"""Utility functions."""
import base64
import hashlib
import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import struct
import traceback
from concurrent.futures import Future
from dataclasses import fields, asdict
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from enum import Enum
from itertools import tee
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
from types import TracebackType, FrameType
from typing import Any, Sequence, Callable, TypeVar, Iterable
import dateutil.parser
import jinja2
import pytz
import requests
from lxml.html import HtmlElement
from tim_common.html_sanitize import sanitize_html
[docs]def get_exception_code(ex: Exception, tb: TracebackType | None = None) -> str:
Creates a unique code for the exception and the optional traceback.
The code can be used for short identification of errors.
:param ex: Exception object
:param tb: Optional traceback object
:return: A string code of format ExceptionType[_HexCode] where _HexCode is generated from the traceback
t = type(ex)
result = f"{t.__module__}.{t.__qualname__}"
if tb:
h = hashlib.shake_128()
for f, _ in traceback.walk_tb(tb): # type: FrameType, Any
result += f"_{h.hexdigest(2)}"
return result
[docs]def datestr_to_relative(d: str | datetime) -> str:
if isinstance(d, str):
d = datetime.strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
return date_to_relative(d) if d else ""
[docs]def date_to_relative(d: datetime) -> str:
"""Converts the given datetime object to relative string representation, such as "2 days ago", etc.
:param d: The datetime object to convert.
:return: A string representing the given date relative to current time.
diff = get_current_time() - d
s = diff.seconds
if diff.days > 7 or diff.days < 0:
return (datetime.now() - diff).strftime("%d %b %y")
elif diff.days == 1:
return "1 day ago"
elif diff.days > 1:
return f"{diff.days} days ago"
elif s <= 1:
return "just now"
elif s < 60:
return f"{s} seconds ago"
elif s < 120:
return "1 minute ago"
elif s < 3600:
return f"{s // 60} minutes ago"
elif s < 7200:
return "1 hour ago"
return f"{s // 3600} hours ago"
[docs]def count_chars_from_beginning(md: str, char: str) -> int:
num = 0
for c in md:
if c == char:
num += 1
return num
[docs]def get_error_html(message: str | Exception, response: str | None = None) -> str:
"""Wraps an error message in an HTML element with class 'error'.
:param response: The plugin response string.
:param message: The message to be displayed in the error.
:return: The sanitized error message HTML.
return sanitize_html(
'<span class="error" ng-non-bindable>{}{}</span>'.format(
f"<pre>---Full response string start---\n{response}\n---Full response string end---</pre>"
if response is not None
else "",
[docs]def get_error_html_block(
title: str, message: str | Exception, response: str | None = None
) -> str:
"""Wraps an error message in a block-level HTML element with class 'error'.
:param title: Title of the error.
:param response: The plugin response string.
:param message: The message to be displayed in the error.
:return: The sanitized error message HTML.
return sanitize_html(
'<div class="error" ng-non-bindable><strong>{}</strong>{}{}</div>'.format(
f"<pre>{message}</pre>" if message else "",
f"<pre>---Full response string start---\n{response}\n---Full response string end---</pre>"
if response is not None
else "",
[docs]def get_error_tex(title: str, message: str | Exception) -> str:
"""Wraps an error message in a TeX element 'timpluginerror'.
:param title: The plugin response string.
:param message: The message to be displayed in the error.
:return: The sanitized error message HTML.
return f"\\timpluginerror{{ {title} }}{{ {str(message)} }}"
[docs]def del_content(
directory: Path, onerror: Callable[[Any, str, Any], Any] | None = None
) -> None:
for f in os.listdir(directory):
f_path = os.path.join(directory, f)
if os.path.isfile(f_path):
elif os.path.isdir(f_path):
shutil.rmtree(f_path, onerror=onerror)
except Exception as e:
[docs]def split_location(path: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
"""Given a path 'a/b/c/d', returns a tuple ('a/b/c', 'd')."""
rs = path.rfind("/")
return ("", path) if rs < 0 else (path[:rs], path[rs + 1 :])
[docs]def join_location(location: str, name: str) -> str:
return name if location == "" else location + "/" + name
[docs]def relative_location(location: str, base: str) -> str:
"""Returns the location of location relative to base."""
return str(PurePosixPath(location).relative_to(base))
[docs]def get_sql_template(value_list: list) -> str:
return ",".join(["%s"] * len(value_list))
[docs]def pycharm_running() -> bool:
return os.environ.get("PYCHARM_HOSTED") == "1"
[docs]def remove_path_special_chars(item_path: str) -> str:
return re.sub(
"[^a-zA-Z0-9/_-]", "", item_path.translate(str.maketrans(" äöåÄÖÅ", "-aoaAOA"))
[docs]def title_to_id(s: str) -> str:
"""Converts a HTML heading to id attribute. Tries to be equivalent to what Pandoc does."""
if s is None:
return "section"
if not any(c.isalpha() for c in s):
return "section"
s = re.sub(r"[^\w-]", " ", s.lower())
s = "-".join(s.split())
return s
[docs]def getdatetime(s: str, default_val: datetime | None = None) -> datetime | None:
dt = dateutil.parser.parse(s, dayfirst=not "Z" in s)
return dt if dt.tzinfo is not None else dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return default_val
[docs]def trim_markdown(text: str) -> str:
"""Trims the specified text. Don't trim spaces from left side because they may indicate a code block.
:param text: The text to be trimmed.
:return: The trimmed text.
return text.rstrip().strip("\r\n")
[docs]def remove_prefix(text: str, prefix: str) -> str:
if text.startswith(prefix):
return text[len(prefix) :]
return text
[docs]def include_keys(obj: dict[str, Any], *keys: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {k: v for k, v in obj.items() if k in keys}
[docs]def exclude_keys(obj: dict[str, Any], *keys: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {k: v for k, v in obj.items() if k not in keys}
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class cached_property:
A property that is only computed once per instance and then replaces itself
with an ordinary attribute. Deleting the attribute resets the property.
Source: https://github.com/bottlepy/bottle/commit/fa7733e075da0d790d809aa3d2f53071897e6f76
def __init__(self, func: Callable):
self.__doc__ = getattr(func, "__doc__")
self.func = func
def __get__(self, obj: Any, cls: Any) -> Any:
if obj is None:
return self
value = obj.__dict__[self.func.__name__] = self.func(obj)
return value
[docs]def try_load_json(json_str: str | None) -> None | str | Any:
if json_str is not None:
return json.loads(json_str)
return None
except ValueError:
return json_str
[docs]def get_boolean(s: bool | int | str, default: bool) -> bool:
if s is None:
return default
if isinstance(s, bool):
return s
if isinstance(s, int):
return s != 0
result = s
lresult = result.lower().strip()
if len(lresult) == 0:
return default
if "f0y".find(lresult[0]) >= 0:
return False
if "t1n".find(lresult[0]) >= 0:
return True
return True
[docs]def get_static_tim_doc_path() -> Path:
return Path("static/tim_docs")
[docs]def static_tim_doc(path: str) -> str:
return f"static/tim_docs/{path}"
[docs]def decode_csplugin(text: HtmlElement) -> dict[str, Any]:
return json.loads(base64.b64decode(text.get("json")))["markup"]
[docs]def get_current_time() -> datetime:
return datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc)
[docs]def seq_to_str(lst: Sequence[str]) -> str:
if len(lst) == 1:
return lst[0]
return f", ".join(lst[:-1]) + " and " + lst[-1]
[docs]def split_by_semicolon(p: str) -> list[str]:
return [s.strip() for s in p.split(";")]
[docs]def get_error_message(e: Exception) -> str:
Gives error message with error class.
:param e: Exception.
:return: String 'ErrorClass: reason'.
return f"{str(e.__class__.__name__)}: {str(e)}"
Range = tuple[int, int]
TASK_PROG = re.compile(
r"([\w\.]*)(:\w*)?\( *(\d*) *, *(\d*) *\)(.*)"
) # see https://regex101.com/r/ZZuizF/4
TASK_NAME_PROG = re.compile(
) # see https://regex101.com/r/CFOLgd/1
[docs]def widen_fields(fields: list[str] | str) -> list[str]:
if there is syntax d(1,3) in fileds, it is made d1,d2
from d(1,3)=t would come d1=t1, d2=t2
:param fields: list of fields
:return: array fields widened
fields1 = []
if not isinstance(fields, list):
fields = fields.split(";")
for field in fields:
parts = field.split(";")
rfields = []
for field in fields1:
field = field.strip()
if not field:
parts = field.split("=")
t = parts[0].strip()
a = None
if len(parts) > 1:
a = parts[1].strip()
match = re.search(TASK_PROG, t)
if not match:
tb = match.group(1)
ft = match.group(2) or ""
n1 = int(match.group(3))
n2 = int(match.group(4))
te = match.group(5)
for i in range(n1, n2 + 1):
tn = tb + str(i) + te
if not tb:
tn = ""
tn += ft
if a is not None: # a is allowed to be empty
tn += "=" + a + str(i)
return rfields
[docs]def get_alias(name: str) -> str:
Get name part form string like 534.d1.points
:param name: full name of field
:return: just name part of field, like d1
t = name.strip()
match = re.search(TASK_NAME_PROG, t)
if not match:
return name
return match.group(2)
fin_timezone = pytz.timezone("Europe/Helsinki")
local_timezone = fin_timezone # TODO: find real local timezone somewhere
temp_folder_path = Path("/tmp")
cache_folder_path = Path("/cache")
# TODO: Use an email validation library.
[docs]def is_valid_email(email: str) -> bool:
parts = email.split("@")
if len(parts) != 2:
return False
username, domain = parts
if username.startswith(".") or username.endswith(".") or ".." in username:
return False
return (
re.match(r"^[\w.+-]+$", username) is not None
and re.match(r"^([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,}$", domain) is not None
[docs]def convert_email_to_lower(email_or_username: str) -> str:
email_or_username = email_or_username.strip()
if is_valid_email(email_or_username):
return email_or_username.lower()
return email_or_username
[docs]def approximate_real_name(email: str) -> str:
nameparts = email.split("@")[0].split(".")
approx_name = f"{nameparts[-1].title()} {nameparts[0].title()}"
return approx_name
[docs]def get_dataclass_field_names(d: Any) -> set[str]:
return {f.name for f in fields(d)}
[docs]def dataclass_to_bytearray(x: Any) -> bytearray:
b = bytearray()
for k, v in asdict(x).items():
append_to_bytearray(b, v)
return b
[docs]def append_to_bytearray(b: bytearray, v: Any) -> None:
if v is None:
elif isinstance(v, str):
elif isinstance(v, bool):
elif isinstance(v, int):
b.extend(v.to_bytes(4, "little", signed=True))
elif isinstance(v, float):
b.extend(struct.pack("f", v))
elif isinstance(v, tuple):
for m in v:
append_to_bytearray(b, m)
elif isinstance(v, Enum):
append_to_bytearray(b, v.value)
raise Exception(f"Unhandled type: {type(v)}")
[docs]def read_json_lines(file_to_read: Path) -> list[dict]:
with file_to_read.open() as f:
content = f.read()
json_str = f'[{",".join(content.splitlines())}]'
loaded_json = json.loads(json_str)
return loaded_json
[docs]def wait_response_and_collect_error(f: Future, h: str, errors: list[str]) -> None:
resp: requests.Response = f.result()
except Exception as e:
errors.append(f"Connection to {h} failed: {e}")
if resp.status_code != 200:
f"{resp.request.url} returned status {resp.status_code} and text {resp.text}"
[docs]def collect_errors_from_hosts(futures: list[Future], hosts: list[str]) -> list[str]:
errors: list[str] = []
for f, h in zip(futures, hosts):
wait_response_and_collect_error(f, h, errors)
return errors
[docs]def render_raw_template_string(template: str, **context: Any) -> str:
Renders a Jinja2 template outside Flask's context. Skips any injected variables.
:param template: Template to render.
:param context: Specific values to inject.
:return: Rendered template.
return jinja2.Template(template).render(**context)
TItem = TypeVar("TItem")
[docs]def partition(
pred: Callable[[TItem], bool], iterable: Iterable[TItem]
) -> tuple[Iterable[TItem], Iterable[TItem]]:
Use a predicate to partition entries into false entries and true entries.
:param pred: Predicate to determine in which tuple entries will be placed.
:param iterable: Iterable that is divided into a tuple based on the predicate.
:return: True entries go to the left, and false entries to the right.
# Create two buffered iterators: values of i1 are cached for i2 to use
i1, i2 = tee((pred(item), item) for item in iterable)
return [item for t, item in i1 if t], [item for t, item in i2 if not t]