Source code for timApp.tests.unit.test_question_normalize

import unittest

from timApp.lecture.askedjson import normalize_question_json

[docs]class QuestionJsonNormalizeTest(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_normalize(self): result = normalize_question_json( { "QUESTION": "8) Mitä muuttujia/viitteitä näkyy Luo-funktiossa", "TITLE": "8-Mitä näkyy Luo", "TYPE": "checkbox-vertical", "ANSWERFIELDTYPE": "checkbox", "MATRIXTYPE": "", "TIMELIMIT": 60, "DATA": { "HEADERS": [], "ROWS": [ { "id": 0, "type": "question", "text": "pallo", "COLUMNS": [{"id": 0, "type": "answer", "rowId": 0}], }, { "id": 1, "type": "question", "text": "x", "COLUMNS": [{"id": 0, "type": "answer", "rowId": 1}], }, { "id": 2, "type": "question", "text": "y", "COLUMNS": [{"id": 0, "type": "answer", "rowId": 2}], }, ], }, } ) self.assertEqual( { "questionText": "8) Mitä muuttujia/viitteitä näkyy Luo-funktiossa", "questionTitle": "8-Mitä näkyy Luo", "questionType": "checkbox-vertical", "answerFieldType": "checkbox", "timeLimit": 60, "headers": [], "rows": [ { "id": 0, "type": "question", "text": "pallo", "columns": [{"id": 0, "type": "answer", "rowId": 0}], }, { "id": 1, "type": "question", "text": "x", "columns": [{"id": 0, "type": "answer", "rowId": 1}], }, { "id": 2, "type": "question", "text": "y", "columns": [{"id": 0, "type": "answer", "rowId": 2}], }, ], }, result, ) result2 = normalize_question_json( { "points": "4:1", "json": { "timeLimit": 50, "questionText": "11) Muutetaan rivi 33 muotoon Luo(this, ...). Eli otetaan sijoitus pois.<br>Mit\u00e4 tapahtuu.", "questionType": "checkbox-vertical", "questionTitle": "muutetaan", "rows": [ "Tulee yksi pallo (keltainen)", { "text": "Tulee kaksi keltaista palloa", "columns": [{"rowId": 1, "id": 0, "type": "answer"}], "id": 1, "type": "question", }, { "text": "N\u00e4kyy 1 valkoinen ja 1 punainen pallo", "columns": [{"rowId": 2, "id": 0, "type": "answer"}], "id": 2, "type": "question", }, ], "headers": [], "matrixType": "", "answerFieldType": "checkbox", }, # "taskId": "muutetaan", } ) self.assertEqual( { "points": "4:1", "timeLimit": 50, "questionText": "11) Muutetaan rivi 33 muotoon Luo(this, ...). Eli otetaan sijoitus pois.<br>Mit\u00e4 tapahtuu.", "questionType": "checkbox-vertical", "questionTitle": "muutetaan", "rows": [ "Tulee yksi pallo (keltainen)", { "text": "Tulee kaksi keltaista palloa", "columns": [{"rowId": 1, "id": 0, "type": "answer"}], "id": 1, "type": "question", }, { "text": "N\u00e4kyy 1 valkoinen ja 1 punainen pallo", "columns": [{"rowId": 2, "id": 0, "type": "answer"}], "id": 2, "type": "question", }, ], "headers": [], "answerFieldType": "checkbox", # "taskId": "muutetaan", }, result2, ) result3 = normalize_question_json( { "points": "", "json": { "data": { "rows": [ { "text": "3 3 3", "columns": [{"rowId": 0, "id": 0, "type": "answer"}], "id": 0, "type": "question", }, { "text": "3 4 5", "columns": [{"rowId": 1, "id": 0, "type": "answer"}], "id": 1, "type": "question", }, ], "headers": [], }, "timeLimit": 40, "questionText": "Mit\u00e4 tulostaa", "questionType": "radio-vertical", "matrixType": "", "answerFieldType": "radio", "questionTitle": "Mit\u00e4 tulostaa", }, "expl": {}, # "taskId": "" } ) self.assertEqual( { "points": "", "rows": [ { "text": "3 3 3", "columns": [{"rowId": 0, "id": 0, "type": "answer"}], "id": 0, "type": "question", }, { "text": "3 4 5", "columns": [{"rowId": 1, "id": 0, "type": "answer"}], "id": 1, "type": "question", }, ], "headers": [], "timeLimit": 40, "questionText": "Mit\u00e4 tulostaa", "questionType": "radio-vertical", "answerFieldType": "radio", "questionTitle": "Mit\u00e4 tulostaa", "expl": {}, # "taskId": "" }, result3, ) result4 = normalize_question_json( { "questionText": "Mit\u00e4 mielt\u00e4 olet t\u00e4st\u00e4 kysymyksest\u00e4?", "title": "kysymys", "timeLimit": 39601, "matrixType": "", "data": { "headers": [], "rows": [ { "text": "V\u00e4h\u00e4n ouroboros.", "columns": [{"id": 0, "rowId": 0, "type": "answer"}], "id": 0, "type": "question", }, { "text": "Ihan jees :)", "columns": [{"id": 0, "rowId": 1, "type": "answer"}], "id": 1, "type": "question", }, ], }, "questionType": "radio-vertical", "answerFieldType": "radio", } ) self.assertEqual( { "questionText": "Mit\u00e4 mielt\u00e4 olet t\u00e4st\u00e4 kysymyksest\u00e4?", "questionTitle": "kysymys", "timeLimit": 39601, "headers": [], "rows": [ { "text": "V\u00e4h\u00e4n ouroboros.", "columns": [{"id": 0, "rowId": 0, "type": "answer"}], "id": 0, "type": "question", }, { "text": "Ihan jees :)", "columns": [{"id": 0, "rowId": 1, "type": "answer"}], "id": 1, "type": "question", }, ], "questionType": "radio-vertical", "answerFieldType": "radio", }, result4, ) self.assertEqual(result4, normalize_question_json(result4)) result4.update(isTask=True) self.assertEqual(result4, normalize_question_json(result4))
[docs] def test_invalid(self): self.assertEqual( { "answerFieldType": "text", "expl": {}, "headers": [""], "invalid": True, "isTask": True, "matrixType": "textArea", "questionText": "Invalid question data: Missing field: questionTitle", "questionTitle": "Invalid question data: Missing field: questionTitle", "questionType": "matrix", "rows": [""], }, normalize_question_json({}), ) self.assertEqual( { "answerFieldType": "text", "expl": {}, "headers": [""], "invalid": True, "isTask": True, "matrixType": "textArea", "questionText": "Invalid question data: Missing fields: answerFieldType, " "headers, questionText, questionType, rows", "questionTitle": "Invalid question data: Missing fields: answerFieldType, " "headers, questionText, questionType, rows", "questionType": "matrix", "rows": [""], }, normalize_question_json({"questionTitle": ""}), ) self.assertEqual( { "answerFieldType": "text", "expl": {}, "headers": [""], "invalid": True, "isTask": True, "matrixType": "textArea", "questionText": "Invalid question data: Missing matrixType when questionType " "is matrix", "questionTitle": "Invalid question data: Missing matrixType when questionType " "is matrix", "questionType": "matrix", "rows": [""], }, normalize_question_json( { "questionText": "test", "questionTitle": "test", "timeLimit": 1, "headers": [], "rows": [""], "questionType": "matrix", "answerFieldType": "radio", } ), ) self.assertEqual( { "answerFieldType": "text", "expl": {}, "headers": [""], "invalid": True, "isTask": True, "matrixType": "textArea", "questionText": "Invalid question data: A row must be a dictionary or a " "string", "questionTitle": "Invalid question data: A row must be a dictionary or a " "string", "questionType": "matrix", "rows": [""], }, normalize_question_json( { "questionText": "test", "questionTitle": "test", "timeLimit": 1, "headers": [], "rows": [0], "questionType": "radiobutton-horizontal", "answerFieldType": "radio", } ), )