Functions to produce random lists.
For documentation, see: https://tim.jyu.fi/view/tim/ohjeita/satunnaistus
import json
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass
from random import Random
from typing import Union, Callable, TypeVar
class SeedClass:
seed: int
extraseed: int = 0
SeedType = Union[str, int, SeedClass]
[docs]def fix_jso(jso: str) -> str:
"""If jso does not start with [ and two to make it list of lists."""
if jso == "":
return "[[1]]"
if jso.startswith("["):
return jso
return "[[" + jso + "]]"
[docs]def sep_n_and_jso(jso: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
Separates repeat factor and json string from string. Separator is * or :
If no repeat factor, return just json string.
For example:
"3*7" -> 3, [[7]]
"3" -> -1, [[3]]
:param jso: string to check
:return: repeat factor and json-str that stands for a list
idx = jso.find(":")
if idx < 0:
idx = jso.find("*")
if idx < 0:
return -1, fix_jso(jso) # means no repeat factor
n_str = jso[:idx]
jso = jso[idx + 1 :]
n = int(n_str)
if n < 0:
n = 0
except ValueError:
n = -1
n = min(n, MAX_RND_LIST_LEN)
return n, fix_jso(jso)
[docs]def get_sample_list(myrandom: Random, jso: str) -> list[int]:
Returns a list of unique ints from the given interval.
:param myrandom: random number generator
:param jso: string to find the values
:return: list of unique ints
idx = jso.find(":")
if idx < 0:
idx = jso.find("*")
if idx < 0:
n_str = jso
jso = ""
n_str = jso[:idx]
jso = jso[idx + 1 :]
n = int(n_str)
except ValueError:
n = 1
n = min(n, MAX_RND_LIST_LEN)
ret = []
if len(jso) == 0: # s10
ints = list(range(0, n, 1))
return ints
if not jso.startswith("["): # s10*50
jso = "[" + jso + "]"
r = json.loads(jso)
if len(r) < 2: # s10*[50]
r.insert(0, 0)
step = 1
if len(r) > 2:
step = r[2]
if n == 1: # handle s1: same as normal range
ret = [myrandom.randrange(r[0], r[1] + 1, step)]
return ret
count = r[1] - r[0]
if count > 500:
raise ValueError(f"Too big range for s: {r[0]}-{r[1]}")
ints = list(range(r[0], r[1] + 1, step))
i = n
while i >= len(ints):
i -= len(ints)
return ret
[docs]def get_int_list(myrandom: Random, jso: str) -> list[int]:
Returns list of random ints from given interval.
:param myrandom: random number generator
:param jso: string to find the values
:return: list of random ints ints
ranges = json.loads(jso)
if isinstance(ranges, int): # only on item, rnd=6
return [myrandom.randint(0, ranges)]
ret = []
for r in ranges:
if isinstance(r, int): # only on item, rnd=[6, 4]
ret.append(myrandom.randint(0, r))
if len(r) < 2:
r.insert(0, 0)
step = 1
if len(r) > 2:
step = r[2]
ret.append(myrandom.randrange(r[0], r[1] + 1, step))
return ret
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs]def repeat_rnd(
list_func: Callable[[Random, str], list[T]], myrandom: Random, jso: str
) -> list[T] | None:
:param list_func: function to produce random list
:param myrandom: random number generator
:param jso: string to parse instructions
:return: list of random numbers
n, jso = sep_n_and_jso(jso)
if n == 0:
return None
rnds = list_func(myrandom, jso)
lr = len(rnds)
if n < 0:
n = lr
if lr >= n:
return rnds[0:n]
ret = rnds
i = n - lr
while i > lr:
rnds = list_func(myrandom, jso)
i -= lr
return ret
# Mypy needs capital "Tuple" here.
State = tuple[int, ...]
[docs]def get_rnds(
attrs: dict,
name: str = "rnd",
rnd_seed: SeedType | None = None,
state: State | None = None,
) -> tuple[list[float] | list[int] | None, SeedType | None, State | None]:
Returns list of random numbers based on attribute name (def: rnd) and rnd_seed.
:param attrs: dict of attributes
:param name: name in attribute dict to use as instructions for the random numbers
:param rnd_seed: random number initializion seed, if seed is None, use time
:param state of last used generator
:return: list of random numbers and used seed
if attrs is None:
return None, rnd_seed, state
jso = attrs.get(name, None)
if jso is None:
return None, rnd_seed, state
seed_to_use = rnd_seed
attrs_seed = attrs.get("seed", None)
if attrs_seed is not None:
if attrs_seed == "" or attrs_seed == "time":
seed_to_use = int(time.perf_counter() * 1000)
elif attrs_seed == "answernr":
if isinstance(rnd_seed, SeedClass):
seed_to_use = rnd_seed.seed + rnd_seed.extraseed
seed_to_use = attrs_seed
if isinstance(seed_to_use, SeedClass):
seed_to_use = seed_to_use.seed
if isinstance(seed_to_use, str):
seed_to_use = myhash(seed_to_use)
# noinspection PyBroadException
if seed_to_use is None:
seed_to_use = int(time.perf_counter() * 1000)
myrandom = Random()
if state:
if jso.startswith("s"): # s10:[1,7,2], s10, s10:50, s10:[0,50]
return get_sample_list(myrandom, jso[1:]), seed_to_use, myrandom.getstate()
if jso.startswith("u"): # u[[0,1],[100,110],[-30,-20],[0.001,0.002]], u6
return (
repeat_rnd(get_uniform_list, myrandom, jso[1:]),
ret = repeat_rnd(get_int_list, myrandom, jso)
return ret, seed_to_use, myrandom.getstate()
[docs]def get_rands_as_dict(
attrs: dict, rnd_seed: SeedType | None, state: State | None = None
) -> tuple[dict | None, SeedType | None, State | None]:
Returns a dict of random numbers variables (each is a list of random numbers).
:param attrs: dict where may be attrinute rndnames:"rnd1,rnd2,..,rndn". Of no names, "rnd"
is assumed
:param rnd_seed: seed to initialize the generator
:param state of last used generator
:return: dict of random variables
if attrs is None:
return None, rnd_seed, state
names = attrs.get("rndnames", "rnd").split(",")
ret: dict = {}
for name in names:
rnds, rnd_seed, state = get_rnds(attrs, name, rnd_seed, state)
if rnds is None:
ret[name] = rnds
if not ret:
return None, rnd_seed, state
ret["seed"] = rnd_seed
return ret, rnd_seed, state
[docs]def get_rands_as_str(
attrs: dict, rnd_seed: SeedType | None, state: State | None = None
) -> tuple[str, SeedType | None, State | None]:
Returns a Jinja2 str of random numbers variables (each is a list of random numbers).
:param attrs: dict where may be attrinute rndnames:"rnd1,rnd2,..,rndn". Of no names, "rnd"
is assumed
:param rnd_seed: seed to initialize the generator
:param state of last used generator
:return: Jinja 2 str of random variables
if attrs is None:
return "", rnd_seed, state
rands, rnd_seed, state = get_rands_as_dict(attrs, rnd_seed, state)
if rands is None:
return "", rnd_seed, state
ret = ""
for name, rnds in rands.items():
if rnds is None:
ret += "{% set " + name + "=" + str(rnds) + " %}\n"
return ret, rnd_seed, state
[docs]def myhash(s: str) -> int:
Simple hash function to give always same hash for same input.
:param s: string to hash
:return: simple hash
csum = 0
for c in s:
csum += ord(c)
return csum