import itertools
import json
import os
import pprint
import time
import warnings
from dataclasses import is_dataclass, dataclass
from typing import TypeVar, Callable, Any
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import requests
from flask import Request, current_app, g, Response
from flask import request
from marshmallow import ValidationError, Schema
from webargs.flaskparser import use_args
from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException
from werkzeug.user_agent import UserAgent
from timApp.auth.sessioninfo import get_current_user_name, get_current_session_id
from timApp.document.viewcontext import ViewRoute, ViewContext
from timApp.user.user import Consent
from tim_common.marshmallow_dataclass import class_schema
from tim_common.utils import DurationSchema
[docs]class EmptyWarning:
[docs] def warn(self, a: Any, b: Any) -> None:
# We don't want a runtime DeprecationWarning about verify_json_params.
# It's enough that PyCharm marks it as deprecated.
# noinspection PyRedeclaration
warnings = EmptyWarning() # type: ignore[assignment]
[docs]def verify_json_params(
*args: str,
require: bool = True,
default: Any = None,
error_msgs: list[str] | None = None,
) -> list[Any]:
"""Gets the specified JSON parameters from the request.
:param default: The default value for the parameter if it is not found from the request.
:param require: If True and the parameter is not found, the request is aborted.
'Do not use this function in new code. Define a dataclass and use "use_model" decorator in route.',
result = []
json_params = request.get_json(silent=True) or {}
if error_msgs is not None:
assert len(args) == len(error_msgs)
for arg, err in zip(args, error_msgs or itertools.repeat(None, len(args))):
if arg in json_params:
val = json_params[arg]
elif not require:
val = default
raise RouteException(err or f"Missing required parameter in request: {arg}")
return []
return result
[docs]def get_option(
req: Request | ViewContext,
name: str,
default: Any,
cast: type | None = None,
) -> Any:
if name not in req.args:
return default
result = req.args[name]
lresult = result.lower()
if isinstance(default, bool) or cast is bool:
if len(lresult) == 0:
return default
if "f0".find(lresult[0]) >= 0:
return False
if "t1".find(lresult[0]) >= 0:
return True
return True
if isinstance(default, int) or cast is int:
return int(lresult)
except ValueError:
return default
if cast is not None:
result = cast(result)
except ValueError:
return default
return result
[docs]def is_testing() -> bool:
return current_app.config["TESTING"]
[docs]def is_localhost() -> bool:
return current_app.config["TIM_HOST"] in ("http://localhost", "http://caddy")
[docs]def get_consent_opt() -> Consent | None:
consent_opt = get_option(request, "consent", "any")
if consent_opt == "true":
consent: Consent | None = Consent.CookieAndData
elif consent_opt == "false":
consent = Consent.CookieOnly
elif consent_opt == "any":
consent = None
raise RouteException(
'Invalid consent option. Must be "true", "false" or "any".'
return consent
[docs]def get_request_time() -> str | None:
return f"{time.monotonic() - g.request_start_time:.3g}s"
except AttributeError:
return None
[docs]def get_request_message(
status_code: int | None = None,
include_body: bool = False,
include_time: bool = True,
is_before: bool = False,
) -> str:
name = get_current_user_name()
session_id = get_current_session_id()
if session_id:
session_id = f" ({session_id})"
session_id = ""
if current_app.config["LOG_HOST"]:
url_or_path = request.url
url_or_path = request.full_path if request.query_string else request.path
ua: UserAgent = request.user_agent
msg = f"""
{status_code or ""}
{get_request_time() if include_time else ""}
{"BEFORE" if is_before else ""}
"\n", " "
if not include_body or request.method not in ("POST", "PUT", "DELETE"):
return msg
return f"{msg}\n\n{pprint.pformat(request.get_json(silent=True) or request.get_data(as_text=True))}"
[docs]class RouteException(HTTPException):
code = 400
[docs]class NotExist(HTTPException):
code = 404
class JSONException(Exception):
description: str
code: int = 400
[docs]def load_data_from_req(schema: type[Schema]) -> Any:
ps = schema()
j = request.get_json()
if j is None:
raise JSONException(description="JSON payload missing.")
p = ps.load(j)
except ValidationError as e:
raise JSONException(description=json.dumps(e.messages, sort_keys=True))
return p
ModelType = TypeVar("ModelType")
[docs]def use_model(
m: type[ModelType],
) -> Callable[[Callable[[ModelType], Response]], Callable[[ModelType], Response]]:
if not is_dataclass(m):
raise Exception("use_model requires a dataclass")
return use_args(class_schema(m, base_schema=DurationSchema)())
never_urlmacros = {"unlock", "nocache"}
[docs]def get_urlmacros_from_request() -> tuple[tuple[str, str], ...]:
urlmacros = tuple(
(key, val) for key, val in request.args.items() if key not in never_urlmacros
return urlmacros
[docs]def view_ctx_with_urlmacros(
route: ViewRoute, hide_names_requested: bool = False
) -> ViewContext:
return ViewContext(
[docs]def get_from_url(url: str) -> str:
parsed = urlparse(url)
if not parsed.netloc and not parsed.scheme:
host = f"http://caddy" if is_localhost() else current_app.config["TIM_HOST"]
url = host + url
r = requests.get(url)
except Exception as ex:
raise RouteException(str(ex) + " " + url)
return r.content.decode("utf-8")