Source code for timApp.upload.upload

import imghdr
import io
import json
import os
import posixpath
import subprocess
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse

from flask import Blueprint, request, send_file, Response, url_for
from wand.image import Image
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename

from timApp.auth.accesshelper import (
from timApp.auth.accesstype import AccessType
from timApp.auth.sessioninfo import get_current_user_object, user_context_with_logged_in
from timApp.auth.sessioninfo import logged_in, get_current_user_group_object
from timApp.document.docentry import DocEntry
from timApp.document.docinfo import DocInfo
from timApp.document.documents import import_document
from timApp.document.viewcontext import default_view_ctx
from timApp.item.block import Block
from timApp.item.block import BlockType
from timApp.item.validation import (
from timApp.plugin.pluginexception import PluginException
from timApp.plugin.taskid import TaskId, TaskIdAccess
from timApp.timdb.dbaccess import get_files_path
from timApp.timdb.sqa import db
from timApp.upload.uploadedfile import (
from timApp.user.user import User
from timApp.util.flask.requesthelper import (
from timApp.util.flask.responsehelper import (
from timApp.util.pdftools import (

upload = Blueprint("upload", __name__, url_prefix="")

[docs]@upload.after_request def set_csp(resp: Response): mime = resp.mimetype add_csp_if_not_pdf(resp, mime) return resp
[docs]def add_csp_if_not_pdf(resp: Response, mime: str, value: str = "sandbox"): # The following platforms refuse to display PDFs in sandbox: # * Mac Safari # * Windows Chrome since January 2021 if mime != "application/pdf": add_csp_header(resp, value)
[docs]def allowed_file(filename): return "." in filename and filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
DOC_EXTENSIONS = ["txt", "md", "markdown"] PIC_EXTENSIONS = ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif"] ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = set(PIC_EXTENSIONS + DOC_EXTENSIONS) # The folder for stamped and original pdf files. default_attachment_folder = get_files_path() / "blocks/files"
[docs]@upload.get("/uploads/<path:relfilename>") def get_upload(relfilename: str): mt, up = get_pluginupload(relfilename) return send_file(up.filesystem_path.as_posix(), mimetype=mt, etag=False)
[docs]def get_pluginupload(relfilename: str) -> tuple[str, PluginUpload]: from timApp.peerreview.peerreview_utils import is_peerreview_enabled slashes = relfilename.count("/") if slashes < 2: raise RouteException() if slashes == 2: relfilename += "/" if slashes == 3 and not relfilename.endswith("/"): raise RouteException("Incorrect filename specification.") block = ( Block.query.filter( (Block.description.startswith(relfilename)) & (Block.type_id == BlockType.Upload.value) ) .order_by(Block.description.desc()) .first() ) if not block or ( block.description != relfilename and not relfilename.endswith("/") ): raise RouteException("The requested upload was not found.") if not verify_view_access(block, require=False): answerupload = block.answerupload.first() # Answerupload may only be None for early test uploads (before the AnswerUpload model was implemented) # or if the upload process was interrupted at a specific point if answerupload is None: raise AccessDenied() answer = answerupload.answer if not answer: raise RouteException( "Upload has not been associated with any answer; it should be re-uploaded" ) tid = TaskId.parse(answer.task_id) d = get_doc_or_abort(tid.doc_id) if ( not verify_seeanswers_access(d, require=False) and get_current_user_object() not in answer.users_all and not is_peerreview_enabled(d) ): raise AccessDenied( "Sorry, you don't have permission to access this upload." ) up = PluginUpload(block) p = up.filesystem_path.as_posix() mt = get_mimetype(p) return mt, up
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]"/pluginUpload/<int:doc_id>/<task_id>/<user_id>/") def pluginupload_file2(doc_id: int, task_id: str, user_id): return pluginupload_file(doc_id, task_id)
[docs]"/pluginUpload/<int:doc_id>/<task_id>/") def pluginupload_file(doc_id: int, task_id: str): d = get_doc_or_abort(doc_id) try: tid = TaskId.parse(task_id, require_doc_id=False, allow_block_hint=False) except PluginException: raise RouteException() tid.doc_id = task_access = verify_task_access( d, tid, AccessType.view, TaskIdAccess.ReadWrite, user_context_with_logged_in(None), default_view_ctx, ) file = request.files.get("file") if file is None: raise RouteException("Missing file") content = u = get_current_user_object() f = UploadedFile.save_new( file.filename, BlockType.Upload, file_data=content, upload_info=PluginUploadInfo(task_id_name=task_id, user=u, doc=d), ) f.block.set_owner(u.get_personal_group()) grant_access_to_session_users(f) if f.is_content_pdf: try: compress_pdf_if_not_already(f) except CompressionError: raise RouteException( f"Failed to post-process {}. " f"Please make sure the PDF is not broken." ) p = task_access.plugin if p.type == "reviewcanvas": returninfo = convert_pdf_or_compress_image(f, u, d, task_id) else: returninfo = [ { "file": (Path("/uploads") / f.relative_filesystem_path).as_posix(), "type": f.content_mimetype, "block":, } ] db.session.commit() return json_response(returninfo)
[docs]def convert_pdf_or_compress_image(f: UploadedFile, u: User, d: DocInfo, task_id: str): p = f.filesystem_path returninfo = [] if f.content_mimetype.startswith("image/"): with Image(filename=p) as img: img.transform(resize="2048x2048>") # TODO: max dimensions from markup returninfo.append( { "file": (Path("/uploads") / f.relative_filesystem_path).as_posix(), "type": f.content_mimetype, "block":, } ) elif f.is_content_pdf: tempfolder = p.parent / "temp" tempfolder.mkdir() [ "gs", "-dNOPAUSE", "-dBATCH", "-sDEVICE=png16m", "-r200", # TODO: Find decent value, default 72 too blurry for small text f"-sOutputFile={p.parent}/temp/{p.stem}_image-%d.png", p, ], capture_output=True, ) for imagepath in os.listdir(tempfolder): file = tempfolder / imagepath uf = UploadedFile.save_new( imagepath, BlockType.Upload, original_file=file, upload_info=PluginUploadInfo(task_id_name=task_id, user=u, doc=d), ) uf.block.set_owner(u.get_personal_group()) grant_access_to_session_users(uf) returninfo.append( { "file": (Path("/uploads") / uf.relative_filesystem_path).as_posix(), "type": uf.content_mimetype, "block":, } ) tempfolder.rmdir() else: raise RouteException("Upload needs to be an image or a pdf file") return returninfo
[docs]"/upload/") def upload_file(): if not logged_in(): raise AccessDenied("You have to be logged in to upload a file.") file = request.files.get("file") if file is None: raise RouteException("Missing file") folder = request.form.get("folder") if folder is not None: return upload_document(folder, file) doc_id = request.form.get("doc_id") if not doc_id: raise RouteException("Missing doc_id") d = DocEntry.find_by_id(int(doc_id)) verify_edit_access(d) try: attachment_params = json.loads(request.form.get("attachmentParams")) autostamp = attachment_params[len(attachment_params) - 1] except: # Just go on with normal upload if necessary conditions are not met. return upload_image_or_file(d, file) else: if autostamp: # Only go here if attachment params are valid enough and autostamping is valid and true # because otherwise normal uploading may be interrupted. if len(attachment_params) < 6: raise StampDataInvalidError( "Request missing parameters", attachment_params ) try: stamp_format = attachment_params[1] # If stampformat is empty (as it's set to be if undefined in pareditor.ts), use default. if not stamp_format: stamp_format = default_stamp_format stamp_data = AttachmentStampData( date=attachment_params[0], attachment=attachment_params[3], issue=attachment_params[4], ) custom_stamp_model = attachment_params[len(attachment_params) - 2] return upload_and_stamp_attachment( d, file, stamp_data, stamp_format, custom_stamp_model ) # If attachment isn't a pdf, gives an error too (since it's in 'showPdf' plugin) except PdfError as e: raise RouteException(str(e))
[docs]@dataclass class AttachmentModel: issueNumber: int | str attachmentLetter: str uploadUrl: str upToDate: bool | None = None
[docs]@dataclass class RestampModel: attachments: list[AttachmentModel] meetingDate: str stampFormat: str | None = None customStampModel: str | None = None
[docs]"/upload/restamp") @use_model(RestampModel) def restamp_attachments(args: RestampModel): """ Route for updating stamps for one or more uploaded attachments. :return: Ok response or an error in stamping process. """ attachments, meeting_date, stamp_format, custom_stamp_model_content = ( args.attachments, args.meetingDate, args.stampFormat, args.customStampModel, ) if not stamp_format: stamp_format = default_stamp_format stamp_data_list = [] attachment_folder = default_attachment_folder for a in attachments: stamp_data = AttachmentStampData( date=meeting_date, attachment=a.attachmentLetter, issue=a.issueNumber ) # Parse link path and find unstamped attachment. # In case of errors abort the whole process. attachment_path = PurePosixPath(unquote(urlparse(a.uploadUrl).path)) try: stamp_data.file = ( attachment_folder /[-2] /[-1].replace("_stamped", "") ) except IndexError: raise RouteException(f'Invalid attachment url: "{attachment_path}"') file = UploadedFile.find_by_id([-2]) if not file: raise RouteException(f'Attachment not found: "{attachment_path}"') verify_edit_access(file, check_parents=True) stamp_data_list.append(stamp_data) stamp_model_path = ( create_tex_file(custom_stamp_model_content) if custom_stamp_model_content else stamp_model_default_path ) stamp_pdfs( stamp_data_list, stamp_text_format=stamp_format, stamp_model_path=stamp_model_path, ) return ok_response()
[docs]def upload_document(folder, file): path = posixpath.join(folder, os.path.splitext(secure_filename(file.filename))[0]) content = validate_uploaded_document_content(file) validate_item_and_create_intermediate_folders( path, BlockType.Document, get_current_user_group_object() ) doc = import_document(content, path, get_current_user_group_object()) db.session.commit() return json_response({"id":})
[docs]def upload_and_stamp_attachment( d: DocInfo, file, stamp_data: AttachmentStampData, stampformat: str, custom_stamp_model_content: str | None = None, ): """ Uploads the file and makes a stamped version of it into the same folder. :param d: Document info. :param file: The file to upload and stamp. :param stamp_data: Stamp data object (attachment and list ids) without the path. :param stampformat: Formatting of stamp text. :param custom_stamp_model_content: LaTeX-string for a custom stamp. :return: Json response containing the stamped file path. """ attachment_folder = default_attachment_folder content = f = save_file_and_grant_access(d, content, file, BlockType.File) # Add the uploaded file path (the one to stamp) to stamp data. stamp_data.file = attachment_folder / f"{}/{f.filename}" stamp_model_path = ( create_tex_file(custom_stamp_model_content) if custom_stamp_model_content else stamp_model_default_path ) output = stamp_pdfs( [stamp_data], stamp_text_format=stampformat, stamp_model_path=stamp_model_path )[0] stamped_filename = db.session.commit() # TODO: In case of raised errors give proper no-upload response? return json_response({"file": f"{str(}/{stamped_filename}"})
[docs]def upload_image_or_file(d: DocInfo, file): content = imgtype = imghdr.what(None, h=content) type_str = "image" if imgtype else "file" f = save_file_and_grant_access(d, content, file, BlockType.from_str(type_str)) db.session.commit() return json_response({type_str: f"{}/{f.filename}"})
[docs]def save_file_and_grant_access( d: DocInfo, content, file, block_type: BlockType ) -> UploadedFile: f = UploadedFile.save_new(file.filename, block_type, file_data=content) f.block.set_owner(get_current_user_object().get_personal_group()) d.block.children.append(f.block) return f
[docs]@upload.get("/files/<int:file_id>/<file_filename>") def get_file(file_id, file_filename): f = UploadedFile.get_by_id_and_filename(file_id, file_filename) if not f: raise NotExist("File not found") verify_view_access(f, check_parents=True) file_path = f.filesystem_path.as_posix() send_plain = get_option(request, "plain", False) if send_plain: mime_type = "text/plain" conditional = False else: mime_type = get_mimetype(file_path) conditional = True return send_file(file_path, mimetype=mime_type, conditional=conditional)
[docs]@upload.get("/images/<int:image_id>/<image_filename>") def get_image(image_id, image_filename): f = UploadedFile.find_by_id(image_id) if not f: raise NotExist("Image not found") verify_view_access(f, check_parents=True) if image_filename != f.filename: raise NotExist("Image not found") img_data = imgtype = imghdr.what(None, h=img_data) # Redirect if we can't deduce the image type if not imgtype: return safe_redirect( url_for("upload.get_file", file_id=image_id, file_filename=image_filename) ) f = io.BytesIO(img_data) return send_file(f, mimetype="image/" + imgtype)