidden"> <div class="slides paragraphs"> <section> <section> <div class="par" id="{pars[0].get_id()}" t="{pars[0].get_hash()}" attrs="{{}}"> <h1 id="first">First</h1> <p>First text</p> </div> </section> </section> <section> <section> <div class="par" id="{pars[1].get_id()}" t="{pars[1].get_hash()}" attrs="{{}}"> <h1 id="second">Second</h1> <p>Second text</p> </div> </section> </section> <section> <section> <div class="par" id="{pars[2].get_id()}" t="{pars[2].get_hash()}" attrs="{{}}"> <h1 id="third">Third</h1> <p>Third text</p> <p></p> <div class="fragment"><p></p> <ul> <li class="fragment">first list item</li> <li class="fragment">second list item</li> </ul> <p>Separate fragment </p> </div> <p></p> <p>Outside fragment</p> </div> <div class="par" id="{pars[3].get_id()}" t="{pars[3].get_hash()}" attrs="{{}}"> <p>New paragraph</p> </div> </section> <section> <div class="par" id="{pars[4].get_id()}" t="{pars[4].get_hash()}" attrs='{{"slide_break": "sub"}}'> <p>New subslide</p> </div> </section> <section> <div class="par" id="{pars[6].get_id()}" t="{pars[6].get_hash()}" attrs="{{}}"> <p>Forced subslide</p> </div> </section> </section> <section> <section> <div class="par" id="{pars[8].get_id()}" t="{pars[8].get_hash()}" attrs="{{}}"> <p>New slide</p> </div> </section> </section> </div> </div> """ self.assert_same_html(slidesection[0], expected_html)