Source code for timApp.util.pdftools

Stamping and merging pdf files with qpdf and pdflatex.
Visa Naukkarinen
import re
import subprocess
import uuid
from os import remove
from pathlib import Path
from re import escape as re_escape, compile as re_compile
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, run as subprocess_run

from flask import current_app

import timApp.plugin.plugin
from timApp.auth.accesshelper import verify_view_access
from timApp.document.docparagraph import DocParagraph
from timApp.document.viewcontext import default_view_ctx
from timApp.timdb.dbaccess import get_files_path
from timApp.upload.uploadedfile import UploadedFile
from timApp.util.logger import log_error, log_warning
from timApp.util.utils import temp_folder_path, cache_folder_path

merged_file_folder = cache_folder_path / "merged_attachments"
stamp_model_default_path = Path("static/tex/stamp_model.tex")
# Default format for stamp text.
default_stamp_format = "Kokous {date}\n\nLIITE {attachment} lista {issue}"
# How long (seconds) subprocess can take until TimeoutExpired.
default_subprocess_timeout = 30
pdfmerge_timeout = 300
# Max char count for 'attachment', 'issue' and 'date' params.
stamp_param_max_length = 40

# Custom error classes:

[docs]class PdfError(Exception): """ Inherited by all the other custom errors pdftools-module uses. """
[docs]class ModelStampMissingError(PdfError): """ Raised if model tex file for creating stamps can't be found. """ def __init__(self, file_path: Path = Path("")): """ :param file_path: Path of the missing file. """ self.file_path = file_path def __str__(self): return f"Model stamp missing: {self.file_path.absolute().as_posix()}"
[docs]class ModelStampInvalidError(PdfError): """ Raised if model tex file for creating stamps is broken. """ def __init__(self, file_path: Path = Path("")): """ :param file_path: Path of the invalid file. """ self.file_path = file_path def __str__(self): return f"Model stamp corrupted: {self.file_path.absolute().as_posix()}"
[docs]class TempFolderNotFoundError(PdfError): """ Raised if the folder for temporary files is missing. """ def __init__(self, folder_path: Path = Path("")): """ :param folder_path: Path of the missing folder. """ self.folder_path = folder_path def __str__(self): return f"Folder not found: {self.folder_path.absolute().as_posix()}"
[docs]class AttachmentNotFoundError(PdfError): """ Raised when at least one pdf file in input data is missing. """ def __init__(self, file_path: str = ""): """ :param file_path: Path of the attachment pdf that caused the error. """ self.file_path = file_path def __str__(self): return f"Attachment not found: {self.file_path}"
[docs]class AttachmentNotAPdfError(PdfError): """ Raised when at least one file in input is not a pdf. """ def __init__(self, file_path: Path = Path("")): """ :param file_path: Path of the attachment that caused the error. """ self.file_path = file_path def __str__(self): return f"Attachment not a pdf: {self.file_path.absolute().as_posix()}"
[docs]class StampFileNotFoundError(PdfError): """ Raised when stamp to use is missing. """ def __init__(self, file_path: Path = Path("")): """ :param file_path: Path of the stamp file that caused the error. """ self.file_path = file_path def __str__(self): return f"Stamp-file not found: {self.file_path.absolute().as_posix()}"
[docs]class StampDataInvalidError(PdfError): """ Raised if stamp data type is wrong. """ def __init__(self, reason="", item=""): """ :param reason: The error cause explanation. :param item: Item or data that caused the error. """ self.reason = reason self.item = item def __str__(self): return f"{self.reason}: {repr(self.item)}"
[docs]class StampDataMissingAttributeError(PdfError): """ Raised when stamp data is missing one or more required attributes. """ def __init__(self, attribute: str = "", item: str = ""): """ :param attribute: The missing attribute. :param item: Item as string. """ self.attribute = attribute self.item = item def __str__(self): return f"Attribute {repr(self.attribute)} not found: {repr(self.item)}"
[docs]class StampDataEmptyError(PdfError): """ Raised if input data is an empty list. """ def __str__(self): return f"Stamp data missing"
[docs]class SubprocessError(PdfError): """ Raised when subprocesses (qpdf, pdflatex, possibly others) return error code or otherwise raise exception. """ def __init__(self, cmd: str = ""): self.cmd = cmd def __str__(self): if "qpdf" in self.cmd and " --overlay " in self.cmd: return f"Stamping process failed: {self.cmd}" elif "qpdf" in self.cmd: return f"Merging process failed: {self.cmd}" elif "pdflatex" in self.cmd: return f"Stamp creating process failed: {self.cmd}" return f"Error encountered in command: {self.cmd}"
[docs]class MergeListEmptyError(PdfError): """ Raised if empty list given to merge. """ def __str__(self): return f"No attachments to merge found"
[docs]class StampFormatInvalidError(PdfError): """ Raised if stampformat (from TIM-document settings) is incorrectly formatted. """ def __init__(self, stampformat: str = ""): self.stampformat = stampformat def __str__(self): return f"Incorrect stamp format: {self.stampformat}"
############################################################################## # Data objects:
[docs]class Attachment: def __init__( self, url: str, macro: str = "unknown", error: str = "", selected: bool = True ): self.url = url self.macro = macro self.selected = selected self.error = error
[docs] def to_json(self): return { "url": self.url, "macro": self.macro, "error": self.error, "selected": self.selected, }
[docs]class AttachmentStampData: """ Contains data to create stamp for one attachment. """ def __init__( self, file_path: Path = Path(""), date: str = "", attachment: str = "", issue: str | int = "", text: str = "", ): """ Attachment data, for example: '/files/123/liite-1.pdf', '12.3.2018', 'B', '2'. :param file_path: Attachment file path. :param date: Meeting date. :param attachment: Letter to separate attachments in same list. :param issue: List/issue number. :param text: Alternative for group of date, issue and attachment. """ self.file = file_path = date self.issue = str(issue).replace('"', "").replace("'", "").strip() self.attachment = attachment.replace('"', "").replace("'", "").strip() self.text = text def __str__(self): return ( f"{{file:'{self.file.absolute().as_posix()}', date:'{}', issue:'{self.issue}', " f"attachment:'{self.attachment}', text:'{self.text}'}}" )
[docs] def validate(self): """ Checks stamp data parameters and attachment file validity. :return: None. """ # Path is always required. if not self.file: raise StampDataMissingAttributeError("file", str(self)) # Text or date, attachment & issue are alternatives. if not self.text: if not raise StampDataMissingAttributeError("date", str(self)) if not self.attachment: raise StampDataMissingAttributeError("attachment", str(self)) if not self.issue: raise StampDataMissingAttributeError("issue", str(self)) if ( len( > stamp_param_max_length or len(self.issue) > stamp_param_max_length or len(self.attachment) > stamp_param_max_length ): raise StampDataInvalidError("too long parameter", str(self)) check_pdf_validity(self.file)
############################################################################## # Functions: tex_escapes = { "&": r"\&", "%": r"\%", "$": r"\$", "#": r"\#", "_": r"\_", "{": r"\{", "}": r"\}", "~": r"\textasciitilde{}", "^": r"\^{}", "\\": r"\textbackslash{}", "<": r"\textless{}", ">": r"\textgreater{}", } tex_escape_re = re_compile( "|".join( re_escape(key) for key in sorted(tex_escapes.keys(), key=lambda item: -len(item)) ) )
[docs]def escape_tex(text: str): """ Escapes special characters in a TeX string. Idea taken from :param text: A plain text message. :return: The message escaped to appear correctly in LaTeX. """ return tex_escape_re.sub(lambda match: tex_escapes[], text)
[docs]def test_pdf(pdf_path: Path, timeout_seconds: int = pdfmerge_timeout) -> str: """ Test pdf file suitability for qpdf. :param pdf_path: Pdf to test. :param timeout_seconds: Timeout after which error is raised. :return: Return error message (empty string if no error). """ if pdf_path.suffix != ".pdf": return "Error: Attachment is not a PDF file" if not pdf_path.exists(): return "Error: file not found; try reuploading it" args = ["qpdf", pdf_path, "--check"] p = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = p.communicate(timeout=timeout_seconds) # Return codes: if p.returncode in (1, 2): return parse_error(err.decode(encoding="utf-8")) return ""
[docs]def parse_error(message: str) -> str: """ Shortens known long PDFtk error messages and logs unexpected ones. :param message: Error message string from qpdf. :return: Pre-written error message. """ if not message: return "" if "OWNER PASSWORD REQUIRED" in message: return "Error: Unable to merge a password protected file; please remove the password requirement (including empty password)" elif ( "Error: Unable to find file" in message or "" in message ): return "Error: file not found; merging tool couldn't find the attachment, try reuploading it" elif "java.lang.ClassCastException" in message: return ( "Error: file contains errors; try recreating the file with a different tool" ) elif "Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL" in message: "Error: file URL forbidden; merging tool couldn't find the attachment link, try reuploading it" else: log_error(f"PDFtk failed to merge an attachment: {message}") return message
[docs]def merge_pdfs(pdf_file_list: list[UploadedFile], output_path: Path): """ Merges a list of PDFs using qpdf. :param pdf_file_list: List of the uploaded files (as objects) to merge. :param output_path: Merged output file path. """ if not pdf_file_list: raise MergeListEmptyError() pdf_path_args = [] for pdf in pdf_file_list: # Check view access for each file before merge. verify_view_access(pdf.block, check_parents=True) check_pdf_validity(pdf.filesystem_path) pdf_path_args += [pdf.filesystem_path] args = [ "qpdf", "--empty", "--pages", *pdf_path_args, "--", output_path.absolute().as_posix(), ] qpdf_popen(args, pdfmerge_timeout)
[docs]def parse_tim_url(par_file: str) -> Path | None: """ Parses TIM-links to point to the corresponding file on the server. Note: Changes in upload folder need to be updated here as well. :param par_file: Link from the macro. :return: TIM upload file path if the link was within TIM, otherwise pass on unchanged. """ if not par_file: return None domain = current_app.config["TIM_HOST"] if par_file.startswith("/files/"): path = get_files_path() / ("blocks" + par_file) return path elif par_file.startswith(f"{domain}/files"): path = get_files_path() / ("blocks" + par_file.replace(domain, "")) return path return None
[docs]def get_attachments_from_pars(paragraphs: list[DocParagraph]) -> list[Attachment]: """ Goes through paragraphs and gets attachments from showPdf-macros. Checks file validity with qpdf. :param paragraphs: Document paragraphs. :return: List of pdf paths and whether the list is complete. """ pdf_list = [] for par in paragraphs: if par.is_plugin() and par.get_attr("plugin") == "showPdf": par_plugin = timApp.plugin.plugin.Plugin.from_paragraph( par, default_view_ctx ) par_data = par_plugin.values par_file = par_data.get("file", None) file_path = parse_tim_url(par_file) if file_path: error_message = test_pdf(file_path) par_file = file_path.as_posix() else: error_message = "Error: Invalid PDF URL" selected = not error_message par_str = par.get_markdown() macro_name = "unknown" if "%%liite" in par_str: macro_name = "liite" elif "%%perusliite" in par_str or "unknown" in par_str: macro_name = "perusliite" selected = False # File check and GUI link require different paths. link = par_file.replace("tim_files/blocks/", "") if par_file else "" pdf_list.append( Attachment( link, error=error_message, macro=macro_name, selected=selected ) ) return pdf_list
[docs]def check_pdf_validity(pdf_path: Path) -> None: """ Raises error if pdf file doesn't exist or isn't really a pdf. :param pdf_path: Pdf to check. :return: None if not interrupted by error. """ # TODO: Use UploadedFiles and add rights check? if not pdf_path.exists(): raise AttachmentNotFoundError(pdf_path.absolute().as_posix()) if ".pdf" not in pdf_path.suffix: raise AttachmentNotAPdfError(pdf_path)
[docs]def get_stamp_text(item: AttachmentStampData, text_format: str) -> str: """ Gives formatted stamp text; note: may not work properly with non-ascii. :param item: AttachmentStampData with 'date','attachment' and 'issue' attributes or alternatively just 'text'. :param text_format: Formatting for filename, meeting date, attachment letter and issue/list number. :return: Either contents of 'text' attribute or a formatted string. """ # Normal formatted stamp data takes precedence. try: return text_format.format( file=Path(escape_tex(item.file.absolute().as_posix())).name, date=escape_tex(, attachment=escape_tex(item.attachment), issue=escape_tex(item.issue), ) # If stamp data has only a free-form text, use that. # TODO: Untested, because the stamping initiated from TIM doesn't use 'text'. except (AttributeError, ValueError, SyntaxError): try: return item.text # If object doesn't have 'text'-attribute either; # normally this part is obsolete, since checks have been done before. except (AttributeError, ValueError, SyntaxError): raise StampDataMissingAttributeError("text", "") # If input data wasn't right kind of object. except TypeError: raise StampDataInvalidError("wrong type", "") # If text_format uses numbers. except IndexError: raise StampFormatInvalidError(text_format)
[docs]def create_stamp( model_path: Path, work_dir: Path, stamp_name: str, text: str, remove_pdflatex_files: bool = False, ) -> Path: """ Creates a stamp pdf file with given text into temp folder. :param model_path: Model stamp tex file's complete path; contains '%TEXT_HERE' to locate the stamp text area. :param work_dir: The folder where stamp output and temp files will be. :param stamp_name: Name of the stamp and temp files (no file extension needed). :param text: LaTeX-escaped text displayed in the stamp. :param remove_pdflatex_files: If true, newly created .aux, .log, .out and .tex files will be deleted. :return: Complete path of the created stamp pdf file. """ stamp = work_dir / f"{stamp_name}.tex" try: with"r", encoding="utf-8") as model_file: with"w+", encoding="utf-8") as stamp_temp_file: for line in model_file: if "%TEXT_HERE" in line: stamp_temp_file.write(line.replace("%TEXT_HERE", text)) else: stamp_temp_file.write(line) args = ["pdflatex", stamp_name] except UnicodeDecodeError: # If stamp_model file is broken. raise ModelStampInvalidError(model_path) except FileNotFoundError: raise ModelStampMissingError() # Directs pdflatex text flood to the log-file pdflatex will create anyway. pdflatex_log = work_dir / f"{stamp_name}.log" with"a", encoding="utf-8") as pdflatex_output: try: # Pdflatex can't write files outside of the work dir so uses cwd. rc = subprocess_run( args, stdout=pdflatex_output, cwd=work_dir.absolute().as_posix(), timeout=default_subprocess_timeout, ).returncode if rc != 0: raise SubprocessError(" ".join(args)) except: raise SubprocessError(" ".join(args)) # Optional; deletes the files pdflatex created, except the stamp-pdf file, # which is obviously needed for stamping. if remove_pdflatex_files: remove_temp_files(work_dir, stamp_name, ["aux", "log", "out", "tex"]) return work_dir / f"{stamp_name}.pdf"
[docs]def stamp_pdf( pdf_path: Path, stamp_path: Path, output_path: Path, remove_stamp: bool = False ) -> Path: """ Creates a new stamped pdf file (with stamp overlay on each page). :param pdf_path: Path of the pdf to stamp. :param stamp_path: Path of the stamp file. :param output_path: Path of the new stamped pdf. :param remove_stamp: Delete stamp file after use. :return: output_path """ if not pdf_path.exists(): raise AttachmentNotFoundError(pdf_path.absolute().as_posix()) if not stamp_path.exists(): raise StampFileNotFoundError(stamp_path) args = [ "qpdf", pdf_path.absolute().as_posix(), "--overlay", stamp_path.absolute().as_posix(), "--", output_path.absolute().as_posix(), ] qpdf_popen(args) # Optionally clean up the stamp-pdf after use. if remove_stamp: remove(stamp_path.absolute().as_posix()) return output_path
[docs]def qpdf_popen(args: list[str], timeout_seconds=default_subprocess_timeout) -> None: """ Calls Popen with args list for QPDF, checks QPDF-specific error code and raises error if timeouted. :param args: List of arguments. :param timeout_seconds: Timeout after which error is raised. :return: None. """ try: p = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = p.communicate(timeout=timeout_seconds) rc = p.returncode # QPDF return codes: if rc in (1, 2): raise SubprocessError(err.decode(encoding="utf-8")) except FileNotFoundError: raise SubprocessError(" ".join(args))
[docs]def remove_temp_files(dir_path: Path, temp_file_name: str, ext_list: list[str]) -> None: """ Deletes temp files created for the stamping process. :param dir_path: Temp-file folder path. :param temp_file_name: Common part of the names. :param ext_list: List of extensions (after the common part) for files to remove. :return: None. """ for ext in ext_list: try: file_to_remove = dir_path / f"{temp_file_name}.{ext}" file_to_remove.unlink() # Removes the rest of files even if some are missing. except FileNotFoundError: continue
[docs]def check_stamp_data_validity(stamp_data_list: list[AttachmentStampData]) -> None: """ Raises a specific error if stamp_data is invalid. :param stamp_data_list: List of objects containing the stamp data. :return: None, but will raise error if something invalid. """ # If empty list. if not stamp_data_list: raise StampDataEmptyError() for item in stamp_data_list: item.validate()
[docs]def create_tex_file(content: str, folder: Path = temp_folder_path) -> Path: """ Creates tex file with random name and input content. :param content: LaTeX content in string.format. :param folder: Folder where new file will be added. :return: Path-object for the new file. """ path = folder / f"{uuid.uuid4()}.tex" with"w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(content) return path
[docs]def stamp_pdfs( stamp_data: list[AttachmentStampData], stamp_model_path: Path = stamp_model_default_path, stamp_text_format: str = default_stamp_format, ) -> list[Path]: """ Creates new stamps and stamps the corresponding pdfs based on the data in a list of AttachmentStampData objects. :param stamp_data: List of objects containing pdf-paths and stamp-attributes. :param stamp_model_path: Tex file to be used as model for stamps. :param stamp_text_format: Formatting for stamp text, with attributes: file, date, attachment and issue. :return: List of stamped pdf paths. """ stamped_pdfs = [] # Check if model stamp exists. if not stamp_model_path.exists(): raise ModelStampMissingError(stamp_model_path) # Checks multiple potential problems and raises error if invalid. check_stamp_data_validity(stamp_data) for item in stamp_data: dir_path: Path = item.file.parent # Names and paths of new files to use as params. item_basename = item.file.stem item_stamp_name_no_ext = item_basename + "_stamp" item_stamp_path = dir_path / f"{item_stamp_name_no_ext}.pdf" item_stamped_name = item_basename + "_stamped.pdf" item_stamped_path = dir_path / item_stamped_name create_stamp( stamp_model_path, dir_path, item_stamp_name_no_ext, get_stamp_text(item, stamp_text_format), remove_pdflatex_files=True, ) stamp_pdf(item.file, item_stamp_path, item_stamped_path, remove_stamp=True) stamped_pdfs.append(item_stamped_path) return stamped_pdfs
# Match Producer: GPL Ghostscript from pdf info ghostscript_regex = re.compile(r"Producer:\s*GPL Ghostscript")
[docs]def is_pdf_producer_ghostscript(f: UploadedFile): p = Popen( [ "pdfinfo", f.filesystem_path, ], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, ) out, err = p.communicate(timeout=default_subprocess_timeout) stdout = out.decode(encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") if p.returncode != 0: # Return false just in case to force Ghostscript to be used return False # If the producer is Ghostscript, InfoValue contains also Ghostscript version, but let's not hardcode it here. result = is not None return result
[docs]def compress_pdf_if_not_already(f: UploadedFile): # If the PDF producer is Ghostscript, let's assume this PDF has already been compressed. # It's unlikely that any end user uses it. if is_pdf_producer_ghostscript(f): return compress_pdf(f)
[docs]class CompressionError(Exception): pass
[docs]def compress_pdf(f: UploadedFile): p = f.filesystem_path orig = p.rename(p.with_name(p.stem + "_original.pdf")) stdout = run_ghostscript(orig, p) # It seems Ghostscript can silently fail by leaving the output file empty, # and without printing anything to stdout or stderr, # so we need to check for the file size here. if "**** Error:" in stdout or f.size == 0: log_warning(f"GS errored when converting {p}; trying with pdftops") pdftopsresult = [ "pdftops", orig, ], capture_output=True, ) psfile = orig.with_suffix(".ps") pdftops_stderr = pdftopsresult.stderr.decode() if pdftops_stderr and not psfile.exists(): orig.rename(p) raise CompressionError() stdout = run_ghostscript(psfile, p) if stdout: log_warning(f"GS output from PS conversion: {stdout}") psfile.unlink() orig.unlink()
[docs]def run_ghostscript(inputfile: Path, outputfile: Path) -> str: result = [ "gs", "-q", "-dNOPAUSE", "-dBATCH", "-dSAFER", "-dSimulateOverprint=true", "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite", "-dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook", "-dEmbedAllFonts=true", "-dSubsetFonts=true", "-dAutoRotatePages=/None", "-dColorImageDownsampleType=/Bicubic", "-dColorImageResolution=150", "-dGrayImageDownsampleType=/Bicubic", "-dGrayImageResolution=150", "-dMonoImageDownsampleType=/Bicubic", "-dMonoImageResolution=150", f"-sOutputFile={outputfile}", inputfile, ], capture_output=True, ) stdout = result.stdout.decode() return stdout