Source code for timApp.util.flask.responsehelper

import csv
import http.client
import json
from _csv import QUOTE_MINIMAL
from io import StringIO
from typing import Any
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin

from flask import (

from timApp.document.timjsonencoder import TimJsonEncoder
from timApp.document.viewcontext import ViewContext
from timApp.timdb.sqa import db

[docs]def is_safe_url(url): host_url = urlparse(request.host_url) test_url = urlparse(urljoin(request.host_url, url)) return test_url.scheme in ["http", "https"] and host_url.netloc == test_url.netloc
[docs]def safe_redirect(url: str, **values) -> Response: if is_safe_url(url): return redirect(url, **values) return redirect(url_for("indexPage"))
[docs]def json_response( jsondata: Any, status_code: int = 200, headers: dict[str, str] | None = None, date_conversion: bool = False, ) -> Response: if not date_conversion: if headers is None: headers = {} headers["No-Date-Conversion"] = "true" response = Response( to_json_str(jsondata), mimetype="application/json", headers=headers ) response.status_code = status_code return response
[docs]def json_response_and_commit(jsondata, status_code=200): db.session.commit() return json_response(jsondata, status_code)
[docs]def text_response(data: str, status_code: int = 200) -> Response: response = Response(data, mimetype="text/plain") response.status_code = status_code return response
[docs]def to_json_str(jsondata) -> str: return json.dumps(jsondata, separators=(",", ":"), cls=TimJsonEncoder)
[docs]def to_dict(jsondata: Any) -> dict: return json.loads(to_json_str(jsondata))
[docs]def no_cache_json_response(data: Any, date_conversion: bool = False) -> Response: """Returns a JSON response that prevents any caching of the result.""" response = json_response(data, date_conversion=date_conversion) return add_no_cache_headers(response)
[docs]def add_no_cache_headers(response: Response): response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-store, must-revalidate" return response
[docs]def add_csp_header(response: Response, value: str = "sandbox"): response.headers["Content-Security-Policy"] = value return response
[docs]def ok_response() -> Response: return json_response({"status": "ok"})
[docs]def empty_response(): return json_response({"empty": True})
[docs]def pad_csv_data(data: list[list[Any]]) -> list[list[str]]: """ Pad each column with spaces to the maximum length of the column. :param data: :return: """ max_lengths = [] for column in zip(*data): max_lengths.append(max(len(str(cell)) for cell in column)) new_data = [] for row in data: new_row = [] for i, cell in enumerate(row): cell = str(cell) new_row.append(cell.ljust(max_lengths[i])) new_data.append(new_row) return new_data
[docs]def csv_string( data: list[list[Any]], dialect: str, delimiter: str = ",", quoting: int = QUOTE_MINIMAL, pad_spaces: bool = False, ) -> str: line = StringIO() if pad_spaces: data = pad_csv_data(data) try: writer = csv.writer(line, dialect=dialect, delimiter=delimiter, quoting=quoting) except csv.Error: writer = csv.writer(line) for csv_line in data: writer.writerow(csv_line) return line.getvalue() # .strip('\r\n') # let the last lf be there
[docs]def iter_csv( data: list[list[Any]], dialect: str, delimiter: str = ",", quoting: int = QUOTE_MINIMAL, pad_spaces: bool = False, ): line = StringIO() if pad_spaces: data = pad_csv_data(data) try: writer = csv.writer(line, dialect=dialect, delimiter=delimiter, quoting=quoting) except csv.Error: writer = csv.writer(line) for csv_line in data: writer.writerow(csv_line) yield line.truncate(0)
[docs]def csv_response( data, dialect="excel", delimiter=",", quoting: int = QUOTE_MINIMAL, pad_spaces: bool = False, ): return Response( stream_with_context(iter_csv(data, dialect, delimiter, quoting, pad_spaces)), mimetype="text/plain", )
[docs]def error_generic( error: str, code: int, template="error.jinja2", status: str | None = None ): if "text/html" in request.headers.get("Accept", ""): return ( render_template( template, message=error, code=code, status=http.client.responses.get(code, None) or status, ), code, ) else: return json_response({"error": error}, code)
[docs]def html_error( error: str, code: int, title=None, description="", auto_refresh=True, template="generic_html_error_standalone.jinja2", ): return ( render_template( template, error=error, code=code, title=title, description=description, auto_refresh=auto_refresh, status=http.client.responses[code], ), code, )
[docs]def get_grid_modules(): return [ "ui.grid", "ui.grid.cellNav", "ui.grid.selection", "ui.grid.exporter", "ui.grid.autoResize", "ui.grid.saveState", ]
[docs]def flash_if_visible(message: str, view_ctx: ViewContext) -> None: if not view_ctx.preview and not view_ctx.partial: flash(message)